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So SCADvent is comming soon .. maybe we make/add some this year - to get multiple solutions (days) for something
pca006132 i found flipped faces again (only special conditions) with linear_extrude this time
use<ub.scad> linear_extrude(1,twist=5)rotate(180/16.0)Cycloid(z=16,modul=1.5,fn=8); // change the rotate a little and it is gone (or fn or z)
Simplified a bit: use<ub.scad> linear_extrude(1) rotate(3) Cycloid(z=16,modul=1.5,fn=8);
probably the "zebra" issue or if points are too close and float causing micro intersections - the created polygon has a path but also without the issue persist
workaround is an offset(.001) or slightly different rotation
So are your points actually ordered well inside that Cycloid?
It has so many options and flow paths it is difficult to even know what part of it is manifesting this shape.
Maybe you can more quickly than me extract out the points in use, and make a testcase which is independent of it?
Like if it were a single polygon call on a functional form, or even just a polygon call on a list of points, that would be good.
After feeling like I was falling into a rabbit hole trying to extract from that module, I tried to reproduce the issue with some similar shapes made by for loop, and it didn't cause an issue.
But I'm not sure what the difference is.
J24k97: Yeah, I really think point ordering must be a mess here.
J24k97: When offset(0.001) fixes it, that actually fixes bad ordering.
but also fn change fixes it or just the z (number of teeth)
and if i remove the path the issue is still there when auto ordering it.
InPhase i just wanted to extract the points (had closed scad) now i can't replicate this
ah your simplyfication was the issue 180/16 is not 3
I extracted the points successfully now, I think, and did a polygon of that, with the same rotate and color applied, and it doesn't repeat the issue.
I don't understand.
So i made the same polygon with extracted points - no error visible
at least our results are matching
InPhase - how did you extract the points? via console?
I assume we only get rounded (5digit) values from there
6 digit
and probably some values are float e⁻¹⁵
J24k97: I echoed inside your routine.
And yes, might be a rounding issue. If so, not sure how to assess that.
scad shouldn't be able to use values as small as the precision .. if all scad values are rounded to e⁻¹² we probably didn't such issues
J24k97: Sharing what I got to. I tried with and without that color, with and without that convexity, with and without that paths entry at the end of the long line.
J24k97: Maybe I missed something, but I'm basically just confused about what's different.
Yeah i found one with z=9 fn=8 that showed them even without rotation
would need to use some special echo that extracts the real value used
Oh, you know, one oddity is you both start and end with 12,0
yes there are probably multiple points at the same position
as each tooth starts at the same point the next ends
which is that i think small float deviations cause micro intersections
That could certainly be the cause of the issue.
Can those be trimmed off?
it sure can be coded more elegant (is an older module)
I do see now points that are identical in sequence, and were rounded.
There are certain polygon point arrangements for which failures would be marked "not a bug". But it would be valuable to reduce examples of this down to the simplest possible failing testcase.
I was hoping to get a failing list of points, and keep truncating it until I got the smallest failure case.
Then we might actually know what the problem really looks like. :)
as the module is 1.5 this is causing float numbers