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<pablo_escoberg> Is anyone currently tasked with pruning the wiki?  If not, should there be?  If the answers are "no" and "yes" respectively (which I imagine they are), I volunteer for the position, as long as I have the kind of help I've had so far, or close to it.  If they aren't, pls lmk.
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<abu[7]> Surely the answers are "no" and "yes"
<abu[7]> It would be very good if you'd start to clean things up indeed
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<pablo_escoberg> Great, I'm on it.  Basically, as I learn picolisp, I'm making extensive use of the wiki.  When I run across articles that are no longer relevant, I'll just put "OUTDATED - " in the title.  Does that work?
<abu[7]> Very good
<abu[7]> So old stuff is not completely lost
<pablo_escoberg> exactly.
<pablo_escoberg> Do I need any special permissions or can anyone edit anything?
<abu[7]> I think you can edit anything. If you like, I can also give you the Admin role/
<pablo_escoberg> Nah, as long as I can do the pruning, I'm good.  You'll see some changes coming up if you monitor the thing.  I already put up my little pipe trick, and am psyched to give back to this community by helping improve the docs as I learn.
<abu[7]> yeah, doc processautomation
<pablo_escoberg> Hmmm...  I can't seem to change the titles on these things...
<pablo_escoberg> Trying to change the one for the vim article
<abu[7]> Which titles?
<abu[7]> The doc name?
<pablo_escoberg> Oh, nvm, I need to edit the documentation page.  I'm used to CMS's changing link titles autmatically :D
<abu[7]> all right
<abu[7]> Perhaps some things are easier to change if you go do documeent in "My account"
<abu[7]> *Documents
<abu[7]> Wow, fast! editingflow
<pablo_escoberg> Well, I'll need to edit the pages that link to them, and my workflow will really just be "take a break from reading/playing to fix something".
<pablo_escoberg> ??
<pablo_escoberg> Fast editing flow?
<pablo_escoberg> Oh, I see.  I just happened to remember that article, so went and changed it.
<abu[m]> Fast generation of new articles
<abu[m]> ok
<pablo_escoberg> BTW, are abu[m] and abu[7] different people?
<pablo_escoberg> stupid question, I know, but most of mine are :D
<abu[7]> I'm still in Perlin. Will read all more closely when I'm back at a larger screen
<abu[7]> Same me
<abu[7]> just Pil irc client vs. matrix bridge
<pablo_escoberg> Ah, got it.
<abu[7]> irc in terminal is easier to type, but element/matrix gives notifictions
<pablo_escoberg> right.  I hadn't used IRC in at least 15 years before this.  Still getting re-acquanited with it.
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<pablo_escoberg> So I'm having a hard time understanding exactly how the various list building functions work.  Please have a look at this snippet: .  In CLisp, I would just use nconc, but it doesn't seem to exist in picolisp, and obviously I can't figure out how to implement it or I wouldn't need it.  Still getting used to the way
<pablo_escoberg> picolisp does things...
<pablo_escoberg> NVM, figured it out.  I just need to use make, chain, and link.  Not quite done, but getting there.  Remaining questions:  Is there a blatantly easier way to do what I'm doing?  If not, is it worth another snippet in the wiki?
<pablo_escoberg> Oops, spoke too soon.  Getting a lot closer: but now I keep getting "quote -- protected" which I don't understand.  It seems to pop up when I nest more than one level deep in fill, but I can't figure out why