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Hi ppl, how can I teach openocd to erase/write/read flash for my device?
I know the procedure and registers from the datasheet
If it’s a chip type that is supported, you would need to just write a config file for the board. If it’s not, you would need to write C code. If it’s very similar to a device that is already supported, you might be able to add it to an existing flash driver; otherwise, you would need to write a fresh Flash driver. Assuming it’s something like an ordinary on-board microcontroller Flash, look in src/flash/nor for examples.
BorgCuba: where's device id register at according to the vendor doc?
should be the same address: 0x40015800
Ahh, F0
BorgCuba: it's M0 too so 0x40015800 should be used in your case. You can run openocd with -d2 and you'll see what addresses really get accessed when.
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is it actually m0 and not m0+?
ah no, that particular stm32 line is from unkonwn devid.
PaulFertser, mdw 0x40015800 gives 0
you're options for permanent are to figure out a way of identifying it, but I can't se anything obvious in that chinese datasheet
or, as a hack, just change the default case to fill in the params you want for your part, instead of rejecting as unknown...
BorgCuba: probably the datasheet isn't too accurate then.
there's also a line on determining flash size, which may not be implemented on that target either.
the stm32f1 impl doesn't really have any hooks for "just pretend it's an f1 with these params..." the way pyocd does.
PaulFertser, section 5.23.1 says that the address of DBGMCU_IDCODE is 0x40015800 and the value should read 0x20000440
which document have you guys got?
BorgCuba: looks like they really tried to mimic stm32f05x then :)
you said it's not reading 0x440 though anyway?
the datasheet on nerdralph doesn't have any section 5 beyond "TBD"
and you say that's reading zero though? at 0x40015800?
yes, but maybe mdw does not work for that address?
how would you read the idcode?
Btw, could you open that URL?
yeah, that doc looks way better.
BorgCuba: mdw it is
I was just trying to see if it needs anything insyscfg turned on to access ram or anything weird.
but nothing obvious.
it seems to try _really_ hard to mimic the f050, with the right part id and all, unlike the APM32 someone was trying here the other day.
even has the flash size register documented.
run it again with -d3 and see all the addresses it access, and what really returns, but it definitelys appears to be not following the datasheet....
(are you sure it's that hk32 and not another type of clone?)
so now they clone chips, not just boards? funny
btw, it is -D -b binary -m arm -Mforce-thumb for objdump
BorgCuba: probably the first page was overwritten later by some other tests
PaulFertser, could be
still I did not manage to read the idcode
BorgCuba: ignore it, try to treat it as if it's an stm32f0 device with 128 bytes page size
PaulFertser, do stm32 targets initialize clocks at startup?
there are RCC bits for the DBGMCU but enabling the DBMCU and resetting it does not yield an IDCODE != 0
BorgCuba: not by default, but debug clock is generic and should be enabled by OpenOCD.
yeah, and the flash is also readable
so some clocks should be running
PaulFertser, without idcode and flash-size this device would not fit in with stm32-flash drivers I fear or what do you think?
BorgCuba: wouldn't fit upstream but you should first see if it works at all as a quick hack.
PaulFertser, so you suggest I should remove the idcode check and hardcode flash size, build openocd and then try to flash the hk32 with the stm32 driver?
general question: will risc-v bury arm?
Btw, does openocd read erased flash as all 0 or 1?
BorgCuba: different MCUs have different erase flash bits.
I just entered the erase sequence manually. But after reading it back its mostly 0 but some bits are set, i.e. occasionally you can see a 1 2 4 8.
Maybe its due to my very cheap setup: 2 pull up resistors(clk,io), 3 caps, µusb, ch551g (as cmsis-dap usb adapter) and hk32f030
are you certain the erase really "worked" though?
bencoh, how can I be sure?
What I could verify is that the memory looks more 0ish now
that's a good start I guess
because I dumped 0x8000000 before and after the erase
good night boys
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