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<Xogium> heya guys :) trying to flash external qspi flash on stm32f769i-disco with openocd and I noticed that for some reason, whatever I read back or write is always one byte misplaced
<Xogium> for example there was this mbed example I tried which simply stored hello world directly in the flash. Reading back with openocd, it became, llo world
<PaulFertser> Xogium: hey
<Xogium> heya PaulFertser ! Long time no see
<PaulFertser> Xogium: I think something like that was reported already. Not sure where, probably on the mailing list, I'll try to find.
<Haohmaru> could it be address size in the command being off?
<Haohmaru> like 24bit vs 32bit address
<Xogium> maybe..? I'm all new to openocd let alone mcu
<Haohmaru> no idea about qspi flash, but if it's similar to "normal" SPI eeproms, you have an spi command to read/write, where the command is usually the 1st byte, then the following byte(s) are for the address, and then any additional bytes are data
<Haohmaru> this address chunk can be 8bit on the smallest ones, 16bit on the bigger ones, etc..
<Xogium> hmm
<Xogium> this is a 512 mbit qspi flash
<Xogium> so 4-bytes addressing required
<Haohmaru> how's the addressing done tho
<Xogium> I'm not sure…
<Haohmaru> like, there can be two eeproms of 1KB where one is 1024*8bits while the other can be 512*16bits
<PaulFertser> Xogium: I suggest you stay on channel here, probably someone who works with f7 or h7 and QSPI remembers something.
<Haohmaru> ..could also be something completely different tho
<Xogium> Haohmaru: do you mean block size/erase size and such ?
<Haohmaru> no, not page size
<Haohmaru> this is typically called "data organization"
<Haohmaru> if the data organization is 512*16bit then you'd have 512 addresses, and there would be 16bit "words" at each address, and you wouldn't be able to read "byte by byte" like if it was 1024*8bit
<Haohmaru> yet it's still 1KB worth of memory
<Haohmaru> but that doesn't matter, i'd check how big the address is (in the SPI read/write commands) and how big the address is of whatever the code is that actually talks to that flash chip
<Haohmaru> i mean, the address size as per the datasheet vs the actual address size being sent from the MCU that talks to it
<Haohmaru> maybe it's 1byte off
<Xogium> hmm
<Xogium> I'm afraid this is way beyond my knowledge right now
<Xogium> I've only just started learning maybe a month ago ;)
<Haohmaru> don't worry, it might be a completely different thing, who knows
<Xogium> this all started because I realized a kernel I'm trying to flash as XIP image was flashed wrong
<Xogium> or at least, it's what verify_image said
<Xogium> so I used this mini program to write hello world in qspi, then realized reading it back said llo world
<Xogium> the idea is that demo program writes it ok and reads it also ok, but openocd does not, for whatever reason
<Xogium> that's what I used
<Haohmaru> so this "works" properly?
<Xogium> yup
<Xogium> but reading the flash content with openocd doesn't
<Xogium> so I'm thinking that if reading is broken, writing probably is
<Haohmaru> while if you use openocd, i guess via some programmer/debugger or interface, to read/write to the same flash chip, some bytes vanish?
<Xogium> yeah
<Haohmaru> now, openocd might have additional options for adjusting things
<Haohmaru> oh wait, is this using the actual "target MCU" to talk to the flash chip?
<PaulFertser> Yes, the disco board was mentioned.
<Xogium> so er it is just not reading it ? Or is it really missing
<PaulFertser> Xogium: sorry, I can't really tell anything specific about this issue. If it's reproducible with current upstream OpenOCD from master branch on a discovery board then it's worth filing a ticket.
<Haohmaru> hm, perhaps QSPI, and QSPI memory chips are not so similar to "normal" SPI memory chips, and my whole theory might go in the trash
<PaulFertser> Xogium: are you using current master?
<PaulFertser> this says there were issues with some old MCU revisions that were fixed later.
<Xogium> I'm using latest release
<PaulFertser> Xogium: please use master HEAD instead.
