<contificate> Does `dune` let you use that option that `ocamlopt` gives you to globally `open` a module? That'd be neat for pervasive modules you want to invent
<yawaramin> yes just set it as a compiler flag
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<otini_> @companion_cube :
<otini_> >So if you get partial, possibly misleading data, meh
<otini_> the ring buffer loses events only when old, unconsumed events get rewritten
<otini_> so to lose events you have to either not consume them or consume them too slowly for a long time
<otini_> it’s not like some events are dropped at random
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heh, it looks like that if I Lwt_domain.detach something that uses lambdasoup, I get weird errors inside lambdasoup
(I'm lucky that this computation only takes around 1s now but I'll see if I can detach it myself to its own domain)
<otini_> what does it do?
<otini_> also why using Lwt?
@otini_ sure, but it can happen if you have a large burst of events
In any case I could also use the ring buffer from my library if needed, as a backend
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<otini_> assuming scheduler fairness, I don’t see why it would be hard to write a thread/external tool that consumes any frequency of events fast enough
That's a big assumption
And the external tool, if it writes to disk, might still be slower than the producer. There's no backpressure.
Tbh it's probably fine for live tracing and metrics in general, but the way I use tracing sometimes is a bit more data intensive.
<otini_> mm, okay, I guess it’s designed with events that are not so frequent in mind
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<otini_> it wouldn’t be very hard to have pluggable backpressure, probably
<otini_> by default there isn’t and external programs could provide a callback when the buffer is full, which if present would be called in a stop-the-world fashion
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I'm not sure it's designed for back pressure really
Anyway, it's a more specific use case imho
otini_: Lwt_domain.detach does a computation in a different domain which is handy if you have a non-cooperative task that can take a while to run; there's also Lwt_preemptive.detach which does the same but merely using a thread
I'm attempting to use it right now and I'll see if it avoids the issue
also, why lwt: because I started quite some time ago and using ocaml 4.14
I'm also not familiar with Eio (and effects!) at all
adrien: another possible workaround is to make sure to initialize it before creating domains
companion_cube: ohhhhh
well, I was using a domain pool of size 1 but I think I also have some operations in the main domain
which are tiny operations so I don't feel like changing things for them
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it seems to be working well with lwt_preemptive instead
sure but you don't get parallelism
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yes; I think it'll be fine, or at least it seems fine for now and I'll monitor
the amount of work depends on external inputs and there is less to do ATM compared to a few days ago but I think that performance is acceptable after some performance optimizations I did (I think I was hitting terrible codepaths in lambdasoup somehow)