that's what im using, is anything wrong with it?
No, but 'N avoids unnecessary building the string
well i need the path, so its necessary
The path is returned as a list in 'R'
from the automatic buffer created by native
If you want to use 'S, you can pass null for the buffer
but then you must keep the pointer
and free() it
i.e. use 'P or 'N
convert to string using 'struct`
then free the pointer
tedious :)
do i have a memory leak rn?
Not if you use (R (`PATH_MAX C . `PATH_MAX))
Then native allocates *and* deallocabnes
scroll a bit up, i have 'S for return result and 'R for everything else
Yes, I said it is fine
ok xd
im just confused at this point :D
Just passing null would be easier but leak :)
Sorry :)
i mean, if i didnt pass anything it just crashed
Crashing is easy :)
btw, you don't need R then
to crash?
so you can omit (use R ...)
No, crashing is independent of that
Just if you pass a variable R
you need to bind it
(use R ... (%@ ... '(R ...
Because it is 'set' by the native call
(native "@" "realpath" 'S "/home/geri/.bashrc" (cons PATH_MAX C PATH_MAX))
something like that?
(i dont understand why cons works with 3 values
(%@ "realpath" 'S filePath '((`PATH_MAX C . `PATH_MAX)))
(%@ "realpath" 'S filePath '(NIL (`PATH_MAX C . `PATH_MAX)))
Just replaced R with NIL
To avoid (use R
(I suspect you did not call 'use' or 'let' for 'R')
yeah thats the whole function
So sorry, I did not want to confuse but just be correct
A correct usage of storing in R needs binding R
It works without, but may cause unexpected errors
i.e. if some caller happens to use 'R' too
It might get it overwritten
i dont really understand half of that readpath command xd
%@ is an alias for native "@", i.e. use librar(y/ies) current pil uses
'S is the return type
filepath is self-explanatory
Yeah, it is a typical C mess function
other stuff i dont understand
ik it should take a buffer and a buffer size but like what's going on at pico's side idk
yes, a bit magic
most other native calls were easy at least
Pil allocates a buffer, stores the result returned from C in 'R', and frees the buffer
/magic/ basically
Perhaps this is easier?
(buf P 4096 (%@ "realpath" 'S "lib.l" P))
i.e. we explicitly allocate a buffer on he stack
in P
oh we can allocate stuff too?
'buf' came with pil21
Many complicated constructs for 'native' may be not needed any mobe
oh hey, pico's still going smaller? :D
Always :)
sweet minimalism
time to try to write some more stuff
how is pico so fast while being interpreted anyway?
It kind of "executes" the cell structures directly
how does it happen in cl/schemes in contrast?
They are orientet towards compilation
So they need static binding, which is fast when compiled but slow to interprete
ah, so embracing the interpretation lets you do that
In addition, Pil lets each function evaluabne its args by itself
Compiled code evaluates all args, then calls the function
Thats a lot less efficient and has more overhead
oh yeah, i remember about conditional evaluation
Pil just jumps from built-in to built-n using the cell pointers
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it kinda does half of what macros do too
This is another issuue
at least most of my macros are like "please dont evaluate this"
yes, macros are good for compiled code
Pil uses FEXPs
and all built-ins are FSUBRs
so each fun decides what to do with the args
very flexible
and fast, as no "special" funs exist
cond, setq etc.
so pretty much everything is up for edits?
In which way?
like if nothing is special you can redifine almost everything
or something
btw, where'd `de` come from?
I think it is from Interlisp
The main reason is shortness
A predecessor of Pil was 8kLisp
In 8 KiB
so every byte was precious
like ed!
sorry, bbl
but wait, if space was precious, why add space when paren ends on a different line? 🤔
guessing its easier to see where stuff ends then
also raydeejay sends their regards :D
White space in source files does not matter, they are just I/O. But a symbol name like "de" is kept permanently in memory
Regards to Raydeejay too ;)
dont extra spaces *technically* increase amount of io you gotta do, making it slower? :D
That's true, a little
but skipping white space is fast
was it fast back then too?
