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<discocaml> <timmcgilchrist> @jiquiame Open an issue/question against opam-repo-ci if you think it's an error. The sandboxing for that service does lock down where you can write on the host, so the error Sys_error("/tmp/cflow-json-trace.json: Read-only file system") seems correct. Can you change it to write within the allocated tests directory?
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<jiquiame> timmcgilchrist: if it's a different sandboxing there then it's not an error. It's not a big issue, I'll be removing the accesses to /tmp then, thanks!
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<discocaml> <logan_north> What's the current state of the art for parsers in OCaml? I'm working on a toy language, and someone recommended I try OCaml for it. I have some FP experience with Elm and Haskell.
<discocaml> <logan_north> Recursive descent or parser combinators preferably, not a parser generator like Yacc
<discocaml> <Kali> perhaps look at angstrom if you do not like parser combinators
<discocaml> <Kali> do like*
<discocaml> <yawaramin> well the state of the art in OCaml is supposed to be Menhir, which is a parser generator with support for custom error messages
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<Anarchos> logan_north for the brave, there is dypgen
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<discocaml> <deepspacejohn> Or Sedlex if Unicode is important