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<discocaml> <otini_> What about Digest?
<discocaml> <otini_> ah, never mind, it is specifically designed to hash byte sequences
<companion_cube> Digest doesn't even specify the algorithm
<companion_cube> it was md5 for a long time
<discocaml> <otini_> this has been improved in 5.2
<companion_cube> and also it was slow, ugly, and non compositional :p (one of my most disliked moduels tbh)
<companion_cube> yeah but you only get a crypto hash with a poor interface
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<discocaml> <otini_> that doesn’t particularly shock me, I expect cryptographic hashes to be computed on stable (or at least versioned) binary representations, which is not doable with polymorphic functions neither default hashing functions
<discocaml> <otini_> I agree that we lack default functions for non-cryptographic hashing
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<companion_cube> we most defiitely do
<companion_cube> if you want a nice crypto hashing library, just look at cryptokit
<companion_cube> it's 100x better than Digest
<companion_cube> (and serves different purposes)
<hannes> ..or take a look at digestif..
<companion_cube> no offense but isn't it sth that allocates lots of cstructs?
<companion_cube> (I last looked years ago, I could be way off tracks)
<hannes> companion_cube: it doesn't even depend on cstruct.
<hannes> it can hash string,byte,bigarray
<companion_cube> oh yeah right
<companion_cube> but it returns a new ctx every time
<hannes> if you use digest_*, no. it really depends on which function you use. but well, I won't discuss the API differences in detail.
<companion_cube> I guess my needs are that I hash complex stuff, so one shot functions are not enough and I focus on feed_*
<companion_cube> for which cryptokit is better since it mutates in place
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<discocaml> <dinosaure> For experience, the mutation can be really dangerous and even more with parallelism
<discocaml> <dinosaure> When it's aboit cryptographic stuff, and again we talk about a ctx which is probably allocated into the minor heap
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<Anarchos> ARe patches welcome to enable native compilation for a specific platform on the 4.14 branch ?
<companion_cube> 4.14, I kind of doubt it :D
<Anarchos> i miss my native compiler on HaikuOS, i have to pin a local repo with native compilation/dynlink enable. The testsuite runs fine, excpet for 2 tests.
<discocaml> <froyo> I remember back in the days of 4.11/4.12 someone posted a bounty to bring Plan9's OCaml compiler up to date
<Anarchos> companion_cube without native compilation, i can't compile coq
<discocaml> <otini_> we really need for Coq to compile with ocaml 5
<companion_cube> Coq doesn't work on OCaml 5 ? :/
<discocaml> <otini_> i’ve heard it doesn’t
<Anarchos> i have some other opam packages that are not ported to ocaml5 so i have to stick to LTS version
<discocaml> <otini_> I’d be very interested to know which packages that is, anything that compiles on 4.14 and not 5.x is a bug
<discocaml> <otini_> except for some minor breaking changes that should be easy to fix
<Anarchos> otini_ i must try on trunk or another branch ?
<discocaml> <otini_> no, you should try with a released version
<discocaml> <otini_> the latest one being 5.2.0
<discocaml> <otini_> many packages are broken on trunk
<Anarchos> ok. Will try tonight
<Anarchos> companion_cube i am still working on my math verifier
<discocaml> <otini_> Anarchos thanks
<companion_cube> Anarchos: you could use a less esoteric OS
<Anarchos> companion_cube that's my choice :)
<companion_cube> yeah but you inflict a lot of pain on yourself
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<Anarchos> companion_cube my goal is also to attract people to Haiku.
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<companion_cube> 😂
<companion_cube> oh no
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<discocaml> <octachron> @otini_ , Coq works with OCaml 5.2; but with one feature (native-compute) disabled. In the case of Coq, the issue is that part of Coq were written by people *very* familiar with the OCaml runtime and some of the tricks used were no longer valid in OCaml 5.
<discocaml> <drupyog> You say "very familiar", I hear "blazingly imprudent"
<discocaml> <otini_> How important is native-compute?
<discocaml> <drupyog> You say "very familiar", I hear "blazingly imprudent" 😄
<discocaml> <otini_> (thanks for the correction)
<discocaml> <._null._> It's used by a handful of people to do computations very fast (there is already a VM to do computations fast, but that was not fast enough for some)
<discocaml> <otini_> put this way, it doesn’t seem very important
<discocaml> <._null._> It's very important to few people
<companion_cube> are people not worried that lean is going to completely shadow Coq?
<discocaml> <._null._> Coq still has quite a few things going for it
<discocaml> <._null._> From my point of view, Lean only has mathlib and hype
<companion_cube> single unified langauge and meta language? easy to install? direct native evaluation?
<companion_cube> I think Coq's existing user base will stick with it
<companion_cube> but most new users will go to lean
<discocaml> <._null._> I'm obviously biased because I use opam regularly, but with Coq Platform I thought Coq became fine to install.
<discocaml> <._null._> Not sure what you mean with direct native evaluation; Coq has fast evaluation (in a VM or natively) and can extract code to other languages
<discocaml> <._null._> Lean is generally slower than Coq, or so I hear
<companion_cube> not what I heard tbh
<companion_cube> Lean compiles most code (including tactics you write) to C++
<discocaml> <otini_> @._null._ I’d be interested to contact (some of) these people, in the compiler team at Tarides we do want to help transition to ocaml 5 (although I can’t guarantee that the ocaml maintainers will bend over backwards to support runtime hacks)
<discocaml> <otini_> seems relevant
<discocaml> <._null._> companion_cube: I can't find anything on the internet, except that Lean3 was slower than Coq
<discocaml> <._null._> The best way to do so would be in the [Coq Zulip](
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<companion_cube> yeah, lean3
<companion_cube> now it's lean4
<companion_cube> explicitly designed for speed :s
<discocaml> <._null._> Hence why I said I didn't find anything
<discocaml> <otini_> Thanks!
