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<discocaml> <jordan4ibanez> how is the hot reload watch so dang fast?!
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<discocaml> <functionalprogramming> separate compilation
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<discocaml> <sim642> What hot reload?
<discocaml> <yawaramin> `dune exec --watch`.
<discocaml> <yawaramin> incidentally, to make it even faster, use bytecode compilation mode
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<gooby323> What does the process of updating a library from OCaml 4 to OCaml 5 look like more or less?
<discocaml> <darrenldl> mostly concerned with switching from ocaml 4 concurrency libs to ocaml 5 ones
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<discocaml> <sim642> I wouldn't call watch mode "hot reload" really. That term is usually used for reloading parts of running applications without completely restarting them, while preserving state and such while swapping out code on the fly.
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<gooby323> darrenldl: What I had in mind was the mariadb library, which is stuck on OCaml 4, I think it has its own Lwt/Async bindings already so I don't think that needs to be changed
<gooby323> Ah no wait nevermind, it just provides the functors and you define the asynchronous pieces yourself, so actually I don't think there will be anything to update on that front
<gooby323> It would be nice if we could just change the OCaml dependency to 5 and see what breaks, but I don't think it's as easy as that unfortunately x)
<reynir> gooby323: maybe you need to add some locking if you expect to use it in parallel
<gooby323> reynir: That's a fair point, although the library right now doesn't support parallelism, only concurrency, so that would be outside the scope of an upgrade
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<discocaml> <darrenldl> yeah i think just see if anything breaks first, if you dont care about thread safety (right now)
<octachron> gooby323, it looks like the issue is that the library is stuck with oasis. Updating from OCaml 4 to OCaml 5 doesn't require any changes for most libraries.
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<myrkraverk> I'm getting back into OCaml. What is a good starting project to get familiar with it?
<myrkraverk> I'm just asking for some random suggestions, or whatever worked for you.
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<gooby323> octachron: Ah I see. It seems that switching from oasis to dune isn't too complex, so that could be the first step. Thanks
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<Franciman> hi, is it possible to have a list of modules
<Franciman> and do a map to import all of the modules?
<Franciman> something like: let modules = [M1, M2, M3] and then do List.iter (fun m -> open m) modules
<Franciman> ?
<discocaml> <mbs> Having a list of modules is no problem, see, e.g.,
<Franciman> oh nice
<Franciman> thanks a lot
<discocaml> <mbs> > and then do List.iter (fun m -> open m) modules
<discocaml> <mbs>
<discocaml> <mbs> This is harder (if possible at all)
<discocaml> <mbs> What exactly are you trying to achieve with this?
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<octachron> You cannot have a function evaluated at runtime have any effect on compilation. Also first class modules are an advanced feature better left for latter exploration.
<octachron> You could define a module as a collection of many modules `module All = struct include M1 include M2 include M3 end` and open this module.
<octachron> However, the generic advice is rather to avoid widely opening modules.
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<Franciman> @mbs i defined various types of interpreters
<Franciman> and i put them in an association list
<Franciman> associated with a string name that the user can provide to select the correct interpreter. It seems to be working using the syntax you provided
<Franciman> btw, i can't seem to find a way to perform bitwise operations
<Franciman> what is the syntax?
<discocaml> <Kali> no syntax
<discocaml> <Kali> they are functions
<discocaml> <Kali> `band`, `bor`, etc.
<discocaml> <Kali> b for bitwise
<Franciman> where are they defined?
<Franciman> i get an error if i use it
<discocaml> <Kali> in Int
<Franciman> ah found, logor, logand etc
<Franciman> thanks
<discocaml> <Kali> oops, yeah, i forgot what they were called but those are the ones yeah
<discocaml> <Kali> i was confusing them with luajit's bit module
<Franciman> np
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<octachron> There is also the operator version "2 lor 3"
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