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<tcurdt> joseph_ thanks for reproducing this!
<tcurdt> teepee na ... there used to be ... and no icon at all isn't really an option
* tcurdt opens an issue then
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<gbruno> [github] tcurdt opened issue #4279 (no app icon on macOS nightly builds) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/issues/4279
<tcurdt> lol
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<tcurdt> I guess gbruno beat me to it :)
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<linext> lol, this is one workaround for customizer on printables.com: https://www.printables.com/model/221800-floor-stand-dont-touch/files
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<linext> export and upload every possible combination
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<Scopeuk> People used to do that on thingiverse too
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<J1A84> the "Makkuro"  user does that with everything - uploads thousands of stl  - and in there between you also find the oscad script
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<J1A84> Anybody seen this happening? https://pasteboard.co/GMyPBdGTuLzi.png
<J1A84> it is a rotate_extruded part that when in contact with the other rotate_extruded edges and a certain $fs/$fn value forms a straight line
<teepee> whops, no, not seen that before
<J1A84> i have no idea why .. the values are beyond "echo"  as that only show 3 digits but there are at least 6  but the weird thing is that even without connection it happens but when removing the outer parts not
<J1A84> https://pasteboard.co/snJpdQGH1Jms.png   and only happens in render not preview
<J1A84> when disable the red parts - the problem is gone ..  but there is no connection between them
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<J1A84> the render() command doesn't  lead to that "hull"
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<J1A84> teepee can you try this https://bpa.st/RKIQ
<J1A84> version 2022.05.04
<ali1234> with nightly https://imgur.com/OwjYhmz.png
<J1A84> ali that is a render or preview?
<ali1234> preview
<J1A84> happens only in render
<J1A84> F6
<J1A84> very low $fa < 0.09 causing it
<J1A84> funny
<ali1234> the "hull" effect?
<J1A84> also smaller radii  will not cause it
<J1A84> yes
<ali1234> yeah i don't know what the problem is, but it is in nightly too (2022.06.01)
<J1A84> probably nobody using big radii with high resolutions
<J1A84> as it doesn't happens with lazy union .. it is probably in CGAL
<ali1234> you have a minimal repro so i would open a bug on github
<J1A84> rotate_extrude(angle=185,$fs=0.009,$fn=3881,$fa=0.09)translate([10,0])square();
<ali1234> is there a python binding for the Qt widget that renders scad files that i can embed in my python-qt app?
<ali1234> (and by render i mean preview)
<teepee> J1A84: yeah, maybe some rounding/value claping issue
<gbruno> [github] UBaer21 opened issue #4280 (High fragments causing hull in rotate_extrude) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/issues/4280
<gbruno> [github] UBaer21 edited issue #4280 (High fragments causing hull in rotate_extrude) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/issues/4280
<J1A84> ali the WASM doesn't help?  they render and then a stl viewer show the result (afaik)
<ali1234> as in, embed a webview and then run the wasm in it?
<ali1234> that could work i supposed
<teepee> well, there's neither a python binding nor an actual widget doing everything, so that would be quite some work I assume
<teepee> probably that would also be a difficult approach, a different strategy would be embedding the core and then have a separate renderer
<teepee> pretty much what WASM does
<teepee> generate STL -> display via Three.js
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<InPhase> J1A84: Does that rotate_extrude bug depend upon fast-csg? Perhaps there is a lurking bug.
<J1A84> i thought that too but when deactivated fast-CSG it still happened
<InPhase> Ok.
<InPhase> J1A84: I'm not able to reproduce the bug.
<J1A84> oh
<J1A84> 2022 6 1 ?
<InPhase> 2022.05.29
<J1A84> 2022.04.05  and  it happened  ali1234 tested with 6.1 ?
<InPhase> I used only this line: rotate_extrude(angle=185,$fs=0.009,$fn=3881,$fa=0.09)translate([10,0])square();
<InPhase> And I hit render. It's round.
<InPhase> So whatever it is must be a fragile bug.
<J1A84> yes add a cube so CGAL  is triggered
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<linext> is it possible to cut an STL into two pieces using openscad?
