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<gbruno> [github] kintel edited issue #4825 (Move manifold out of experimental) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/issues/4825
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<ypy> a new openscad playground
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<InPhase> Nice. It seems they went public with it.
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<InPhase> "An interactive interface on top of openscad would be epic"
<InPhase> That reminds me... Granted, reminds me right before bed. But I was planning a make-openscad-pretty PR to change our default color-scheme and default $fa and $fs.
<InPhase> I do think small things like that would really help give people a better first impression. That's really a large part of what bambu did there to impress people. :)
<InPhase> Although I have even better colors available than they used.
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<pca006132> curious which version they are using
<crazy_imp> is there a variable with the openscad version that can be access and used in the model?
<InPhase> pca006132: Well it runs way too fast to be anything other than manifold.
<InPhase> pca006132: I tested some classic stuff that takes annoyingly long in cgal, but is instant in manifold, and it generates it instantly.
<InPhase> pca006132: Therefore, they must have grabbed a nightly.
<InPhase> Or I mean, up-to-date build, since wasm.
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<J24k87> hm maybe something for the "news" https://openscad.org/news.html
<J24k87> regarding https://github.com/openscad/openscad/issues/5091  would it make sense to make "language reference" a own sub page (lemma)
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<crazy_imp> J24k87: nice! pca006132 can you feed it a scad file with the `version()` command inside?
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<pca006132> 2024 3 22
<pca006132> I hope they will try to keep it up-to-date
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<guso78k> I am getting regular assert crashes here when I pan/move/rotate the model. is it a known issue ? maybe the file is temporarily not available  ?
<InPhase> That code comment sounds sketchy.
<InPhase> "We're also not interested in the file's name." So let's crash if it doesn't have one?
<InPhase> git blames teepee.
<InPhase> git falsely blames teepee because teepee fixed formatting.
<guso78k> must be an old relic ...
<InPhase> Probably just a comment error that slipped in amidst 1000 lines of changes.
<InPhase> 2 reviewers, but it was a hefty change. It happens. :)
<InPhase> So at the very least, that line doesn't do what it says it's doing. The question is, is it doing something wrong?
<InPhase> That it involves the mouse selector probably explains why something in parser settings is getting called during view manipulation.
<InPhase> Does it happen when you drag, or when you first click? (If you have noticed the difference.)
<InPhase> At right click, correct?
<guso78k> i cant recall but i remember that i was panning rotating
<guso78k> i can try to prone for the error
<guso78k> shouldn't be too hard
<InPhase> I bet it has to do with which part of the model you right clicked on. :)
<InPhase> It's triggering in MainWindow.cc's line 2396 where get_library_for_path is called, presumably with a location.filePath that is problematic in some manner.
<InPhase> You must have some portion of your code where the path is set as an empty string?
<InPhase> Is this merging in python bits?
<guso78k> yes, i am running my python branch ...  and right now i cannot get the error again i was getting it 3x within 3 minutes
<InPhase> It seems an appropriate guard would only run that library hunt routine in MainWindow's rightClick if location.filePath is non-empty
<InPhase> It might have been a proper right click, rather than a right click with drag.
<InPhase> Perhaps you occasionally and briefly accidentally right click for the right click context menu.
<guso78k> i have it now
<guso78k> right click once properly into the model
<InPhase> Good. Reproducible means fixable.
<InPhase> Perhaps you can diagnose first why the path is empty.
<InPhase> Is it perhaps that you python generate something and it has no path set because that makes sense? :)
<guso78k> yes,  i will offer some "improvement" hints
<InPhase> If so, you might be the only person triggering this error. But you could still reasonably put a guard in that rightClick function for everyone, since it's invalid to call that function if the path is empty. And we have no benefit to crashing out in such a scenario. It'd be better for the right click menu to quietly not populate.
<InPhase> Perhaps even something like: fs::path libpath = location.filePath() ? get_library_for_path(location.filePath()) : {};
<InPhase> I guess you might need location.filePath().empty() ? {} : get_library_for_path(location.filePath())
<guso78k> yes, your fix works in a derived way . suppose this is my bug only as everybody else has filenames filled in properly :')
<guso78k> https://imgur.com/a/FSe73c9 and it even knows the toplevel node correctly
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<InPhase> lol. Is the smiley face on purpose?
<guso78k> nope. suppose before the colon should be the filename which is inadvertently empty. but i take the smiley as a positive indicator
<guso78k> indicator->sign
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<JordanBrown> WRT #5090 "can't add .scad files to issues"... JamesC1's reluctance to click on a link that starts a download is a good example of why we want to maintain the "no write operations" principle... it would not be surprising if somebody had a configuration where downloading a .SCAD file started OpenSCAD, and where OpenSCAD was set to preview on load.
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<J24k> wait ill open my text files with open scad scintilla
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<InPhase> JordanBrown: Yeah.
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<JordanBrown1> J24k indeed, the particular file in question wouldn't be a problem, because it's not a .scad file.
<JordanBrown1> The complaint about searching the language reference has made me take a deeper look at the docs, and one low-hanging fruit that seems appropriate to prune is the "Command Glossary", which should be pruned in favor of the cheat sheet.
<linext_> can opening an openscad .scad file be hazardous?
<JordanBrown1> Not currently. But people have asked for various features that would allow writing to the local file system, and that *could* be hazardous.
<JordanBrown1> It's also why the Python-OpenSCAD work, despite being very cool, is terrifying.
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