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<softwaresirppi> Why making it specifically in Ocaml serves?
<softwaresirppi> Considering there's no such thing with haskell
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<azur1s> i've been trying to get ocaml platform extension to work on vscode on windows and i keep getting "`ocaml-lsp-server` is not installed in the current sandbox" and im not sure why 😅
<azur1s> i have a sandbox called "default" and i installed ocaml-lsp-server there. i dont know why the extension cant find it
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<.korven.> is the default sandbox selected by the extension?
<azur1s> yes
<azur1s> though the ocaml docs website said to add "opam switch prefix" to my vscode path, but i dont know what that prefix is
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<donderdag> the VS Code plugin sandbox may not be the same as the OCaml Platform sandbox
<donderdag> interfaces between editors and the local machine are far from seamless
<azur1s> i see
<azur1s> i guess ill just use it without the lsp and just rely on the compiler outputs then
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<astreamingcomesacrossthesky> I tend to just use local switches bc I also had issues using the default switch the first time I tried OCaml, but using local switches works fine for me
<astreamingcomesacrossthesky> I tend to just use local switches bc I also had issues using the default switch the first time I tried OCaml, but using local switches works fine for me (in VSCode)
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<.korven.> you can also just use esy 👀
<._null._> When you call ocaml in the terminal, does it work?
<._null._> @azur1s
<azur1s> it does, everything is fine in the terminal
<._null._> In the output section, there should be something about opam commands, where you can see what got called and the errors associated
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<azur1s> oh wait i forgot about that
<azur1s> now i know
<azur1s> its using the wrong path
<azur1s> its using the wrong opam binary path
<._null._> How come you have two opams? You should probably remove one, to not have similar errors in the future
<azur1s> actually no that is correct
<azur1s> i checked the wrong thing sorry
<._null._> So what error does VSCode get in there?
<._null._> Do you get the same results when you run the command yourself?
<azur1s> no
<azur1s> on the top of the image i ran the exact command that the extension is trying to do
<azur1s> and it printed fine 😅
<azur1s> i forgot `--set-switch` but its still fine with it before or after
<._null._> I think this means VSCode doesn't have the same PATH value as the terminals. Did you change it recently? If so, you may need to reconnect to your Windows session
<azur1s> actually wait now that "opam prefix" thing make sense
<azur1s> oh i thought i was clever
<._null._> (or launch VSCode from a terminal where the PATH is correct)
<azur1s> i added `...\AppData\Local\opam\default\bin` to my path tho the vscode shows absolute path so i think it is something else maybe?
<._null._> The opam root is usually an environment variable, but the extension doesn't bother and passes it manually every time
<._null._> The opam root is usually read from an environment variable, but the extension doesn't bother and passes it manually every time
<._null._> Can you try to start VSCode from a terminal where the commands work?
<azur1s> i always ran vscode from the terminal with `code .`
<azur1s> i tried `opam exec --switch=default --set-switch --root *snip*\opam -- "*snip*\Microsoft VS Code\bin\code.cmd" .` and still the same result
<azur1s> its weird... since the extension can find ocamlc too
<._null._> So it's not environment variables. Windows sure is annoying to work with
<azur1s> maybe but wsl is another hassle of its own so if i really needs it i will try it out
<donderdag> oh you have to try it. it's **really** worth the effort
<._null._> So when the installation says
<._null._> ```
<._null._> opam doesn't have any configuration options for powershell; you will have to run (& opam env) -split '\r?\n' | ForEach-Object { Invoke-Expression $_ } whenever you change you current 'opam switch' or start a new terminal session.
<._null._> ```
<._null._> That's what $PROFILE is for ?
<azur1s> yeah i just paste the whole thing into $PROFILE
<azur1s> so its get evaled every powershell session
<donderdag> you can even do stuff like this:
<donderdag> > I use VS Code with the WSL remote extension. This lets you have a native Windows editor with all the "usual benefits" but your (Clojure) code and REPL and everything runs on the Linux side of the fence. VS Code + Remote runs a "VS Code server" on Linux that the Windows VS Code UI connects to for all operations. Some extensions run locally in the client, some extensions are "installed on the remote side" and run on Linux. It's a pretty slic
<._null._> It might be a good idea to tell opam developers this exist, because it looke like they don't
<._null._> It might be a good idea to tell opam developers this exists, because it looks like they don't
<azur1s> i was concerned about the lsp like do i have to install the lsp on the main windows or the wsl so i didnt bother doing it
<azur1s> but that sound convincing
<azur1s> im not sure of any other way to run the eval commands each start automatically
<azur1s> since $PROFILE is also used for customizing prompt
<donderdag> i think the lsp would be on the linux side
<azur1s> i guess ill make something for now and until i really need type annotations i will try wsl
<azur1s> havent did anything in ocaml for a while now
<._null._> Everything related to OCaml would be installed in WSL. That's what I used for my minimal set up before opam for Windows was a thing, and it works well
<azur1s> i see
<azur1s> i guess it'd be worth it
<azur1s> well, thanks for helping guys
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<.korven.> i mean if it's a better experience 🤪
<._null._> When opam is set up correctly, it's transparent and you can forget about it. It's also usually easy to set up (unless you're on Windows basically)
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<._null._> @azur1s I got it: apparently the latest version of the OCaml extension broke something. If you roll back to 1.20.0 it works
<azur1s> oh my god
<azur1s> :guess:
<azur1s> well thats funny
<azur1s> i didnt expect the extension was in the wrong and i just have a bogus config
<azur1s> i didnt expect it was the extension was in the wrong and i just have a bogus config
<._null._> Can you confirm it works for you, so that I can leave Windows ?
<._null._> Good
<azur1s> it works
<azur1s> leaving windows... 😔
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<._null._> Getting back to an OS that doesn't spy on you
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<donderdag> there is a chain of software between your local machine and your editor environment. when things go wrong, generally it's best to look in the reverse order (ie. with the editor)
<donderdag> there is a chain of software between your local machine and your editor environment. when things go wrong, generally it's best to look in the reverse order (ie. starting with the editor)
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<donderdag> i know good devs who deliberately roll a very barebones setup, just so that they have fewer things to look into when things go wrong
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<donderdag> i know good devs who deliberately roll a very barebones setup, just so that they have fewer things to look into (fewer layers of abstraction) when things go wrong
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<donderdag> oh crap, the edits
<donderdag> /kowtow
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<qrpnxz> lol rip
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<gabyfle> I'd not agree totally on that. Doing data science at my school as a major, I feel a lot of weekness in both R and Python
on what? responding to scroll? :-)
(there was some talk about numerics and numpy but it was several days back)
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