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<reynir> can you move an opam switch created in a directory?
<reynir> Say, I have a directory foo/ and inside of that an opam switch foo/_opam/. Can I rename foo/ to bar/ without breaking the opam switch? I vaguely remember something about non-relocatable compiler
<hannes> reynir: since the ocaml compiler is not relocatable, you cannot
<reynir> ok thanks. I suspected so :/
<gooby323> Why is it non-relocatable?
<hannes> gooby323: I don't have a clear answer, but maybe helps to understand.. and there's some ongoing work in that area by dra27 as far as I know (but not clear to me what are the milestones / timeline)
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<discocaml> <deepspacejohn> Since there was some discussion about ChatGPT and OCaml on the Discuss forum, I decided to see how it handles the common issue of dealing with unicode. (spoiler, it's not great)
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<discocaml> <froyo> the discussion i know of in the forums was how chatgpt is degrading access to our lang resources via seo-optimized ocalwiki
<discocaml> <froyo> ah i made the mistake of repeating the same word of an acronym lol
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<discocaml> <deepspacejohn> oh wow, I forgot all about ocamlwiki. I guess it's gone now, apparently
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<discocaml> <andreypopp> @deepspacejohn what model did you try? here's chatgpt4
<discocaml> <andreypopp> In the last response, I did try Option 1 first, didn't work and Option 2 worked
<discocaml> <deepspacejohn> IDK, whichever model was the default. But your prompt is different than mine, since I asked it to only use the stdlib. In either prompting, ChatGPT doesn't seem to know that `String.get_utf_8_uchar` exists.
<discocaml> <andreypopp> this is when I've asked to use only Stdlib
<discocaml> <andreypopp> idk, chatgpt4 is pretty useful for me, but I use it mainly for bash 🙂
<discocaml> <andreypopp> ^ the snippet above worked as well, but I didn't review it fully
<discocaml> <andreypopp> and I didn't know about String.get_utf_8_uchar either!
<discocaml> <deepspacejohn> from glancing at it, it looks like that's doing what get_utf_8_uchar does. so that's better than what I got (I'm assuming it works correctly) but I'd still hate to be a beginner who copies/pastes that code when I could just use the stdlib function.
<discocaml> <deepspacejohn> maybe that particular example will get better if it gets trained on more/better OCaml code, but it's still a reason why I'm hesitant to recommend ChatGPT for OCaml right now.
<discocaml> <andreypopp> well, at least it hints first at some libs which can be used for unicode handling, then provides an example usage
<discocaml> <andreypopp> I think it's pretty good, not for learning how to program but for orienting within the ecosystem
<discocaml> <andreypopp> although it definitely going to get confused on which libs one need to opam pin to start some web framework 😄
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<discocaml> <qexat> thats lowkey dangerous 😭
<dh`> using llms for code generation is generally inadvisable
<discocaml> <limp.biskit> using llms is generally inadvisable
<discocaml> <limp.biskit> unless you are in the business of SEO optimised slop
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