That kind of technique is tempting, but note that something semi-stupid will happen if you give a bad name.
If only we had a clean way to turn names into values with error checking for undefined names.
like, say
inch = 25.4;
$unit = inch
In a compiled language, using language symbols to refer to your enumerations is a big win, because the compiler can check for typos.
Unless you want to dynamically define new entries in the table, I wouldn't use strings for this sort of thing.
pca006132 yeah, the default TPU settings for PrusaSlicer were really slow. I tried speeding up, and tweaked some other values, and right now I'm at about 75% of my PLA speed (rather than 25%). I haven't tried bumping it higher. The stock temperature and extrusion multiplier values were way off, stringing hell, and when I dropped the temp 30C and dropped the extrusion multiplier by 25% the strings all went away.
InPhase and you can still be Customizer-friendly by using the [ n: label ] syntax.
polygon is the most flexible, but there may be times when other variations are at least in a sense easier because the program will do the math for you.
And if you mean something more like a truncated pyramid, you can use a scaled linear extrude sort of like that
or polyhedra(), which is complex to use but ultimately flexible.
nihil: thank you for the cheat sheet! Was looking for something like that!
Behold, the truncated pyramid: cylinder(r1=10, r2=5, h=5, $fn=4);
Behold, the even worse code abomination: cylinder(r1=10, r2=5, h=5, $fn=4); linear_extrude(height=5, scale=0.5) square(10*2^0.5, center=true);
JordanBrown: thank you for those options
InPhase: thanks also
did think one could transform a cylinder into a trapezoid!
InPhase: cylinder, yeah, duh.
Deneb creating pyramid-related shapes out of cylinders is a combination of two somewhat unobvious features.
First, when you set $fn on any round thing (circles, cylinders, spheres, et cetera) it controls the number of sides, versus the usual scheme where OpenSCAD makes up its own mind. (Based on some parameters that yield really low resolution and should be updated but that's a different discussion.)
Thus cylinder($fn=4, ...) yields a four-sided cylinder... or what you might call a box.
Second, when you specify d1 and d2 (or r1 and r2), the d1 specifies the diameter at the bottom of the cylinder and d2 specifies the diameter at the top of the cylinder.
But, hint: do *not* use $fn to control things that you really want to be round, especially as a global setting. It tends to produce way too many sides for small round things. Set $fa=2 and $fs=1 and you'll generally be happy.
$fn=8192; at the top of every script
make your CPU earn its keep
no free rides
t4nk_fn has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
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I have $fa=2 and $fn=0.4 as per OpenSCAD tutorial. Tried $fn=8192 just for fun to see what it does and it just crashes OpenSCAD after a few seconds delay....
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WARNING: GeometryEvaluator: Node didn't fit into cache. on the following file for preview: $fn=8192; sphere(10);
And no displayed result.
Let's see if Manifold can handle it.
works fine here in manifold
and I just crammed it in an existing thing with a bunch of curves
printing out house numbers
It finished and printed out the completion noise. But now it's spiking up to like 33GB and thinking hard before it will actually let me see the result on the window.
There's nothing there.
so four 150mm by 100mm 'ish numbers with lots of round
With render I got "WARNING: GeometryEvaluator: Node didn't fit into cache." twice, and everything else looked like success, and then it displays nothing.
what version?
2024.10.05 here
teepee: Which weird limit does your intuition say I hit? :)
the "you've listened to nihil too much" limit
I'd imagine
teepee: This is a dumb thing to try to do, but I should have the right to make $fn=8192 spheres!
hah oops, I did 9182
instead of 8192
Wild. The exported stl has size 0.
It just ate the whole item.
Did I hit the grid limit or something, ruining everything?
OH. No, the stl file is not size 0.
I might have angered it
The stil file is size 3.2GB, but just took like 60 seconds to save. I didn't realize it was still thinking about it.
So the problem is only a display issue.
I definitely pissed it off
whole machine is jumpy as fuck
8192 was fine, took a second to preview/render, but worked
32768, no bueno
has to SSH in and kill it
it probably would have finished at some point
but like, need my machine in the next 12hrs