<gabyfle> Hi ! For some reasons I don't have any ocaml stubs in my system. I'm using opam to install ocaml compilers. Does anyone knows how to get them properly ? Thanks a lot in advance :p
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<gabyfle> Hi ! For some reasons I don't have any ocaml stubs in my system. I'm using opam to install ocaml compilers. Does anyone knows how to get them properly ?
<lukstafi> Ah I don't think that the first approach works with dynamic first-class modules either, I need the following bloat / workaround: `let module M = (val get_m ()) in let u = M.get_u () in f (module M) u`. So I'm guessing explicits will not make it any worse.
<lukstafi> Or `let module M = (val get_m ()) in f1 (module M) ()` where `let f : (module M : MT) -> unit -> unit` and `MT` has abstract types -- `f1 (get_m ()) ()` doesn't work.
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<lukstafi> The last part is wrong, if the abstract types are not used dynamic first-class modules are ok.
<gabyfle> Hi ! I'm currently working on this: <https://github.com/gabyfle/SoundML> and I'm having a bottleneck in my computations due to a type conversion problem. When computing a spectrogram, the output is a Complex Biggarray (in fact, a Owl's Ndarray but it's just bigarrays under the hood). The problem is that sometimes we only want the real parts of the complex values inside this array that is, if our array is {z | z € A} with z € C (the complex
<gabyfle> ```ocaml
<gabyfle> let real (x : (Complex.t, Bigarray.complex32_elt) Owl.Dense.Ndarray.Generic.t) =
<gabyfle> let ttime = Unix.gettimeofday () in
<gabyfle> let dims = Audio.G.shape x in
<gabyfle> let re = Audio.G.create Bigarray.Float32 dims 0. in
<gabyfle> Audio.G.iteri_nd (fun i z -> Audio.G.set re i Complex.(z.re)) x ;
<gabyfle> Owl.Log.debug "Elapsed time for Complex z -> Re(z) compute: %f"
<gabyfle> Under the hood, `iteri_nd` is just a `for` loop on the elements of the bigarray. Here comes the bottleneck:
<gabyfle> This is the elapsed time for the computation of the complex spectrogram and the evaluation of `real c` where `c` is our complex bigarray:
<gabyfle> ```ocaml
<gabyfle> 2024-10-28 12:22:16.311 DEBUG : Elapsed time for specgram compute: 0.134960
<gabyfle> 2024-10-28 12:22:16.785 DEBUG : Elapsed time for Complex z -> Re(z) compute: 0.473705
<gabyfle> ```
<gabyfle> As you can see, `real c` takes as much as 3 times the time to compute the specgram which is absolutely not wanted. Does anyone have any idea on how could I make this way faster ?
<gabyfle> Hi ! I'm currently working on this: <https://github.com/gabyfle/SoundML> and I'm having a bottleneck in my computations due to a type conversion problem. When computing a spectrogram, the output is a Complex Biggarray (in fact, a Owl's Ndarray but it's just bigarrays under the hood). The problem is that sometimes we only want the real parts of the complex values inside this array that is, if our array is {z | z € A} with z € C (the complex
<gabyfle> ```ocaml
<gabyfle> let real (x : (Complex.t, Bigarray.complex32_elt) Owl.Dense.Ndarray.Generic.t) =
<gabyfle> let ttime = Unix.gettimeofday () in
<gabyfle> let dims = Audio.G.shape x in
<gabyfle> let re = Audio.G.create Bigarray.Float32 dims 0. in
<gabyfle> Audio.G.iteri_nd (fun i z -> Audio.G.set re i Complex.(z.re)) x ;
<gabyfle> Owl.Log.debug "Elapsed time for Complex z -> Re(z) compute: %f"
<gabyfle> Under the hood, `iteri_nd` is just a `for` loop on the elements of the bigarray. Here comes the bottleneck:
<gabyfle> This is the elapsed time for the computation of the complex spectrogram and the evaluation of `real c` where `c` is our complex bigarray:
<gabyfle> ```ocaml
<gabyfle> 2024-10-28 12:22:16.311 DEBUG : Elapsed time for specgram compute: 0.134960
<gabyfle> 2024-10-28 12:22:16.785 DEBUG : Elapsed time for Complex z -> Re(z) compute: 0.473705
<gabyfle> ```
<gabyfle> As you can see, `real c` takes as much as 3 times the time to compute the specgram which is absolutely not wanted. Does anyone have any idea on how could I make this way faster ?
