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<geri> it's pretty interesting that floating point numbers automatically round
<geri> i was trying to add up some numbers representing money and only remembered there are no floats in pil when i got an accurate answer but rounded up
<geri> (+ 0.5 0.5) is 2, ouch
<geri> ah, reader rounds em out somehow
<geri> interesting
<geri> also the "write your own reader" is so metal
<abu[7]> Hmm, th
<abu[7]> oops
<geri> th!
<abu[7]> There in more info about fixpoints in
<geri> ohh thats fancy
<geri> i really like the idea of this solution
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<geri> is there some sort of library repository outside of picolisp's git itself?
<abu[7]> I think aw- has some practical stuff
<geri> okay, thanks
<geri> gtg, enjoy the evening
<abu[7]> You too! :)
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