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<cedb> hi, currenty learning, doing a toy project, im trying to wrap my head around the ocolor package. it uses these semantic tags for formatting e.g. Ocolor_format.printf "@{<bold>boldtext@}" lorem, but if I bind that string first instead of passing it literally i get a type error
<cedb> tyrying to wrap my head how that even makes sense before even understanding the type error itself
<discocaml> <Kali> that is because string syntax is overloaded to also be format syntax depending on the context it's in
<discocaml> <Kali> this is why we have can have type-safe printf
<discocaml> <Kali> and such
<discocaml> <Kali> because it's not actually a string, it's a formatting literal
<discocaml> <Kali> by default, they are assumed to be strings, so in your case the binding without a type annotation makes it be a string
<discocaml> <Kali> which is then a type error since strings and formatters are not interchangable
<cedb> ah okay that makes sense thanks, so the type of that "syntactic string" would be a Format.formatter object?
<cedb> ehh, shouldnt use that word
<cedb> gdmnit didnt expect to fall that fast in the whole pp rabbit hole
<cedb> can i just annotate the binding to some fixed type just factor out that nasty long string im gonna write
<discocaml> <Kali> : _ format
<discocaml> <Kali> let test : _ format = "hello %s"
<discocaml> <Kali> for instance
<discocaml> <absolutemillow> i would like to write a lsp in ocaml somehave documentation ?
<cedb> great thanks
<cedb> (just found this blog post) pretty intense thing to have so, idk how to say, close to casual user/newbie surface of interaction
<cedb> cool, but intense
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<rustyne> Anarchos, adrien: There will be a talk on picos tomorrow at the OCaml workshop (it will streamed)
<reynir> ^ specifically at 14:00 CEST
<Anarchos> rustyne
<Anarchos> ok
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<discocaml> <reynir1396> how do you print the ppx'ed source? I know dune creates a file which is a "OCaml abstract syntax tree implementation file" but I forgot how to make that into something readable
<discocaml> <anmonteiro> if you're using dune you can use `dune describe pp ./path/to/`
<discocaml> <reynir1396> ah great thanks
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<discocaml> <sim642> Maybe the VSCode plugin should just unmarshal and pretty print it, assuming it's self-contained
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<rustyne> `dune show pp ...` works too
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<companion_cube> I'm confused again by deriving_inline
<companion_cube> there's barely any docs on the subject :/
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