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<deepspacejohn> Also “generative” functors are able to create modules with no input module, specifically for creating new types.
hmm this seems broken
% dune --version
<mbacarella> functors are monads in which the bind operation degenerates into a lifting of pure morphisms, such that the monadic structure collapses into a single-layer context application without requiring a join to resolve nested contexts.
<mbacarella> what's the problem?
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<darrenldl> is it correct that in order to statically link C dependencies, the i need to write C stubs for ctypes instead of using the dynamic lookups?
depends what you're statically linking
<darrenldl> trying to link either zstd lib or zlib
I would expect that everything in ctypes comes from libc, so as long as you don't link libc statically there shouldn't be problems
<darrenldl> and deciding between camlzip and zstd package, latter of which doesn't use C stubs, and I can't remember if that caused issue for me in the past
<darrenldl> yeah...i'm trying to link on alpine with musl
I remember using ctypes for something or other at some point but I can't remember what and it wasn't very intensive
so mostly I dunno but I can tell you things about dynamic linking
(mostly things that will make your hair curl, soundness isn't even a remote consideration)
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<diligentclerk> I know you're joking around but OCaml module functors are named by loose analogy to category-theoretic functors rather than by formal correspondence so it can be confusing to conflate them
<diligentclerk> ```ocaml
<diligentclerk> module type S =
<diligentclerk> type t
<diligentclerk> val s : (t -> t) -> t
<diligentclerk> end
<diligentclerk> ```
<diligentclerk> I think this should be an example of a module type where there is not a sensible way to define a category of modules and module homomorphisms
<diligentclerk> Also yeah that is some comically confusing prose 😄
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<iamjcchan> is there a production ready http framework/server for ocaml 5?
Didn't realize piaf was also server side
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<yawaramin> yeah the request and response types are the same so it's symmetrical
Same as dream heh
<yawaramin> sorry i meant specifically that the server and client have the same request and response types. but you're right about Dream using the same base 'message' type for both. plus the Hyper client library also has the property of using the same request and response types that Dream does
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is one supposed to recompile everything if going from 4.12.1 to 4.12.2?