<gabyfle> I've tried using `Owl.Dense.Ndarray.re_c2s`, but looks like under the hood it does exactly the same thing:
<gabyfle> ```c
<gabyfle> #define FUN14 re_c2s
<gabyfle> #define NUMBER complex_float
<gabyfle> #define NUMBER1 float
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Bigarrays are way slower if the compiler doesn't know the exact type
It's better to always annotate and monomorphize if you can
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I am looking at Bechamel. I want to use Test.make_with_resource, what is the argument kind for? Looking at the code I don't understand what it is useful for.
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<softwaresirppi> Guys what do you think about exceptions and the oddly names `exn`?
<softwaresirppi> Why not the ability to raise any value?
how would you typecheck `try … with e -> …`? what's the type of `e`?
<softwaresirppi> Maybe it has a tagged union inside it?
<softwaresirppi> So that I could pattern match?
<softwaresirppi> Okay that's why exceptions are their own tupe
<softwaresirppi> 😂😂 thanks
<._null._> As for the "oddly named exn", `exception` was already a keyword so it was taken
<softwaresirppi> How was life before exn?!
<softwaresirppi> Also tell me anything cool or nice to know about exceptions
<softwaresirppi> I'm foreign to ocaml's exceptions
<softwaresirppi> You define an exception like `exception OhFuk of string`
<softwaresirppi> And then you raise it like `raise OhFuk "doesn't work brotha"`
<softwaresirppi> Also a thing to be noted is ... Exception declaration doesn't have an = sign
I don't think there was life before exceptions
it's a feature that was in the early MLs afaict
it was there in caml light
<softwaresirppi> I see
<softwaresirppi> Also the signature of raise is `exn -> 'a`
<softwaresirppi> Poor alpha never gets returned 🫠
<softwaresirppi> I don't know if I'm just being unfamiliar to syntax or this syntax bad lol
<softwaresirppi> I'll have to spend some time
<deepspacejohn> you raise any value as long as you defined an exception to wrap it in: `exception Exn_int of int exception Exn_string of string` etc.
<deepspacejohn> You can't have a polymorphic exception though (without GADTs) because that would not be type safe `exception Bad of 'a`
<lukstafi> I'd prefer if it was `throw` instead of `raise` because the opposite of `raise` is `lower`
<lecondorduplateau> exceptions are in fact an extensible variant
<lecondorduplateau> and `exception Foo of string` is actualy syntaxic sugar for `type exn += Foo of string`
<softwaresirppi> @lecondorduplateau I'm watching/reading the Ocaml book... Do you have any other resources that get deep into these things?
<lecondorduplateau> maybe it's possible to get the number of constructors with unsafe function of module `Obj`
<softwaresirppi> I see
<gooby_clown> It's okay, can just write a ppx
<deepspacejohn> Constructors can be added to an extensible type dynamically. This is also why matching an extensible variant always needs a wildcard `| _ ->` case to be exhaustive.
<lecondorduplateau> oh yes
<softwaresirppi> can i tell you guys something? `failwith` is mumble case but `invalid_arg` is snake case
<deepspacejohn> (the fact that some features are in the extensions section is part of why I dislike the manual's organization.)
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hey! I'm using an Lru cache https://opam.ocaml.org/packages/lru/ in a mutable field, but by the first time I access it (through Lru.find), my application becomes stuck
how would you debug this?
on an other note, do you know if there are themes for odoc pages?
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<contificate> Can you elaborate, does your program block indefinitely?
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