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<Guest58> / Define the dimensions module castle_tower() { cylinder(h = 30, r1 = 10, r2 = 10, $fn = 100); translate([0, 0, 30]) cone(h = 20, r1 = 10, r2 = 0, $fn = 100); } module castle_wall() { cube([60, 10, 40]); for (x = [0:10:50]) { translate([x, 0, 40]) cube([10, 10, 10]); } } module castle_main() { difference() { cube([60, 60, 40]); for (x = [0:10:50])
<Guest58> for (y = [0:10:50]) { translate([x, y, 40]) cube([10, 10, 10]); } } } module castle_gate() { difference() { cube([60, 10, 20]); translate([20, 0, 0]) cube([20, 10, 10]); } } // Assemble the castle translate([10, 10, 0]) castle_main(); translate([10, 10, 40]) cube([40, 40, 20]); for (x = [0, 50]) for (y = [0, 50]) translate([x, y, 0])
<Guest58> castle_tower(); translate([10, 10, 60]) cube([40, 40, 20]); translate([0, 25, 0]) castle_gate(); translate([50, 25, 0]) castle_gate(); translate([25, 25, 60]) castle_tower();
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<gbruno> [github] keithel edited issue #5172 (Allow selecting STL files to import via a file dialog) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/issues/5172
<gbruno> [github] keithel opened issue #5172 (Allow selecting STL files to import via a file dialog) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/issues/5172
<gbruno> [github] keithel opened pull request #5173 (Show STL files to import in Open File dialog #5172) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/5173
<gbruno> [github] keithel synchronize pull request #5173 (Show STL files to import in Open File dialog #5172) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/5173
<gbruno> [github] keithel edited pull request #5173 (Show STL files to import in Open File dialog #5172) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/5173
<J24k66> anyone why no string array in customizer?
<J24k66> so Guest58 GPT? castle https://imgur.com/a/0owmvmr
<InPhase> J24k66: I have a vague memory of some layout issue with customizer that I think might have been arrays of strings that couldn't be made to work right.
<InPhase> J24k66: During a GSoC maybe? So possibly someone more experienced could sort out a solution.
<J24k66> hmm to bad - guess i need separate parameter then
<InPhase> J24k66: I wrote a split_csv function. You could make one for other strings. :)
<InPhase> Mine only does csv's of floats.
<J24k66> i only use this for two or three  like   end =[false,true];   or  in case you have two text bottom top
<J24k66> but then end=[0,1]; it is  and top="yes"; bottom="no";
<J24k66> InPhase   list=[];  is not ``` a=""; b=''";list=[a,b,c,d]; ```
<J24k66> is there an option to have 5 parameter in a list that has len() 0 if those parameter are ampty
<J24k66> probably a function works
<J24k66> ok would be much easier to just make a delimited csv text string for it
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<J24k66> ok made a function that counts string arrays only if text is in
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<gbruno> [github] ipmcc opened issue #5174 (OpenSCAD does not respect macOS system keyboard shortcuts.) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/issues/5174
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<gbruno> [github] gsohler opened pull request #5175 (Calculate Segment Distance instead of Line Distance) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/5175
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<pa> Hi, question: i have a curved shape. Any way to "straighten" or "flatten" it ?
<pa> technically i would only need to flatten it along one axis/plane
<teepee> the only thing that comes to mind is projection() to 2d and linear_extrude() back into 3d at a specific height
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<Guest43> I'm running OpenSCAD version 2024.06.10 (git 6db5adc0c) on macOS and I'm trying to use textwidth() command to be able to translate other object into the right edge of a printed text. The docs says I need snapshot/dev release (which I'm running) to use textmetrics command but I'm still getting WARNING: Ignoring unknown module 'textmetrics' in file
<Guest43> test.scad. Am I doing something wrong?
<pa> umh.. but that would lose the top curve
<pa> maybe with some other tool? idk any, but perhaps there are some that can manipulate meshes?
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<pa> i suppose rigid transformation based on point matching could be a cumbersome but viable way
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<pa> but i would somehow need to measure the length of the base and then place the end point at that distance
<pa> i'll check meshlab, it must have something
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<Virindi> Guest43: you have to enable it in the options.
<Virindi> edit -> preferences -> features -> textmetrics
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