companion_cube changed the topic of #ocaml to: Discussion about the OCaml programming language | | OCaml 5.2.0 released: | Try OCaml in your browser: | Public channel logs at
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<discocaml_> <kaitrna> hello, how does js_of_ocaml handle reading and writing files? is there documentation on this somewhere?
<discocaml_> <kaitrna> i can open_out, write, then open_in, and this seems to work. i'd like to provide some data files to the "virtual" file system of js_of_ocaml
<discocaml_> <kaitrna> and i'm not sure how that could be done
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<Anarchos> Where can i find the result of the testsuite of Ocaml 5.2.0 ? I have 62 tests failed, i find it a bit high number.
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<rustyne> Anarchos: what do you mean? there should be no test failing. are you testing patches to the compiler?
<Anarchos> rustyne yes
<rustyne> Anarchos: well then you know where to start looking for the issues :-)
<Anarchos> rustyne :)
<discocaml_> <otini_> fwiw you can find the results of the CI on the 5.2.0 tag
<discocaml_> <otini_> the latest commit on which the full CI has run being the 3rd one, dfe5950
<discocaml_> <otini_> everything passed except the windows one
<Anarchos> ok
<Anarchos> otini_ where do i find the tests reulsts on github, for the commit dfe5950 ?
<discocaml_> <otini_> the little red cross / green checkmark indicates CI result and is clickable
<Anarchos> i see ontly the results of builds, not the run of 'make testsuite' ?
<Anarchos> ah there it is : 'run the testsuite'
<discocaml_> <otini_> yes
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<Anarchos> otini_ impressive: the CI runs the tests in 4m when i do it in 97min
<discocaml_> <otini_> 4 minutes seems _very_ short, but I usually run it in a dozen minutes
<discocaml_> <otini_> using `make parallel`
<Anarchos> rustyne most of teh complaining lines are of the format '-Called from Backtrace.f in file "", line XXXX, characters YYYY'
<Anarchos> otini_ the 4 min reference is in the link i put earlier
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<discocaml_> <kaitrna> rustyne: yes, your second link looks right. thanks!
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