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<gbruno> [github] jackoat29 pushed 1 modifications (added -u flag to python when executing scipts and piped variable to stdout) https://github.com/openscad/openscad-library-manager/commit/894b37ac4d68f0e36cd4621adbccf58c9e489a82
<gbruno> [github] jackoat29 closed pull request #4 (Added tes_repo to list_file.txt) https://github.com/openscad/openscad-library-manager/pull/4
<mohammad1722> Haha, I think this bot will be spamming a little with the testing I'm doing right now :D
<gbruno> [github] jackoat29 opened pull request #5 (Added tes_repo to list_file.txt) https://github.com/openscad/openscad-library-manager/pull/5
<mohammad1722> While I think the idea behind GitHub actions is brilliant, I find it overly complicated.
<mohammad1722> I can't figure out how to see the stdout of my script :)
<teepee> I can turn it off or limit the events reported
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<teepee> hmm, that's not in the normal logs?
<teepee> tee: /dev/tty: No such device or address
<teepee> in the pull request you should see the action results including "Automatically handle new library submissions / parse (pull_request_target) Failing after 8s" with the red X after it
<gbruno> [github] jackoat29 pushed 2 modifications (removed output pipe and changed error exit code to 0) https://github.com/openscad/openscad-library-manager/commit/12e6d48406385b76956e76d36bcb3a80bc1a31f3
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<mohammad1722> Yes but in line where it says REQUEST=$(python ... ) I can't get the output of the python script to show in the logs
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<gbruno> [github] jackoat29 closed pull request #5 (Added tes_repo to list_file.txt) https://github.com/openscad/openscad-library-manager/pull/5
<gbruno> [github] jackoat29 opened pull request #6 (Added tes_repo to list_file.txt) https://github.com/openscad/openscad-library-manager/pull/6
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<teepee> hmm, I don't think we did anything special, let me check
<teepee> and those echo "do_experimental()" show up in the logs
<teepee> how did it look without the $REQUEST variable?
<mohammad1722> Should the output still show up even if the shell script raised an error ?
<mohammad1722> Without printing the REQUEST variable it didn't show anything
<teepee> I think it should, sometimes only after it finished, the live display is not always perfect
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<gbruno> [github] jackoat29 pushed 1 modifications (temporarily disabled diff artifact deletion) https://github.com/openscad/openscad-library-manager/commit/bf3a696c160e5fc43c83d1d0c029507b474914d0
<gbruno> [github] jackoat29 closed pull request #6 (Added tes_repo to list_file.txt) https://github.com/openscad/openscad-library-manager/pull/6
<gbruno> [github] jackoat29 opened pull request #7 (Added tes_repo to list_file.txt) https://github.com/openscad/openscad-library-manager/pull/7
<teepee> it says ERROR: Not a library manager submission.
<teepee> that's coming from the script?
<mohammad1722> yes this time yes
<mohammad1722> but I changed the exit code from 1 to 0 on errors
<teepee> hmm, maybe it needs to unbuffer the output too, I think there was something for python scripts
<mohammad1722> Yup, I added the -u flag to unbuffer it
<mohammad1722> python3 -u script_name.py
<teepee> can't find any mention of PYTHONUNBUFFERED so I probably mix that up with some other scenario
<teepee> right -u should do the same
<gbruno> [github] jackoat29 closed pull request #7 (Added tes_repo to list_file.txt) https://github.com/openscad/openscad-library-manager/pull/7
<gbruno> [github] jackoat29 pushed 1 modifications (correctly compare list file name with the file names from the diff) https://github.com/openscad/openscad-library-manager/commit/51b44e8856ddb3f00a6680a8c3da821d61c625a9
<gbruno> [github] jackoat29 opened pull request #8 (Added tes_repo to list_file.txt) https://github.com/openscad/openscad-library-manager/pull/8
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<gbruno> [github] jackoat29 pushed 1 modifications (typo: changed merge job condition from submission to addition) https://github.com/openscad/openscad-library-manager/commit/a53d33b033f6306ca58674b874bfb07e5bc664e0
<gbruno> [github] jackoat29 closed pull request #8 (Added tes_repo to list_file.txt) https://github.com/openscad/openscad-library-manager/pull/8
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<gbruno> [github] jackoat29 opened pull request #9 (Added test_repo to list_file.txt) https://github.com/openscad/openscad-library-manager/pull/9
<mohammad1722> I finally got it to work. And it seems fine so far.
<mohammad1722> I'll be doing more tests tomorrow and see how I can undo the exit code change and still get my output :)
<teepee> nice
<mohammad1722> It'd be good to set a limit on the bot for now to avoid spamming/flooding. At least until this part is finished.
<teepee> so for the end-of-week chat we have to see how that goes
<teepee> there's a 50:50 chance we will move our production server rack to the new office on friday :)
<teepee> so time planning for friday and saturday is a bit difficult
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<mohammad1722> teepee: ok. so chat it is.
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