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<discocaml> <darrenldl> maybe some will appear when picos becomes widely adopted, so schedulers can coordinate with each other (as far as I understand)
<companion_cube> you could use DLS?
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<adrien> I wasn't aware of picos, that's one more thing to read about :)
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<Anarchos> adrien what is picos ?
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<theblatte> what's the point of host-arch-x86_64 and the like? now I need to bundle architecture-dependent packages in my mini repo
<theblatte> I'll get over it eventually ^^
<discocaml> <hannes6838> theblatte: this has been discussed -- and yes, it is pretty annoying. Also in the issue
<theblatte> thank you!
<theblatte> ok so not only do I have to add random hardcoded packages to the mini repo, I need to remove random hardcoded packages from my lock files too, sigh
<theblatte> this is why you should never update any dependencies ever :p
<discocaml> <hannes6838> since there's radio silence on that issue & discuss post, maybe it helps if you raise your voice -- with the hope that someone will spend some time to find an appropriate solution!?
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<discocaml> <kakadu18> I want in dune to disable some stuff for Mac. Why `(enabled_if (<> %{ocaml-config:os_type} "Darwin"))` may not take effect?
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<discocaml> <pitagha> hello 👋 tomorrow, there's the ML Workshop happening at a big conference called ICFP. it can be followed online on a live stream!
<discocaml> <pitagha>
<discocaml> <pitagha> - live streams:
<discocaml> <pitagha> - ICFP discord (for questions etc):
<discocaml> <pitagha>
<discocaml> <pitagha> and the day after tomorrow, there'll be the OCaml Users and Developers Workshop happening (also live streamed. same links as above) which has a stronger user focus and less academic focus (at least big parts of it :))
<Anarchos> pitagha which hour the ml workshop stream ?
<discocaml> <pitagha> 9:30am-5:30pm CET (to get the time in your time zone, you can click on the "more info" link)
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