companion_cube changed the topic of #ocaml to: Discussion about the OCaml programming language | | OCaml 5.2.0 released: | Try OCaml in your browser: | Public channel logs at
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<discocaml> <realsnazzy> Is Eio going to replace Lwt?
<discocaml> <realsnazzy> Is Eio going to replace Lwt completely?
<discocaml> <realsnazzy> Is Eio going to replace Lwt in most future use cases?
<companion_cube> it's hard to make predictions, especially about the futures
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<discocaml> <barconstruction> Has anyone used OCaml bindings for tree sitter other than the semgrep ones
<discocaml> <barconstruction> Because semgrep was too complicated and didn't work for me
<discocaml> <barconstruction> I ended up switching to rust for this project because there is already g a tree sitter grammar for this language and I did not want to reinvent the wheel
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