hey, do we have anything to connect to AF_UNIX sockets?
(probably not...)
Only what is in @lib/net.l
do i gotta like clone the port function, adjust the values for AF_UNIX and pray? :D
I have not investigated, What do you need them for?
you can talk to a running MPV player instance via ipc, ive made a music player using that fact and wanted to know if i'd be able to do it with pure picolisp instead of sh + socat + jq or cl with a json library
(yes im stupid)
No, a valid idea
its real fun too
its really cool i technically can do it with pico if i know C well enough, although it sucks that i dont know it well enough
so i guess ill have to scour through all of net lib
The network stuff is really tedious
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i kinda know already, but not on the same level
I'm also not good at that
Took most from existing examples
do you use pil scripts with vi's !! operator?
just curious
Yes, sometimes. Why not? There is nothing special.
why not indeed
on my system pil scripts are between dash and bash performance wise
closer to dash, but you cant compare usability of dash to a lisp
there is also miniPicoLisp and ErsatzLisp
oh right
wait, did you write miniPico too?
i can relate
if a function is defined to only take one function and 2 are passed, second one is completely ignored right?
it seems so, just want to confirm :D
Superfluous arguments in general are ignored, missing args are bound to NIL
its nice to not eval extra stuff
and no need for optionals if everything is optional :D
The callee can decide what to do with the NILs
interesting that most builtins seem to only take a single any as an argument
i guess any x in this case means any arguments, any amount, any type
As I said, they are *all* FSUBRs
they take the list of unevaluated args
explicit eval everywhere!
i remember that fexpressions are hard to make compile efficiently, is it because evals are hard to compile efficiently? (iirc)
It is because FEXPRs get their code-argument(s) as data which cannot be well compiled statically. I think this has nothing to do with 'eval' per se.
just managed to find anything on the web related to fexprs xd
so basically as far as i understood - they were present in mac and inter lisps but were "deprecated" because its easier to compile macros efficiently
Ok, and FSUBRs are the built-in equivalents
Yes, I think so too
whats the difference between fexprs and fsubrs?
FSUBRs are built-in (low level)
llwm or C
Same behavior
had performance changed much since rewrite from assembly to llvm?
Not really
but you get to write pico in itself
yes, and more portable most of all
like itd work on risc-v?
yes, there is a problem on RISC-V, it does not have a condition code register
Pil64's vm needed a CCR
new one doesnt?
LLWM-IR has a kind of carry flag and overflow mechanisms which is enough
hi geri & abu :)
Hi beneroth!
geri, FEXPR are interpreters in itself. so cannot be compiled because you don't know what they will do until you call them with arguments (and the arguments then influence their behavior)
so the journey with main version is like "C so that it works" > "Assembly so it's fast" > "LLVM so it's fast and written in itself!" ?
theoretically they could be compiled if you would know all possible arguments in your program. but if some of these arguments come from user input..then impossible
(and portable)
hi all
assembly was because it was easier (memory management), not for performance
pil21 works on riscv
Hi tankf33der
so many people!
hey tankf33der
WOHOOOO great!
all tests passes.
all tests passed.
awesome, thanks for testing!
The problem with FEXPs is that you don't know what is code and what is data, and *when* to execute the code
It can be executed conditionally etc
beneroth: asm memory management being easier than C memory mangement sounds like a meme
or maybe it is indeed because its general/generic assembly instead
oh wait, is every extra argument unevaled because everything is unevaled by default?? :D
makes sense
It is a consequence
geri it's not a meme. in C memory allocation happens in blocks, and if you want a larger block you cannot resize the existing one but need to re-allocate the whole block. in asm you can extend the existing memory block.
asm gives more fine-granular control than C
But in both asm and llvm you will call malloc()
So it ends up the same
as in C
if you were to rewrite all of picolisp core from scratch, how long would it take you? abu[7]
i feel now as if thats what you do instead of drinking coffee in the mornings
hmm, iirc pil21 took a few weeks, and then two years to get it all rounded up
I always wrote these versions parallel to my work
Used them in projects
sounds like any projects i work on
So it did not feel like extra work ;)
plus it might be a fun hobby for you too
OK, sorry, have a meeting soon, must prepare
although after so much time it could get tedious and exhausting
good luck
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abu[7]: do you know japanese?
Yes, some, but I forgot a lot during the last 35 years
im griding anki cards every day, although kinda poorly lately
the backtick youve explained, but where do i see what ~ does?
also about penti - any plans to distribute it with fdroid?
I would like to, but did not succeed
aw, what was the problem?
The procedure is complicated, and you need a git repo whicH I don't have
Mia created one, but she also did not succeed
She asked for help at F-Droid but without avail
where do you store the source code?
In my own incremental directory tree
incremental backups
I have my own version control so to say
I always release TGZs, also for PicoLisp, PilBox
It is just a snapshot
i mean, my files are just rsynced onto my usb drive for backup
although all of my projects use git
discrimination against tar lovers(
I hate Git and all existing repos I tried, because they destroy the metadata
I depend on the metadata for all I do
what kind of metadata?
E.g in Vip you get the whole directory tree sorted by modification date
(vi "pil21")
You still have *all* time stamps correct
I can see what I worked on when
That's lost if you pull from Git et al
I still have files from the early 1990s with correct times
ALL my file management tools depend on correct times
When I modify a file, and then revert, I never undo by editing
Instead I fetch the old version from my repo to get the original timestamp too
See also :bak and :kab in Vip
The maintain stamps too
ive recently switched from having a single directory full of configs to multiple for specific kinds of things because emacs config is like 1k lines and some other stuff, so ill probably need get something like incremental backups working to share configs between phone and pc
what the hell, i just learned about superparens
why arent they used more
A matter of taste perhaps
this is kinda really cool
except also harder to jump to matching paren
Vip handlen super parens correctly
i should probably try to fix it up in the elisp package im using
i hadnt seen it being used once in the source code yet though
I use it in the REPL sometimes
In source I somehow prefer (foo) ) ) )
i hate spaced out closing parens with passion 🙂
They structure the code in a more readable way :)
i find it more readable with just closing parens without spaces, but then again, i aint used to seeing that
] or ))))) cuts it off too harshly
did you not add the ] reader macro?
What does it do?
super parentheses? xd
apparently its a read macro
Ah! Well, not really a macro, cause it does not expand to something