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<discocaml> <polytypic> BTW, Picos includes a direct-style interface to Lwt <>. It allows you to use existing libraries written for Lwt while also programming in direct-style and using libraries written against the Picos interface and interoperating with other Picos compatible schedulers (running on other systhreads/domains). Here is an example using Cohttp_lwt: <
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<discocaml> <polytypic> BTW, Picos includes a direct-style interface to Lwt <>. It allows you to use existing libraries written for Lwt while also programming in direct-style and using libraries written against the Picos interface and interoperating with other Picos compatible schedulers (running on other systhreads/domains). Here is an example using Cohttp_lwt: <
<discocaml> <polytypic>
<discocaml> <polytypic> Note that `Picos_lwt` is definitely not the fastest possible scheduler. `Picos_lwt` is mostly intended as one tool among others for gradually transitioning existing code bases using Lwt towards effects based schedulers. (The `Picos_fifos` sample scheduler, for example, is a very fast single threaded effects based scheduler.)
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<discocaml> <limp.biskit> god i need to read docs more closely
<discocaml> <limp.biskit> do you know if it would run under miou?
<discocaml> <limp.biskit> / alongside
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<discocaml> <dinosaure> It's probably possible. As I said, I currently copy the core of picos to build up miou then. But we can imagine a redistribution (like `miou.with_picos`) which provides exactly the same as Miou but with the picos depenendency (actually, only `` need to change) and from that you will get a fully compatible version of Miou with picos
<companion_cube> You can use a `select` in dune to either pick picos if available, or use your vendored copy otherwise
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<discocaml> <dinosaure> Actually, what I think is just to copy miou source files without `` and do the glue. The result is: you have 2 miou (findlib) packages which exposes exactly the same thing but one depends on picos, the other is without any dependencies.
<discocaml> <dinosaure> Actually, what I think is just to copy miou source files without `` and do the glue. The result is: you have 2 miou (findlib) packages which expose exactly the same thing but one depends on picos, the other is without any dependencies.