<J1A84> linext yes
<J1A84> difference()import  ×2
<linext> WARNING: No top level geometry to render
<J1A84> or one difference and one intersection with a cube that covers the half you want the cut
<J1A84> you need a little overlap or slit
<J1A84> .0001
<J1A84> linext i assume you have a coplanar face with the cube.
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<linext> i want to make the clip section 0.95 scale on the x-axis, but keep the slot size for the belt
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<linext> hmmm...
<linext> i don't know why openscad fails to F6 when STLs get imported, then boolean operations are used
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<J1A84> linext maybe your stl has errors ..  also if you use import(convexity=5) it will look better in preview
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<linext> i just used tinkercad
<J1A84> in your scad code  one  need to be a difference to cut away and replace with the intersection  .. else they both are the same
<J1A84> ah you moved it .. sorry didn't saw that
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<J1A84> linext  here https://bpa.st/F4AA  rendered fine for me
<J1A84> to get scale working proper you need to move the part into the center so the cut is at 0 else scale will move your part
<J1A84> also in your code you scale only x .. that would make that part shorter
<J1A84> i would assume you need to scale Z  and leave the other at 1
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<InPhase> J1A84: https://bpa.st/D3TQ I was failing to reproduce the bug repeatedly, and about to give up, when I tripped over one that reliably produces a bug worse than what you reported.
<InPhase> J1A84: But here's the thing, it triggers the bug in 2021.01 as well.
<InPhase> Along with a warning in 2021.01 that's not in master: "WARNING: $fs too small - clamping to 0.010000 in file J1A84.scad, line 2"
<InPhase> So whatever breaks this has been around for a while.
<J1A84> worse? looks like the same behavior .. just wonder why you can't reproduce with a union()
<InPhase> This reproduces even if I raise $fs=0.02 so that warning is unrelated.
<J1A84> yes  because the high $fn is overwriting
<J1A84> set $fn=0;  and the other take over
<J1A84> i first got the problem due to a low $fa value
<InPhase> Yeah. I see 3881 is the magic value.
<J1A84> yes 3880 was fine ..   i had a  25 degree but with 140 radius  so  $fs was 0.20  but $fa was low and caused more fragments .. on a small radius $fs need to be lower to trigger
<InPhase> Hmm. So implicit top level union doesn't trigger it.
<InPhase> Explicit union does.
<InPhase> If I move the cube to the origin.
<J1A84> it should ..   but i have lazy union on so  i  put a render() around  (as the example code in the issue)
<InPhase> I also have lazy union on.
<InPhase> Adding a render() triggers it. I think that does the explicit union.
<InPhase> But the explicit union example is clearer.
<J1A84> with lazy union you don't have the implicit union at top level (afaik)
<InPhase> https://bpa.st/RXTQ So this is what I think is the minimal clear example of it.
<InPhase> That or similar is worthy of going in a github issue.
<J1A84> that is close to the example code isn't it?
<InPhase> Oh, I missed that. I was in and out with some work stuff and missed that opening.
<J1A84> Ü  just noticed
<InPhase> I went with 270 just because it's important to know it has nothing to do with overlapping faces.
<linext> J1A84, i get the same error with your code
<J1A84> linext what scad version do you use?
<linext> most recent
<J1A84> 2022.06.01 ?
<J1A84> or 2021
<InPhase> J1A84: The $fn is less robust, because $fn with translate([20,0]) square() does not trigger it. But that $fa still does.
<linext> 2022.05.09.ci11882
<InPhase> J1A84: One would need to increase the $fn I think at 20.
<J1A84> InPhase $fn is dependent to the angle used .. it comes and goes .. but you can use a higher $fn to force it
<InPhase> Yep. Seems to be the case.
<J1A84> it the end it hast to do with the actual existing segments of that arc
<J1A84> linext  strange  have you  fast-csg active?
<J1A84> maybe move the cube a little in x to have an overlap
<linext> ?
<J1A84> (only one cube not both)
<J1A84> fast-csg is a feature in options to speed up rendering
<J1A84> edit↦preferences↦features⇒fas-csg
<J1A84> t
<linext> fast-csg is off
<linext> everything in features is turned off
<J1A84> yes try to switch on ..