<Xogium> kay will try
<Xogium> ftr I have this now
<Xogium> Open On-Chip Debugger 0.11.0+dev-00492-g8d9379c9b (2021-11-23-10:09)
<Haohmaru> that sounds hot-from-the-oven
<Xogium> yeah better not burn myself with it ;)
<Xogium> my bad I gave the wrong link for the example I'm using
<Xogium> sorry about that
<Xogium> ok testing now
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<Xogium> frankly mbed is tricky and it doesn't let you do -c init for some reason, I had to do it very fast when pressing reset
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<PaulFertser> Xogium: not sure what you mean, you do not need "init" command with OpenOCD usually.
<Xogium> hmm don't I need that to be allowed to run flash commands ?
<PaulFertser> Xogium: init tells OpenOCD to go from configuration stage to runtime stage. Not needed for interactive usage (via telnet or gdb) as it does init automatically after startup finished.
<Xogium> hm well I was trying to run openocd directly from command line
<PaulFertser> "program" command does implicit init for you too
<braunr> Xogium: oh hello o/ :)
<PaulFertser> In any case the "init" command is not doing anything hardware-wise, it's pure logical thing inside OpenOCD.
<Xogium> even running opeoocd -f board/stm32f769i-disco.cfg gives me 'error: init mode failed: unable to connect to the target'
<Xogium> er openocd, that was
<PaulFertser> Xogium: that means it's trying to connect to the board when SWD is disabled or the target is sleeping
<Xogium> oh, heya braunr :) another long time no see person ;)
<braunr> Xogium: another person getting his hands dirtier :)
<PaulFertser> Xogium: you can use "reset_config srst_only connect_assert_srst" to always automatically reset it and connect before firmware start executing.
<Xogium> well damn I don't remember what I did to read the flash again… I did so many things
<braunr> Xogium: openocd is great, enjoy the learning process
<Xogium> braunr: lol will sure do
<Xogium> braunr: I'm trying to run linux XIP that is kernel and userspace on that mcu… why ? Why not ? It will be a fun challenge, if anything
<Xogium> but currently just trying to figure out this flash stuff…
<Xogium> PaulFertser: this reset_config, is it a command I pass with -c ?
<PaulFertser> Xogium: you can, yes, before init.
<Xogium> let me try
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<Xogium> ok it is running now
<Xogium> PaulFertser, Haohmaru:
<Haohmaru> Info : device has to be switched to 4-byte addresses
<Haohmaru> so, check your flash chip's datasheet and see how big the address is
<Xogium> well considering it was *info* I thought this was just a notice and opeocd did it
<Xogium> damn why do I keep typo-ing openocd
<PaulFertser> 4-byte addresses are needed for all devices > 16 MiB.
<PaulFertser> Not much to figure here
<PaulFertser> Xogium: that log shows you reading from the flash. But what about writing?
<Haohmaru> just saying *shrug*
<Xogium> PaulFertser: with openocd or with the demo program ?
<PaulFertser> Xogium: with openocd
<Xogium> let me try that
<Xogium> I've only tried to write files though, like my XIP kernel
<Xogium> can you use openocd to arbitrarily store words in the flash ?
<PaulFertser> Yes, with "program" or "flash write_image"
<Xogium> ah
<Xogium> will try that sec
<Xogium> same
<Xogium> or well… hard to know for sure
<Xogium> I'll try and use the demo program to read what's written there
<Xogium> because reading back with openocd itself is… well
<Xogium> yes demo program reads it all goo
<Xogium> I wrote "hello storage!" instead of "Hello Storage!" so it was printed
<Xogium> so its… openocd not reading back correctly or ?
<Xogium> what
<PaulFertser> Xogium: I suggest you also do "flash info 0" on your board so that the MCU revision is revealed.
<Xogium> ah that rev: line that is printed at the bottom
<Xogium> it says rev is Z
<PaulFertser> ok, that should be enough info for a bug report. So are you saying that OpenOCD is writing to flash properly but when reading misses the first two bytes?
<Xogium> STM32F7[6|7]x - Rev: Z
<Xogium> it… sounds like that, yeah…
<Xogium> hm
<PaulFertser> Xogium: hm, I do not trust "strings" there, better do "hexdump -C -n 1024" or something like that.
