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<tankf33der> tankf33der[m]: wake up
<tankf33der[m]> Ready, works
<tankf33der> tankf33der: ok
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<abu[m]> skyjuice:There is no such command
<abu[m]> But you can define a "map" command for something equivalent
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<skyjuice> thanks, I'll look into it
<abu[m]> Currently in Vip are only two double-key mappings supported: "g" and "q"
<abu[m]> You could use "qt" by putting (map+q "t" "dd1GP") into your ~/.pil/viprc or a local .viprc
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<skyjuice> Sorry, my description is wrong. It should scroll the current line and cursor to the top of the window not the buffer.
<skyjuice> the command is demonstrated here at 7:55
<abu[m]> I see. This is not so meaningful in Vip, because Vip always keeps the line with the cursor in the middle of the window.
<abu[m]> I know that Vim is a lot more flexible here, but in Vim too I always used "set scrolloff=999" in my .vimrc
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<skyjuice> I was aiming to keep text from descending into and being obscured by my hand as I type with penti on my phone.
<skyjuice> A decent workarond is a 70/30
<skyjuice> split of termux/vip and another android app, with vip in the upper third of the screen the content is remains above my hand
<abu[m]> Yeah, so I usually split the window
<abu[m]> and edit mainly in the upper part
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<abu[m]> Split with "qs" I mean, often more than once, and also resize with "-" etc.
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<skyjuice> <abu[m]> "Split with "qs" I mean, often..." <- thx, that works well. With "-" and "+" I can get a more fine tuned split.
<pablo_escoberg> Still a work in progress, but I fixed some major errors in the vimrc I made (  It now underlines class names, and AFAICT does all the highlighting correctly.  I'll keep working on it as I code, and once it becomes stable, I'll format it correctly and submit it to the (neo)vim repositories
<pablo_escoberg> for inclusion.  ITMT, Please feel encouraged to help me beat it up.
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<skyjuice> How feature full is vim for pico ATM?
<skyjuice> structural editing? integrated repl?
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