<J1A84> these are all experimental and can cause unexpected results - but some are worth it Ü
<linext> still getting WARNING: No top level geometry to render
<J1A84> flush cache
<J1A84> i used the stl from printables
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<linext> the tinkercad model is actually pretty good
<linext> maybe it was imported from fusion 360
<J1A84> what happens if you put in the translate  of the difference instead of 25  a 25.5
<J1A84> (btw tinkercad  and fusion 360 is the same company)
<linext> still No top level geometry
<J1A84> very strange .. besides it is working here ..  maybe download the stl again from  printables
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<ali1234> i think i found a bug
<InPhase> Squish it.
<ali1234> open a file in openscad. externally truncate it to zero and rewrite the contents
<ali1234> expected result: openscad automatic reload and preview reloads the file
<ali1234> actual result: opening the file always results in an empty document, even if you close and reload it manually
<ali1234> in fact even exiting openscad and opening the file again does not work
<ali1234> but "cat file.scad" shows the contents
<ali1234> the funny thing is "touch file" still triggers openscad to reload it, but it is still empty. what?
<ali1234> this is probably a bug in snapd
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<ali1234> https://bpa.st/YLSA could someone test this with not-snapped openscad please?
<ali1234> okay tested it with the deb, still happens...
<ali1234> gonna open a bug unless someone can explain why my script is wrong
<ali1234> oh i think i know what the problem is. i am truncating but not seeking to zero, thus the file has loads of zero bytes at the beginning
<ali1234> nope, that is not it
<ali1234> ah yes, yes it is
<Scopeuk> ali1234 is that flush sufficient to trigger a notify?
* Scopeuk isn't completely familiar with the low level detail of pythons file handeling
<InPhase> ali1234: That's not a bug. echo "" >> tmp...scad does not zero a file out, it appends a newline to it.
<ali1234> yes, that's the idea
<ali1234> in the real script i won't be closing the file, i'll be truncating and writing new contents without closing. which does seem to work
<ali1234> but the problem is i need to seek(0) after truncating, otherwise each write happens at the previous offset, and you get a sparse file
<ali1234> yep, adding the seek fixed it :)
<ali1234> cool. now, is there a way to launch openscad with only the preview (and not the code or log) visible, without changing the global configuration?
<InPhase> There isn't.
<InPhase> The command line parameters are all completely separate from the gui config files.
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<ali1234> blender-style nodes and solidpython: https://imgur.com/1o2GE8e.png produces https://imgur.com/zCZ1cIS.png
<ali1234> (and it can also output the solid python code)
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<J1A84> nice but i am not sure i want to see a complex design as node style
<Scopeuk> there was a node like front end for open scad at one point
<J1A84> like block code but with more spaghetti
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<InPhase> Scopeuk: Yeah, blockscad3d.com
<ali1234> that is scratch, which is fundamentally just a drag and drop text editor with syntax checking
<ali1234> the node one is https://graphscad.blogspot.com/
<ali1234> but it isn't open source so i have not looked at it beyond the home page
<InPhase> Oh, like that. Well that seems worse to my eyes. :)
<InPhase> It takes the spaghetti code problem and manifests it quite literally.
<Scopeuk> with stuff like that encapsulation becomes key to making it inteligable
<Scopeuk> at the top level you are interested in objects position and orientation, its nice to be able to then drill in (similar to how one uses simulink)
<Scopeuk> no idea if it supports that sort of design hwover
<teepee> I think something similar to IceStudio would be a better match with potential of scaling to reasonable project sizes
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<ali1234> in blender you have groups which is basically defining a node with nodes
<ali1234> so like a re-usable component, or module
<ali1234> definitely helps keep it manageable
<ali1234> although people make crazy stuff without groups anyway
<Scopeuk> ali1234 yeh that sort of thing, atleast its usually easy to migrate stuff into groups
<ali1234> the cool thing in blender is that every thing is a group, including the top level
<Scopeuk> thats fairly standard, I used to do a lot of stuff with vvvv which works in a similar way
<ali1234> and then the top level inputs you define appear in the blender UI. so like an integrated customizer
<ali1234> but for madness checkout this guy's thing that doesn't appear to use any groups, just copy pasting
<othx> ali1234 linked to YouTube video "Geometry nodes in Blender 3.0 - Sofa, Table, Chair, Bed - All in One" => 1 IRC mentions
<ali1234> can't argue with the result though, it's really good
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