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<UltimateCodeWarr> If you want to make an oblong oval hole, that has some 'wiggle room' for a screw mount, what is the best way to do this?  (___)
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<pca006133> kintel: what are the blockers for release now? a lot of things are in https://github.com/openscad/openscad/issues/4825, but I don't think they are equally important or release blockers
<peeps[zen]> UltimateCodeWarr: hull two circles with translation between them
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<kintel> pca006133 I should go through that list and split into release blockers vs. nice to haves
<kintel> Wait, did you increase your student ID?
<kintel> Anyway, I believe the next step is basically to triage existing issues and perhaps split the "Next Release" ticket into more actionable items, like enumerating which feature/changes need updating.
<kintel> Some of that is documentation external to the actual SW, but the challenge is always that it's when writing docs/tests/examples that we end up discovering bad corner cases or bugs, so we should make those activities a release prerequisite
<kintel> I guess the big question is whether we should wait for Manifold 3, to get the build system fully ready for distro packaging
<pca006133> yeah I incremented by 1 to avoid ID conflict :)
<pca006133> yeah, splitting it into more actionable items will be good
<pca006133> I think manifold 3 is close, the major changes are basically done, need some time for cleanup
<pca006133> I would expect a release some time next month, probably at the end of Nov?
<pca006133> (for manifold)
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<pca006133> btw I think the priority might be to download some thingiverse models and run test on them
<pca006133> if we found bugs in manifold, we can work on it upstream while openscad is working on other blockers
<pca006133> the problem is that if we want to compare against CGAL results, it may take a while...
<kintel> Yeah, that's what I did last time I did major work on geometry stuff, but it's a lot of work just to write scripts which can be run in a repeatable fashion. Also, back then Thingiverse was dominant, these days, the sources for designs are more less centralized
<kintel> ..but my goal was to test all of thingiverse back then ;)
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<pca006133> how did you manage to pull that out? CGAL rendering may take several minutes or hours per model...
<pca006133> I hope I have more time next month, maybe I can try to write some scripts at that time
<pca006133> and hopefully the new PC I ask the department to buy will arrive, and I can use that with more RAM and run more models in parallel (32 threads for 9950x?) and get stuff done
<pca006133> we can try to test for
<pca006133> 3. equiv with CGAL output (compare png I guess)
<pca006133> 1. crashing
<pca006133> 1 is the most important one, and each crash represents a bug
<pca006133> 2. manifoldness in the output
<pca006133> 2 probably depends on the input
<pca006133> 3 will be the most time consuming
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<J24k92> pca006133 have you seen https://github.com/openscad/openscad/issues/5381  or is that a different problem (float in offset?) ? Quite strange if objects flip
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<pca006133> looks like something with the 2D geometry
<pca006133> no 3d boolean going on
<pca006133> maybe winding direction of the 2D object? weird
<pca006133> or rotate extrude
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<gbruno> [github] pca006132 pushed 1 modifications (fix rotate extrude) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/commit/f50692815edad72a4c6ac37349340d1507913e08
<gbruno> [github] pca006132 pushed 1 modifications (fix rotate extrude) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/commit/d645e43e672c0504bac275f57caa975ee0e83458
<gbruno> [github] pca006132 opened pull request #5384 (fix rotate extrude) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/5384
<pca006133> fixed
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<J24k92> pca006133 cool - rotate_extrude is still working with negative  X shapes (on the left side) (just to make sure?)
<J24k92> rotate_extrude(angle=50)mirror([1,0])square(5);
<J24k92> if we would round to 1e-15 the offset would also work cleaner or?
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<guso78> f0lkert, my wrap function was caused by faces, which have 4 points and 2 different normals. these are not displayed by povray
<guso78> wrap function issue ...
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<pca006133> J24k92: Yes, as long as the signs are consistent
<pca006133> if you don't mix positive and negative, it is fine
<pca006133> in general offset may produce very small round off errors, I don't think rounding things can fix these edge cases
<pca006133> users just have to be careful
<pca006133> it may be possible to write some heuristic to automatically round those small x values with a different sign to 0, when the magnitude is 1e10 times smaller than the max magnitude of the x coordinate among all vertices...
