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<J24k61> Kintel .. may be a manifold bug https://imgur.com/a/xsebSBl   or just a very bad font linear_extrude(2)text(text=str(t),font="naturePro",size=5);
<J24k61> looks like after a lot of polygon points there is an issue
<J24k61> e.g "3" is a tree with a lot of points .. so probably very narrow points are an issue.
<J24k61> nobody should make a font with №3 trees! seems they break the 2D system if not extruded. https://imgur.com/a/FpyDFHu  or that glyph is just very wrong.
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<kintel> J24k Did you try the latest binaries?
<kintel> A very similar bug was fixed last week: https://github.com/elalish/manifold/pull/824
<kintel> Merged into OpenSCAD in https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/5157
<kintel> If that's not fixing it, let me know
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<InPhase> J24k61: If building your own, remember to update modules recursively... git pull && git submodule update --init --recursive Otherwise you'll draw the wrong testing conclusion inadvertently.
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<InPhase> This has been a bit of a diagnostic hazard with how rapidly things are improving in Manifold.
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<kintel> We should probably list submodule git hashes in our Library Info to make that easier to spot
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<InPhase> kintel: That's an exceptionally good idea. Getting cmake to extract this at build.
<InPhase> If we could throw the dates of the commits in there, it would be even better.
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<Nizz> Anyone willing to assist me with creating a tapered cubed? I need the taper to only start after a height specified by a variable.
<clemens3> took me a long time to build openscad from source
<clemens3> the trick was to use an old lib3mf version, 1.8.1 or so
<clemens3> but good luck if you don't know
<teepee> new version should work too, it's used in some linux distros and on macos
<teepee> Nizz: I'd suggest to use the BOSL2 library or stack a cuboid and a linear_extrude(taper_height, scale = topwidth/bottomwidth) square(x, center = true);
<InPhase> Nizz: tapered in or out? And tapered with a sharp angle and fixed taper, or a gradually sloping taper?
<Nizz> Tapered in, gradual slope. I'm trying to make a snap fit around a frame. I was wrong and I need it to be able to be a rectangle as well. I got it working with a 4 sided cylinder but that locks me into a square. I will try linear_extrude
<InPhase> If you got it working with a cylinder, then gradual slope doesn't mean to you the same as what I meant. :)
<InPhase> But then it sounds like linear_extrude should do the trick.
<buZz> linear_extrude polygon is also a option
<buZz> just describe the slant from the side, or is it slanted on all sides?
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<ashafq> How do I create an U shape object in OpenSCAD? I thought of joining a cylinder and a cube together, but I guess I am trying to figure out an efficient way
<InPhase> ashafq: rotate_extrude takes an angle argument, which can be 180.
<buZz> i'd hull() a cylinder and cube
<buZz> then difference() a similar shape
<ashafq> Since I am really a beginner, can you guys help me out to understand it?
<InPhase> ashafq: Then you'll need to clarify more specifically than "U shaped".
<InPhase> That can go a lot of ways. :)
<ashafq> InPhase, buZz: This is what I have so far https://paste.debian.net/1318898/
<ashafq> https://i.imgur.com/Rr79E0u.png This is where I want the channels
<InPhase> What do you mean by channels?
<InPhase> Like hollowed out U-shaped tubes?
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<ashafq> Yea
<ashafq> I know I should use a difference()
<InPhase> Like as if you were going to run water into and out of the box, but not let any inside?
<buZz> difference() { hull() { cylinder(d=30,h=30,center=true); translate([30,0,0]) cube(30,center=true); } hull() { cylinder(d=25,h=35,center=true); translate([30,0,0]) cube([25,25,35]); } }
<buZz> ashafq: like this?
<buZz> (just typed from head, this terminal is too slow to test)
<ashafq> buZz: wow.. that is amazing..
<buZz> somewhat what you want?
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<ashafq> buZz: I want U shape holes in the marked position in that picture. Like halfway through the wall
<buZz> difference() { thatshape(); alltheUshapes(); }
<ashafq> yea
<ashafq> But how do I do that? :(
<ashafq> What is alltheUshape() implemented is what I am struggling with
<InPhase> ashafq: https://bpa.st/QPEA
<InPhase> ashafq: First examine that and tell me if you communicated what you wanted closely enough.
<InPhase> ashafq: Missing is separation of inside from outside, so that you can punch the inner hole through the wall.
<ashafq> InPhase: What is fa and fs?
<buZz> ashafq: wrap it all in module thatshape() {} and module alltheUshapes() {}
<buZz> :)
<InPhase> ashafq: They make round things smooth.
<ashafq> InPhase: Not pipes.. I want channels on the walls
<InPhase> ashafq: It's in the manual, and the tutorial.
<InPhase> ashafq: I did specifically ask "like hollowed out U-shaped tubes?"
<InPhase> ashafq: Please specify more clearly.
<ashafq> InPhase: Sorry, let me try to explain it more (poor communicator here).
<InPhase> Maybe make much better pictures.
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<ashafq> InPhase: This piece is for a 7 segment jumbo LED display. I need holes on the V shaped walls
<ashafq> so I am thinking of making U-shaped holes on the walls...
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<ashafq> InPhase: does that make sense?
<InPhase> ashafq: Not much yet, no.
<ashafq> I guess I can just cut square shaped holes
<InPhase> ashafq: I could imagine you might mean you want to make it look like someone put a hollowed U in the side of the object, but since you confirmed something incorrect, I'm not certain yet if that's what you actually mean.
<Nizz> Is it possible to add better spacing and titles to the customizer GUI?
<buZz> Nizz: sure, send a pullrequest showing what you mean
<Nizz> buZz I'm not sure what you mean, I've never used libera chat before
<Nizz> I just have a lot of parameters and the gui is getting crowded and hard to parse. So I'm looking to add some better spacing and maybe title sections of variables.
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<gbruno> [github] cjmayo synchronize pull request #5161 (GitHub runners for Linux & Windows now have 4-vCPUs) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/5161
<buZz> Nizz: openscad is opensource, you can clone the source and make your suggested changes
<buZz> -or- you can open an issue on github and describe the issue, and wait until someone else fixes it maybe
<buZz> chat isnt reporting issues ;) its just chat
<buZz> volatile and temporary
<Nizz> I wanted to know if there is an existing solution not necessarily request a new feature.
<buZz> i never use it, i dont design for thingiverse ;)
<Nizz> That's fair. I'm not putting it up on thingverse, just sharing it with a friend that doesn't know anything about coding so they will only be able to interact with the code via the customizer.
<buZz> $sizeofobject = 10;
<buZz> using proper variable names usually makes it obvious enough for noobs
<buZz> not $a $b etc
<buZz> assuming lack of skills makes people never grow
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<gbruno> [github] cjmayo ready_for_review pull request #5161 (GitHub runners for Linux & Windows now have 4-vCPUs) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/5161
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<J24k61> kintel checked with the 24.06 version and it only got marginally better https://imgur.com/a/v662zV3
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<teepee> oh, look, docker shows the "Sponsored OSS" again - https://hub.docker.com/r/openscad/openscad
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