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peeps[work]: I don't know if your current job does any remoting, but if you need somebody to testify that you are a highly skilled at remote communication programmer, and the type who stays independently self-driven under remote conditions, I would testify to such. :)
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peeps[work]: During Covid lockdowns, when some of my coworkers were struggling mightily with remoting, you were actually one of my mental reference points for how people should be doing this sort of thing properly.
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InPhase: i appreciate the thoughts and kind words, but i also feel like maybe you have the wrong idea. i was unemployed from the start of covid through to the last quarter of 2023. I feel like in the past couple years i've lost most of any motivation or "self-driven" attitude I may have had (at least in regards to openscad stuff)
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the job that i took on pays terribly, and i wasn't planning for it to last as long as it has. it started as a one-off sort of project, and mainly I accepted the offer only because it was very low barrier to entry even though the pay was awful
i already knew one of the other employees and there was hardly even a job interview due to the being a small company and the boss knowing nothing about software. anyways i'm very tired of working at my current job, but i simply dread the process of searching for a new job so much that I haven't made any moves yet
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my current job has me on the verge of poverty and my house is radpidly falling apart, for which the repair bills have raised my credit card debt to a level that at thise rate I will never pay off.
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welcome to the american dream :)
in the past, twice, i have had jobs that i grew to hate and became completely burnt out from, and those times I quit them without even having another job lined up. i had the luxury of a modicum of savings. that doesn't exist this time
i honestly don't understand how anyone can manage job searching while holding a job
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Job searching while holding a job is indeed challenging.
Also, you owe no apologies or explanations if life stressors keep your motivation for open source work fizzled. There are reasons I could fill a book with that I also haven't been doing much in here for the past couple years, but maybe I won't fill a logged channel with them. :) Suffice to say they are almost, but not yet entirely, worked out.
peepsalot: And, none of that really changes my view of the things I said above. I think they are all still correct assessments. Burnout doesn't demolish your skills and usually doesn't change your underlying characteristics, it just makes you not feel like bringing them to the surface while in a situation.
peepsalot: It can really help with burnout to try hard to jump into something that better tickles an underlying passion. Every job will have some non-zero stress, but it really helps a lot in life to feel like you have a legitimate and meaningful reason to get out of bed in the morning.
peeps[work] Sorry to hear about your struggles. I hope you find something better!
One thought: Even if Bambu doesn't hire employees, if their OpenSCAD integration helps grow their business, they might still need contracting work to make improvements. Could be worth looking into. I did some limited contracting work for Thingiverse, to improve preview speed, back when customizer was hot. ..but it's indeed tricky to convince companies to part with cash, especially if they're based in high-cost countries.
*not based
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kintel: Bambu at least seems to be getting high-cost-country levels of revenue though.
Hello all; github no longer talks to me, because I won't give it a mobile phone number. I think that I have accidentally reproduced in pure openscad. The reproduction is 109 lines of code and I have no good idea of how to cut it down. What do people want to happen next?
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I thought github mandated 2fa rather than Phone number?, in any case if you can paste bin the example and link it here I can always add it to the ticket as a reference
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<jfw01> My browser broke and I'm about to have another go
There are two sets of relevant controls: at line 80/81, whether to show the post-error data; at lines 90/91, changing the input numbers modulates the behaviour. I think it's faulty when a cylinder with a hole projects as a complete circle.
hmm looks like someone, maybe you? beat me to posting it
Yes, me. Could you please form a view about whether it's worth trying to cut down?
there are a lot of visibility modifiers in there, will take me a little while to pick through what we are doing
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unfortunate they left, I'm not able to reproduce the issue with the snapshot I currently have
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Scopeuk: I'm not sure whether or not entering the phone number is a required intermediate step (as I don't care too much about doing so), but github does have TOTP as an option, which is far more flexible in how you use it.
My primary 2fa concern is turning the phone into a single point of failure.
I can't have my entire life just stop if I drop or lose my phone.
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Yeh I use totp with the a desktop based rolling code generator and a master password
Plotting. Using. Hardware key
realistically probably two of them, one to live on me and a backup to be stashed somewhere secure should the primary meet it's maker
work wanted an authenticator app on phone, specifically on a personal phone, that was an no go so I have a hardware key there
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I have similar opinions on single point of failure
I have no understanding of the madness that is leaving the house with just a phone which for some reason is your debit card, your car key and your comms platform
one flat battery away from disaster
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By that I mean, if you were to try to figure out the smallest radius ball that could touch every point on the surface, it would I think be determined by a point about 2/3rd or so up on that inset bit.
using minkowski creates a sharp edge in the concave corner
Yeah. That requires using a reversed negative minkowski... Which I've done, and it's a mess. So I usually don't use minkowski for this. :)
but it not versatile yet, i bet my formula is is wrong when the convave corner is not 45 deg.
i bet, i need to use tan(phi/2) or similar instead
negaticve minkowski plus supporting several cases within the same solid
s/45deg/s 90 deg/
the corner with 2 convex and one convave edge actually only needed minimal adaption of your code.
now for every corner i need to find out, if it has an concave edge and in case: which of the 3 ....
guso78k: Okay, I stand corrected. It's not at all pinched, but actually has a LARGER radius in the inset edge corners.
In which case that's a very nice solution.
While the xy planar lines complete their 90 degree in a much smaller space, they're flattened so far from the normal that it results in a surface which is plenty opened up and smooth.
yes, algorithm tries to round all edges which are "selected". this works most of the time in corners with 3 edges, but can be problematic when 4 edges meet in a corner
imagine how an octaeder looks like which has exactly one edge rounded. it was hard to imagine, but openscad has shown to me
i think my algorithm will never have a radius SMALLER then the specified one ...
The surest way to know would be to get users and wait for one to outwit you with a more pathological usage than you imagined.
will look into your paste now ....
And the user will say to you, "Can you fix the math? This is obviously wrong, did you even test this?" And you will go, "Urgh! Don't do that, user."
haha, you are absolutely right .... when manu people will test it, you can expecte very good test depth( and i am not sure if i can stand that :') :') )
guso78k: Your fn usage might not be the most intuitive one there. I think you assigned fn as the 90 degree arc point count. But if you have someone mixing cylinders, spheres, and your fillet, then the fn will be interpreted 4x off.
Also if fn is interpreted from fs and fa in the canonical way, it will again miss by 4x.
Although I see how your brain went there for that definition, starting from the bezier number. But an external user will look for design cohesiveness on smoothness for those values.
yes, have to rethink the fn name.
fn in my case is actually N in your sample code. number of points for the bezier