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<abu[7]> Yeah, iirc pilPretty and pilIndent are no longer included
<abu[7]> What pilIndent did is just "," (cmmma) in Vip
<abu[7]> BTW, your link above referst to a GUI session and is only temporary
<abu[7]> There is always a permanent link to the page shown on bottom
<abu[7]> pilPretty is not really usable in an editing context, because it loses all read macros and comments
<pablo_escoberg> OK, thanks. I actually solved it a different way.
<pablo_escoberg> But you may want to ditch that page from the wiki...
<abu[7]> Right. Unfortunately there are many ouu-of-date pages in the wiki. They should at least be marked as oblolete
<abu[7]> I still find an old version of pilPretty:
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<pablo_escoberg> Sorry if this comes through twice:  Another newbie question:  Is there a standard method for passing addressable kv pairs (e.g. hashes/dictionaries) to functions?  I tried passing a symbol with properties, but can't quite figure out how to do that, plus it may not be the best fit anyway.  I could use a list of cons pairs, but then I have to
<pablo_escoberg> search through them.  The solution I'm looking at now is an options object, but that strikes me as rather inelegant.
<abu[7]> If the list is not too long, the standard Lisp way is association lists
<abu[7]> assoc, asoq, rassoc, rasoq
<abu[7]> It is pretty efficient and flexible
<abu[7]> rassoc and rasoq are also useful in various contexts because they return a 'var'
<abu[7]> : (setq L '((1 . a) (2 . b) (3 . c)))
<abu[7]> -> ((1 . a) (2 . b) (3 . c))
<abu[7]> : (inc (rasoq 'c L))
<abu[7]> -> 4
<abu[7]> : L
<abu[7]> -> ((1 . a) (2 . b) (4 . c))
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<abu[7]> 'get' and 'put' also operate on 'rasoq' lists
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<pablo_escoberg> OK, that will work.  Thanks much.  I seriously don't know how I missed ALL of those in the docs :(.
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