Relatively, but of course a lot slower due to the hardware
: (bench (fibo 23))
0.003 sec
I think it was six minutes on 8kLisp
that's like 10 times faster than my bootstrapping script
on CP/M 80
how *time flies*
also i imagined you going like "oh we need to support shebang? lets make all comments start with shebang, hell with those lisp traditions" and its very funny
thats current shebang for the bootstrap script
:; is my bash prompt!
polyglot scripts are cool but an unobstructed shebang is nice to have
why does (setq a 'b) (print '(+ `a)) work but (let (a 'b) (print '(+ `a))) - no?
ive tried (let a 'b ...) too
`a is a read-macro. It is evaluated at read time, not eval time
how do i unquote properly then?
You mean the backquote in CL?
I would not call this unquote, it is a replacement
yeah, like `(a b ,c) in cl
'fill' is similar
but different syntax
and more variations
(let @X 7 (fill '(a b @X c)))
(let X 7 (fill '(a b X c) 'X))
and ^ splices whole sublists
So a read-macro is something different
The backquote is a nice short syntay
oh great, worked
Why waste such a precious char on a function
what does backquote do exactly?
(the backquote in CL is in fact a function like 'fill)
When the reader sees ` or ~, it reads the next expression, and uses the *result* in the expression being currently read
Very similar to #define macros in C perhaps
Well, just kind of :)
i think i need an example in this one
(de f () (+ 2 `(* 3 4)))
(pp 'f)
gives (+ 2 12)
cause when i hear "read macros" im thinking something like 'thing gets read as (quote thing)
Not so wrong
is it like for optimizations?
evaluate this once and never again
Yes, optim, but also avoids re-evaluation
well, eval once, insert into whatever youve been reading and never waste cpu cycles on it again
very cool
But consider `*Dbg in some sources
This is a trick :)
is backquote behaviour also written in pico?
When 'loading' a file, reading NIL is considered as EOF
so the file is not further loaded
The backquote behaviour is in the base system
in the reader
(vi 'llvm~read0)
((== C (char "`"))
this line and following
vi command doesnt work for that one, probably related to nix being itself
So not written in PicoLisp but in PilSrc
do you remember where it is in the git tree?
Ii is in @src/io.l
Line 1561
(currert version)
ah okay
i thought base would be in like C so the src folder made no sense for me
cause i know nothing about llvm
PilSrc looks like Pil, but isn't
It compiles to llvm
Well, in fact it *is* Pil, but many functions redefined
and where is pilsrc defined? :D
In @src/lib/llvm.l
its defined in itself? ~w~
It creates functions in the 'llvm' namespace
e.g. 'de' starts writing llvm code to the output file
snakes eating their tails, yum
yes :)
is it like you wrote it once in C, now its migrated to llvm and you can't recover without another version of pico or is there some magical bootstrapping process?
(not necessarily in C)
Right, first was C
Whe pre-compiled src/base.ll is in the distro
so LLVM can build the interpreter
After that it re-builds stand-alone
ah, so base.ll is the kernel fromwhich you can do everything else
It is the whole interpreter
The biggest file in the distro
it looks kinda scary in this form
Indeed! Ugly.
110896 lines
im glad nobody has to rewrite that from scratch
self hosted interpreters/compilers are honestly scary if you're the only developer
But both pil and llvm are simple enough to do it relatively easily
A full C compiler is a *lot* more stuff
write the initial interpreter to interpret your interpreter interpreting code?
Kind of, yes :)
i wrote a very basic lisp parser like 2 days ago, honestly it was kinda hard
and i did it abusing cl's stream functionality, so no peek or next
...need to be written*
i cant image how people managed to write lisps in asm
Takes time, but may be fun :)
i wrote a really bad scheme interpreter in cl too, was super fun
i use dynamic variables to implement lexical ones
cause i couldnt figure out how else to make `define' actually work
Not sure about Scheme, but there are many ways it seems
yeah, way too many to count
moment, brb
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i actually gotta go myself
enjoy your (dat$) # misused!
Have a good time!
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Hey, has anybody played with this: https://github.com/vygr/ChrysaLisp ? Seems like a hell of a project and I just heard about it on HN.
Never saw it
me too. But it's quite developed. Seems like what pilOS could be, almost...
which actually reminds me of a question I've had for a while: would it be possible to build some kind of shim that would allow pilOS to use Linux drivers?
I don't know about the pilOS Linux driver question - but I suspect that would require a very large shim. I guess Linux drivers are based on the Linux Kernel ABI. Also somewhat the point of pilOS was to leave all that bloat away.