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<gbruno> [github] jvasile opened pull request #5186 (Add gnulib to Debian dev dependencies) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/5186
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<gbruno> [github] jvasile synchronize pull request #5186 (Add gnulib to Debian dev dependencies) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/5186
<gbruno> [github] jvasile edited pull request #5186 (Adjust Debian dependencies) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/5186
<gbruno> [github] jvasile edited pull request #5186 (Adjust Debian dependencies) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/5186
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<gbruno> [github] jvasile edited pull request #5186 (Adjust Debian dependencies) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/5186
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<gbruno> [github] jvasile edited pull request #5186 (Adjust Debian dependencies) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/5186
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<Virindi> crap. just tried rendering one of my work things again using manifold and the mesh is broken, but I can't share this
<Virindi> it doesn't look broken in the openscad window, but there is a giant glitch when I open the stl in prusaslicer
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<Virindi> the face that is messed up is differenced with an imported svg but I don't know if that's related
<Virindi> naturally, CGAL works
<InPhase> Virindi: And thrown together mode?
<Virindi> I've never used that
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<InPhase> Virindi: Inside out faces are a different color.
<InPhase> Usually purple.
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<Virindi> when I enable that my model completely vanishes
<Virindi> I just reenabled manifold and it appears but I don't see any difference
<Virindi> hmm okay, had to remove render
<Virindi> I don't see any purple. The main body of the object is cream-white and all the things being subtracted from it are cyan. There are no other colors visible.
<InPhase> And what happens if you add "cube(1);" to your model and render again?
<Virindi> where? just floating in space not inside any of the other operations?
<Virindi> that has no impact on the glitch.
<Virindi> the svg cut is zfighting in preview
<Virindi> I am not sure why, the thing it is cutting should be solid
<Virindi> but surely the goal is that zfighting problems should not cause a broken model.
<InPhase> Oh, you didn't mention z-fighting.
<Virindi> because I never saw it before, because I always use render on everything :)
<Virindi> I only turned it off to try "thrown together"
<InPhase> Well, that's clearly a flaw in the model. The manual tells you, "In some cases the final render works fine, but designs with coincident resulting faces should be considered a design with undefined behavior, as a proper render result is not guaranteed."
<Virindi> sure
<InPhase> So... Obviously before digging any further into the issue, fix the known wrong part. :)
<InPhase> Ah, just caught "never saw it before".
<Virindi> I think that it is important that zfighting problems cause as little damage as possible. In this case I can certainly fix that. In some cases it is not really possible
<Virindi> simply saying "if you have zfighting it is your fault" to me is an oversimplification
<InPhase> Well as the link clarifies, it's not really a bug, it's fundamentals of math.
<Virindi> I am familiar with the mechanism of zfighting
<Virindi> however, it doesn't only occur when the volume is actually undefined
<Virindi> in this case, the volume is defined.
<InPhase> Usually the exact integer cases that are calculable work out with Manifold, except in the early versions.
<Virindi> I am using 2024.04.13.nightly currently.
<InPhase> Although it's hard to guarantee even that, because it's easy to trip into an edge case.
<InPhase> The versions I remember having issues with that were well before then, but there were also a lot of Manifold improvements since then.
<Virindi> I am updating now
<Virindi> wow, that resolved it
<Virindi> nice.
<Virindi> didn't realize manifold was still getting fixes so recently :)