<discocaml> <._null._> Ok, I was unclear but I meant I found no conclusive results
<companion_cube> I don't know if native compute is faster or slower than lean4
<companion_cube> but what I do know is that a ltac tactic will be slower than a lean4 tactic, all things being equal
<companion_cube> (and writing tactics in OCaml is not going to be commonplace)
<discocaml> <._null._> Writing tactics in Ltac is already not commonplace
<companion_cube> isn't the basic tactic language, ltac?
<companion_cube> or do you mean that mtac or whatever is now the new default?
<discocaml> <._null._> Yes, but one rarely defines tactics. You usually only use the default tactics. Did you mean that proofs were also compiled to C++ ?
<companion_cube> well in lean4 you can write tactics as easily as you write functions
<companion_cube> that's going to make a big difference imho
<discocaml> <._null._> It's still functions on an AST, not that easy
<companion_cube> even tacticals that compose 12 other tactics will be natively compiled
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<discocaml> <._null._> I can't think of any complex tactic that is implemented in ltac, solvers like lia use OCaml iirc
<companion_cube> … yeah
<companion_cube> so you're more or less stuck with the builtin ones
<companion_cube> but in lean you can make your own tactic, and it's installable like any other package
<companion_cube> and it'll be competitive with OCaml
<discocaml> <._null._> I don't see how writing a non-trivial tactic becomes easy enough that going to OCaml is a formality
<discocaml> <._null._> is not*
<discocaml> <._null._> I may just be bad at conceiving useful tactics
<companion_cube> going to OCaml means you have to learn OCaml and the Coq internal API
<companion_cube> (and how to compile the tactic, I guess, oof)
<discocaml> <yawaramin> wow that was fast!
<discocaml> <._null._> That's how hard I take tactic writing to be
<companion_cube> that's on top of writing the actual tactic
<discocaml> <._null._> indeed
<companion_cube> oh good, they ended up using an actual hash function
<companion_cube> but a tactic to normalize sth in a monoid by leverage associativity, say, shouldn't be that hard to write
<companion_cube> leveraging*
<discocaml> <._null._> It also already exists
<companion_cube> I'm taking that as an easy example
<companion_cube> imagine it didn't
<companion_cube> and you had to write it in OCaml
<discocaml> <._null._> It's also simple enough that ltac shouldn't slow it down
<companion_cube> hmm idk :)
<companion_cube> but wait a few years and you'll see what the lean people are working on, directly in lean4, and see how it fares compared to decades of Coq
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<bartholin> what about Ltac2 (by Pierre-Marie Pédrot)?
<discocaml> <._null._> I'm pretty sure its purpose is to be a better language (typed), not to be faster
<discocaml> <Kali> and ltac2 is only dynamically typed, not statically, in order to preserve backwards compatibility with ltac
<discocaml> <Kali> wait, no, i mixed that up
<discocaml> <Kali> > Ltac2 provides the standard type constructions from ML, namely prenex polymorphism and the ability to define algebraic datatypes. This is already a great step forward compared to Ltac1, that merely has a second-class support for a handful of data structures like lists, and, to add insult to injury, is dynamically typed.
<discocaml> <Kali> >
<discocaml> <Kali> > Contrarily to languages like Mtac2, the type system of Ltac2 does not enforce much, and many sanity checks are performed at runtime. This is imposed by the backward compatibility constraint
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<Anarchos> which switch should i use '5.2.0' or '5.2.0+options' ?
<discocaml> <shiny_dev> hello
<discocaml> <shiny_dev> @bluddy5
<discocaml> <shiny_dev> nice to meet you
<discocaml> <shiny_dev> is there any opportunity to work with you?
<companion_cube> 🤔
<companion_cube> Anarchos: it pains me to see you spend so much time on things that are trivially solved on any mainstream OS
<companion_cube> pushing more people to Haiku will never ever work, realistically
<discocaml> <froyo> companion_cube: here's your "no fun allowed" picket, you dropped it
<discocaml> <froyo> :P
<companion_cube> I mean if it's fun to struggle installing OCaml, then installing Coq, for months and years on end, then sure :p
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<discocaml> <froyo> there's a sizeable chunk of people who enjoy a little pain every now and then
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<Armael> I mean, we're all ocaml users here, so...
<companion_cube> idk, I can't take this level of pain personally :D
<discocaml> <froyo> Armael: heresy!
<Anarchos> companion_cube i do'nt know if you saw it, but is
<Anarchos> but i successfully installed compcert
<companion_cube> thought you couldn't install coq? :o
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<Anarchos> companion_cube i could but i had to reenable 'native/natdynlink'
<Anarchos> is there a mean to reinstall the same list of packages on another switch with opam ?
<discocaml> <._null._> `opam switch export` then `opam switch import`
<Anarchos> ._null_. thanks
<octachron> Anarchos, I generally don't have the time to mention it; but you are aware that you propose your patches for supporting Haiku to the compiler, aren't you?
<Anarchos> octachron yes, i already got some patches included in the past
<octachron> If they are not intrusive for other OSs they will be accepted with little difficulties; but they are no plans by maintainers to increase the list of officially supported OS
<Anarchos> octachron that seems fine.
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<discocaml> <otini_> > <Anarchos> which switch should i use '5.2.0' or '5.2.0+options' ?
<discocaml> <otini_> 5.2.0 unless you want a special non-default config (frame pointer support, flambda, …)
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<Anarchos> how to create an opam switch with the ocaml compiler coming from a local directory with its sources ?
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<discocaml> <._null._> If you `opam pin` that repository, it should see all packages and when you ask install it from there
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