<Xogium> so I just ecoed some text to, then flashed it again, openocd said wrote 15 bytes from file… Then I grabbed 256 bytes from offset 0 of bank 3 just to be dead sure
<Xogium> it printed llo storage ! in the file
<Xogium> but when running the demo program which first reads what's written in the flash before writing, I definitely saw the entire hello storage !
<Xogium> ah… I can try
<Xogium> so bad vs good in hexdump prints like this
<Xogium> 00000000 68 65 6c 6c 6f 20 73 74 6f 72 61 67 65 21 0a |hello storage!.|
<Xogium> 00000000 6c 6c 6f 20 73 74 6f 72 61 67 65 21 0a ff ff ff |llo storage!....|
<Xogium> does that make sense ? I mean does it show that it doesn't read correctly ?
<PaulFertser> I think it does, yes.
<Xogium> I wonder why reading isn't correct but writing seems to be
<Xogium> but… at least then it probably means I can flash my XIP kernel and XIP cramfs fs correctly…
<Haohmaru> it's always good to verify after writing
<Xogium> yeah
<Xogium> which… I did but then got very confused when verify_image said nop
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<Simone85> Hi everyone, I was talking with PaulFertser and olerem. I don't know if you guys remember my problem. I was trying to write the firmware of the microsemi smartcontrol2 from a raspberry pi. I start to play around with your suggestion using the softconsole software provided by microsemi. But this software works only on x64 architecture not ARM. So I
<Simone85> cannot use it on the raspberry. So the next idea is to use directly the openocd sofware. Can you suggest me where to start? Where I can find the right software (with the cfg file into) and how I can write the bin file to the board. Thanks
<PaulFertser> Simone85: iirc we suggested your demand microsemi to stop violating GPL and to release all the source code including the sources for the DLLs they link with.
<Haohmaru> ooh
<Haohmaru> have they modified openocd?
<Haohmaru> or integrated it into some closed-source tool?
<olerem> Haohmaru: yes and yes :)
<Haohmaru> aww, straight to jail
<olerem> Simone85: yes, you have choice, ask microsemi support to give source with changes made on openocd. Since it is GPLv2 software, they shoul provide you sources.
<olerem> or do this + some reverse engineering
<Xogium> so… how do I report this ? Do I have to subscribe to the openocd mailing list ?
<Haohmaru> iirc there was this gerrit thing
<josuah> > Since it is GPLv2 software, they shoul provide you sources.
<Haohmaru> start off from the website, it has the links
<josuah> great real-world example of GPLv2 at act
<josuah> it not only solve legal situations, but also organizing the code
<josuah> instead of having zillion of forks each implementing their own back-end, should submit upstream
<josuah> like for raspberry picoprobe
<josuah> they even merge openocd releases back to their repo
<Simone85> I found in the microsemi readme file into the installation folder of openocd that they are using this version of openocd
<Simone85> josuah Yes I will ask them, the funny thing is that they don't do email support just phone support....
<josuah> Simone85: they surely use email like every company, and you might be able to find any "contact" email, it is not asking for support so maybe it will be gladly received
<josuah> they might also be glad to know community gets involved with the bowels of the tool they use, who knows...
<josuah> I have not gotten involved with OpenOCD insofar myself though
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<Haohmaru> Simone85 is openocd's LICENSE file there too?
<Haohmaru> because this github project says MIT but then it also does mention that it uses binaries of opensource projects which have their own licenses
<Haohmaru> or maybe it's "COPYING" not "LICENSE"
<olerem> Simone85: the xpack has no related changes. it is just mainline openocd + packaging scripts
<olerem> by reading this config you will find following line:
<olerem> flash bank $DEVICE.envm $envm_driver($device_family($DEVICE)) 0x60000000 $device_envm_size($DEVICE) 0 0 $_TARGETNAME
<olerem> envm_driveres are: microsemi-smartfusion-envm and microsemi-smartfusion2-envm
<olerem> this drivers are not mainline
<olerem> means, the source is changed.. and patches are not public
<olerem> Simone85: can you upload openocd binary provided by microsemi?
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<Simone85> olerem what do you need in particular? The linux bin file? Normally the procide a run file.
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<olerem> Simone85: if you can, upload complete package, i'll extract needed part
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