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<discocaml> <witty_91> Hello, everyone
<discocaml> <witty_91> I am looking for a Next.js developer
<discocaml> <witty_91> More than 3 years experience
<discocaml> <witty_91> Location: India, Pakistan
<discocaml> <witty_91> If somebody interest, DM me
<gooby323> Is that relevant to an OCaml community x)
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<Anarchos> how to create a switch from a local compiler source tree ?
<discocaml> <otini_> opam switch create .
<discocaml> <otini_> that will do the whole configure, build and install
<discocaml> <otini_> the command is to be run from the compiler source root, if that wasn’t clear
<Anarchos> otini_ and how to give it a candier name than the folder path ?
<discocaml> <._null._> The idea is for local switch to be anonymous, only referred to from their paths
<Anarchos> so a global switch using my local version of the compiler, it is not achievable ?
<discocaml> <._null._> Yes it is, you can pin your local compiler for any switch
<Anarchos> with opam pin /.../local/.../ocaml later ?
<discocaml> <._null._> You pin the source directory, not an executable
<Anarchos> yes, ocaml is a directory containing my compiler
<discocaml> <._null._> As long as it contains the .opam files, it's good
<Anarchos> thanks
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<gooby323> Is it a good idea to link up local switches to a global compiler? Just to avoid the long compilation and unnecessary duplication when creating switches
<discocaml> <otini_> what do you mean by a global compiler?
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<gooby323> otini_: the compiler being used by a global switch
<gooby323> let's say the default switch
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<discocaml_> <holmdunc> IIRC there's also the `ocaml-system` thing where the compiler doesn't have to live in any switch, even the default one
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<discocaml_> <otini_> gooby323: I don’t know about ocaml-system but sure you can do
<discocaml_> <otini_> `opam switch create <SWITCH NAME> --empty`
<discocaml_> <otini_> then from a compiler source tree
<discocaml_> <otini_> `opam pin add -k path . -n`
<discocaml_> <otini_> (`-k path` is to pin the files and not the git head, `-n` says not to build anything yet)
<discocaml_> <otini_> then you can either `opam install .` or configure+build manually and then `opam install . --assume-built`
<discocaml_> <otini_> Beware that opam < 2.2.0 has a bug that prevents to use `--assume-built` in this way.
<gooby323> Ooo I see, that helps a lot, thanks
<discocaml_> <otini_> note that you will still need to rebuild all the switch packages if you rebuild the compiler
<discocaml_> <otini_> If you want to avoid that (at your own risk), opam-custom-install is an option
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<Anarchos> otini_ thanks for this solution
<discocaml_> <._null._> ocaml-system is the compiler installed from the global package manager, which is an easy way to have switches share a compiler
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