companion_cube changed the topic of #ocaml to: Discussion about the OCaml programming language | | OCaml 5.2.0 released: | Try OCaml in your browser: | Public channel logs at
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<discocaml_> <shiny_dev> I am a lead web3 frontend and blockchain engineer, i am looking for an opportunity to work with you.
<companion_cube> good one
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<discocaml_> <limp.biskit> @admin more spam
<discocaml_> <barconstruction> Did they use the everyone ping? I got a notification
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<reynir> doesn't _lead_ blabla engineer mean they already have a job?
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<discocaml_> <limp.biskit> leading expert in unemployment
<discocaml_> <deepspacejohn> well, you can have a job and still be "looking for an opportunity to work with you" (IDK why I'm trying to make sense of spam)
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<discocaml_> <limp.biskit> are there any pitfalls to watch out for converting a functor into a class? the context is i have a main state carrying type for HTTP transactions, which i want to have multiple implementations for different schedulers, yet still allow for code reuse in simple middleware.
<discocaml_> <limp.biskit> i haven't used the object layer outside of gui things
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<discocaml_> <thisisjjasmine> is there something like google summer of code but for ocaml?
<discocaml_> <thisisjjasmine> is there something like google summer of code but for ocaml?
<discocaml_> <thisisjjasmine> edit: ok i'm seeing outreachy, thank you!
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<discocaml_> <gabyfle> Any idea why does `Owl` seems to not have been widely adopted even inside the OCaml's community ? I'm using it for quite a bit now to create a little sound processing library and I just managed to port the spectral helper from matplotlib <> to OCaml in a very elegant way, and I'm always amazed how complete this library is. Everytime I'm afraid I'll need to reimpleme
<discocaml_> <kakadu18> I'm doing a parallel for using Domainslib. Are there any pitfalls about reporting progress to the starting domain? I'm trying to use 'progress' library, and it crashes with `exception Stdlib.Queue.Empty` but the stack trace doesn't look like related to this library, but mentions Domainlib a lot.
<discocaml_> <kakadu18> trace:
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<discocaml_> <octachron> You are mutating a shared mutable state across different domains without synchronization. This can only work by accident.
<discocaml_> <kakadu18> Yes, the same issue appears when we want to count how many domain finished, and it motivates invention of atomics. But I dont' yet understand how they could help me. Maybe I actually need message passing between domains?
<discocaml_> <octachron> Using an atomic counter and calling the report function in a unique separate task should work.
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<discocaml_> <limp.biskit> your queue should be locked by a mutex
<discocaml_> <limp.biskit> queue isn’t thread safe
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