anyone got an example of a Cmdliner.Arg.t that accumulates repeated values of the same flag? The vflag_all examples show how to choose between different flags
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I'm trying to have a command line like awk's -v flag, e.g `mycommand -v var1=foo -v var2=bar ...`
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<lima.leonardo> Hi. I am having some trouble with Eio and could use some help. I am trying to specify three fibers: one that executes an external process; one that writes to the stdin of the external process; and one that reads from the stdout of the external process, as follows:
<lima.leonardo> ```ocaml
<lima.leonardo> let exec (stream: in_channel) =
<lima.leonardo> let ( / ) = Eio.Path.( / ) in
<lima.leonardo> Eio_main.run @@ fun env ->
<lima.leonardo> let proc_mgr = Eio.Stdenv.process_mgr env in
<lima.leonardo> let domain_mgr = Eio.Stdenv.domain_mgr env in
<lima.leonardo> Switch.run (fun sw ->
<lima.leonardo> let w_source, w_sink = Eio.Process.pipe ~sw proc_mgr in
<lima.leonardo> let r_source, r_sink = Eio.Process.pipe ~sw proc_mgr in
<lima.leonardo> let r_buf = Eio.Buf_read.of_flow r_source ~initial_size:100 ~max_size:1_000_000 in
<lima.leonardo> try
<lima.leonardo> Fiber.all
<lima.leonardo> [
<lima.leonardo> (fun () ->
<lima.leonardo> let _ = Eio.Process.spawn ~sw ~stdin:w_source ~stdout:r_sink ~stderr:r_sink
<lima.leonardo> proc_mgr [] |> Eio.Process.await in ());