<pca006133> then users will be happier with offset
<pca006133> but I don't like this kind of heuristic, feels like hiding the problem from users
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<J24k> pca006133 if the error are e⁻¹⁶ then rounding to e⁻¹⁵ should remove that float error - or just clip the last digit
<pca006133> but you don't know if it will only produce errors this small
<pca006133> errors can accumulate
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<gbruno> [github] hzeller opened pull request #5385 (Add geometry/Geometry.h header in files that need it.) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/5385
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<Chris3D2024> Hello friends. I'm having a programming problem. I can't figure out how to get an array of incrementing numbers
<Chris3D2024> How would I get OpenSCAD for loops to make something like this https://www.codeproject.com/KB/cs/Arrays-dontumindit/array5.gif
<Chris3D2024> each row begins with the next integer
<teepee> why is such an array needed? it's easy to calculate the value, why have an array?
<Chris3D2024> I want 100 holes, each with a different diameter and label. and I want to pack them into a small area, roughly square
<Chris3D2024> This is a unit test to find exactly what size a hole printed in Carbon 3d's EPX150 will hold a screw best. 100 holes may be too much, but it's an easy square to start with
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<Chris3D2024> Oh man. The computer locked and booted me
<teepee> oops
<Chris3D2024> teepee Any ideas on this kind of appl
<Chris3D2024> -application?
<teepee> function f(row, col) = 10 * row + col + 1;
<teepee> for (row = [0:9], col = [0:9]) translate(30 * [row, col]) text(str(f(row, col)), halign="center", valign="center");
<Chris3D2024> thank you! Will try this out
<J24k> for (i=[0:99]) translate([i%10, floor(i/10)]) text(str(i));
<Chris3D2024> ahh the modulo. I was not using that correctly
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<Chris3D2024> This was very helpful. I should resinstall irssi and participate for real in this channel. Thank you so much teepee and J24k
<J24k> what does 1kg EPX150 cost?
<J24k> and what temp you need to print?
<J24k> hm what the heck is EPX150 .. they don't tell what it is based on
<Chris3D2024> epoxy! Let me get some details
<J24k> i was wondering as carbon is a liquid printer - but the image i found looked like FDM
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<Chris3D2024> it is carbon3d.com
<Chris3D2024> It's  $0.17 / g
<J24k> as they use their special tech CLIP ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Continuous_Liquid_Interface_Production )  that shit is expensive
<Chris3D2024> we are going to make some parts that can be autoclaved
<Chris3D2024> indeed
<Chris3D2024> but our prototypes are more expensive. This is really helpful, folks
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<J24k> always nice to see openSCAD used for professional purpose
<Chris3D2024> It's the only way to get a hundred unique holes without 100+ clicks in CAD
<J24k> I assume you model a thread for the holes ..
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<Chris3D2024> no/ they want to use thread-forming screws in production
<J24k> with epoxy  - well hope they know what they do - maybe EPX150 can be used for that but
<J24k> using ⅔ thread and the rest hole to hold  would be my approach
<Chris3D2024> I agree. We are early in the DFaM process. Moving away from CNCing a chunk of POM
<Chris3D2024> DfAM*
<J24k> I am printing POM (but it is not easy in FDM)
<Chris3D2024> Fancy
<Chris3D2024> What machine?
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<J24k> i had a theseus printer .. but then got a P1S
<Chris3D2024> Solid choice
<J24k> POM biggest issue is adhesion  - and then warping .. for small parts this is working fine and for adhesion - i am printing on a sheet pom
<J24k> if you have more scad challenges - feel welcome here
<Chris3D2024> Thank you! It has been a great visit. I miss using IRC
<J24k> and webchat makes it easy to access for everybody
<J24k> for others i think we have a matrix bridge too
<pca006133> I thought the matrix bridge was dead a long time ago
<J24k> oh ok - i am not up to date here
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<gigiGuest66> Creami una macchina
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<peeps[zen]> neat idea for filament dryer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ldRN2B4iJY
<othx> peeps[zen] linked to YouTube video "Why are we drying filament this way?" => 1 IRC mentions
<peeps[zen]> J24k: interesting, for some reason I had in my mind that POM was thermoset polymer (not extrudable) but looks like that is completely wrong
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<peeps[zen]> must have been confusing it with something else
<J24k> would be fun to have a printable thermoset polymer ( so set by printing )
<J24k> probably clog a lot of nozzles - but printing something like "FIMO" that you bake after
<J24k> oh FIMO is a thermoplast ..
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<InPhase> J24k: Probably it would not only clog the nozzles, but make them extremely difficult to remove. :)
<InPhase> Venturing up into "break the printer while trying to unscrew it" territory.
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