<iamjcchan> I'm using cohttp-eio to make api request with tls-eio for https, but I don't actually want to validate certificate and I couldn't find the document to disable tls validation for either cohttp-eio nor tls-tio
<iamjcchan> I'm using cohttp-eio to make api request with tls-eio for https, but I don't actually want to validate certificate and I couldn't find the documentation to disable tls validation for either cohttp-eio nor tls-tio
<iamjcchan> i was trying to install piaf and it gave me some error so I went with cohttp😂
<yawaramin> hehe
<iamjcchan> also I couldn't fine the doc that tells you how to specify build profile for an executable
<iamjcchan> on my macbook m2, when I try to install piaf, the build error says openssl/rand.h file not found. so am I missing any system dependencies
<yawaramin> yeah i guess you're missing the openssl dev package?
<yawaramin> oh you said Mac, so i guess `brew info openssl`
<iamjcchan> it says openssl@3: stable 3.4.0 (bottled) is installed
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<yawaramin> i have that file in the path `/opt/homebrew/Cellar/openssl@3/3.4.0/include/openssl/rand.h`. not sure why it's not finding it for you. maybe your switch is outdated? you could try `eval $(opam env) && opam update && opam upgrade` and then try installing piaf
<iamjcchan> thanks let me try that
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<iamjcchan> for piaf, is there a method for adding basic auth header?
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mbacarella : Irssi, here
<ape_logic> why doesn't ocaml use type inference for mathematical operators and refuse to compile float and int operations? it a historical reason?
<ape_logic> why doesn't ocaml use type inference for mathematical operators and refuse to compile float and int operations? is it a historical reason?
<ape_logic> hmm on reflection I guess it's because they're not special functions and just declared like everything else
<ape_logic> ..so what we really need is for them to be polymorphic, right? `Int 5 + `Int 10 looking pretty to me
<ape_logic> *pretty ergonomic
<ape_logic> ..so what we really need is for them to be polymorphic, right? \`Int 5 + \`Int 10 looking pretty ergonomic to me
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haskell uses typeclasses for this
but it's not actually that simple, float operations don't satisfy the same axioms as integer operations
e.g. (x +. y) +. z is not the same as x +. (y +. z)
so if you abstract it you either pass up a lot of integer optimization opportunities or generate wrong float code
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<deepspacejohn> If + worked on both int and float types, what would be the type of `fun a b -> a + b` ?
(Number, Number) -> Number ?
Then you have to unpack Number to figure out if it's int or float.
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<xavierm02_> olle: then you get the usual disadvantages of dynamically typed things, e.g. what do you do when the two operands are of different types?
<xavierm02_> dh`: this drawback applies if you try to generate polymorphic code, but you could also add duplicated monomorphised code for each instance
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xavier, type-cast?
Or disallow
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Is this a type-class discussion?
<xavierm02_> olle:disallowing weakens the static guarantees given by typing, and type casting can induce weird behavior (e.g. casting from int to float before or after an operation can change the result)
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disallow statically? isn't that what haskell does?
I believe there are multiple articles on how to do this in ocaml with modules and gadt, no?
Haskell type is not `(Number, Number) -> Number` but `Number x => (x,x) -> x` which doesn't allow the problematic case where the left and right operand are different instances of the Number type class.
octachron: meaning you get a type error?
Manually casting always seemed best option to me. Intention is clearer.
octachron: +1
<Kali> it is simple to do this with gadts but since you have to write it out manually at that point why even bother just use separate functions in the first place
<deepspacejohn> you can always wrap int, float, int32, int64, etc. into a "number" type but you'll ultimately have to unwrap it to do anything useful with it. it's easier to just pick the target type that you need in the end and convert other values to that.
<Kali> yeah ^
<octachron> Or wrapping your algorithm in a functor when you reallly want it to work on all noetherian rings.
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<diligentclerk> I have been writing some numerical code in Futhark for a while and I've gotten used to just functorizing everything and working with an arbitrary number type t. It's not bad
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<astreamingcomesacrossthesky> I'm having a heck of a time getting zarith installed on my new computer. I'm using nix and I have `gmp` available, but the installation errors out with this error from `ocamlfind`:
<astreamingcomesacrossthesky> ```
<astreamingcomesacrossthesky> ocamlfind: Bad configuration: Cannot mkdir ... Path component does not exist or is not a directory```
<astreamingcomesacrossthesky> Which is in some measure true bc several parents of the intended output dir do not exist, except it's trying to build the lib in the parent directory of my local switch?
<._null._> What OS and what did you do to install it ?
<astreamingcomesacrossthesky> It's NixOS and it's being brought in as a dependency of another library by OPAM
<astreamingcomesacrossthesky> I just tried installing it directly and same result
<._null._> Did you install it through Nix or opam ?
<astreamingcomesacrossthesky> OPAM
<._null._> When you try `opam install zarith --verbose`, can you find the problematic command ? Can you understand what happens ?
<astreamingcomesacrossthesky> It compiles successfully with `make` but yeah one of the C options is an installation path that does not exist which is why it blows up on `make install`
<astreamingcomesacrossthesky> I guess I could try building this from source
<._null._> I get this line, is it the path that's wrong ?:
<._null._> (I set up a local switch in /tmp)
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<astreamingcomesacrossthesky> No that looks similar to mine and the path to zarith in the .opam dir also looks similar, where it seems to go wrong is the invocation of `ocamlfind install -destdir`, the path being passed to that is nonsense
<astreamingcomesacrossthesky> The part that exists is /home/me/my-code/ocaml-stuff but then it produces this subdirectory /outputs/out/lib/ocaml/5.1.1/site-lib no part of which is existing
<._null._> But `destdir` is completely wrong ? And it comes from nowhere ?
<astreamingcomesacrossthesky> Yeah exactly that
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<astreamingcomesacrossthesky> Sorry I'm on my phone otherwise I'd copy these commands directly
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<._null._> This directory first appeared in the initial configure script, can you confirm ?
<astreamingcomesacrossthesky> Correct
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<._null._> What does `ocamlfind printconf destdir` print ?
<astreamingcomesacrossthesky> The bogus dir that appears in the configure script
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<._null._> So the issue comes from ocamlfind, not from zarith
<._null._> I'm not sure I can help further, but I imagine you're not the first to encounter this issue
<astreamingcomesacrossthesky> No worries, you've been plenty of help already. I'll see what I can do about it. Thanks a lot!
<._null._> Oh wait, do `ocamlfind printconf conf` and read this file ?
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<astreamingcomesacrossthesky> Destdir is set to something in `/nix/store` here
<._null._> Any related environment variables ?
<astreamingcomesacrossthesky> Path is set to nix derivation for OCaml and a derivation for findlib
<astreamingcomesacrossthesky> And then some variables for ocamlc and ocamlopt but they don't look relevant here
<._null._> Then I don't know, but it sure is related to a problematic interaction between nix and ocamlfind
<astreamingcomesacrossthesky> Cool, well that narrows it down at least. I'll get it figured out eventually. Or maybe I won't 🤷🏼♂️
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<ape_logic> out of curiosity, why use a switch in Nix at all?
<ape_logic> unless this isn't in a devshell.. are you doing systemwide imperative opam ?
<astreamingcomesacrossthesky> I'm brand new to nix and I'm still kinda figuring out when and where I should be using nix for things and when I should be using PL-specific tooling but to answer your question I do have a dev shell yes
<astreamingcomesacrossthesky> Surely there can't be Nix packages for every OCaml library that people need so I imagine there has to be some mixed usage, no?
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