rcurtin_irc changed the topic of #mlpack to: mlpack: a scalable machine learning library (https://www.mlpack.org/) -- channel logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/mlpack -- NOTE: messages sent here might not be seen by bridged users on matrix, gitter, or slack
_slack_mlpack_U7 is now known as Liu[m]
<Liu[m]> Hi guys, I’m interested in contributing to mlpack. I’m currently reading some mlpack source codes, like ANN layers, but since I’m a totally rookie in both open source community & C++ (only learned it from textbook and had done some school projects), I don’t know where to start. Can you help me?
<Liu[m]> p.s.: what I currently know: some ML, mostly neural networks, but don’t know optimization algorithms; some CUDA, but still learning.
_slack_mlpack_U7 has joined #mlpack
<NabanitaDash[m]> Hello, you can checkout https://www.mlpack.org/community.html, for starters.
<NabanitaDash[m]> Also, you can look into https://www.mlpack.org/gsoc.html if you are participating in GSoC
<NabanitaDash[m]> Can't we star these links or add in bio during the contribution period for easy access?
<Liu[m]> thanks! I’ll check them and see what I can do
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<ShubhamAgrawal[4> <rcurtin[m]> "Shubham Agrawal: I saw your..." <- Can you reply to it soon?
CaCode_ has joined #mlpack
CaCode_ has quit [Quit: Leaving]
<jonpsy[m]> Mentors usually have a lot of things on their plate to reply mails as soon as they see them. Rest assured, interested people would definitely reply to your email. You can reply to that email as a gentle reminder if it hasn't been replied to in a week.
<ShubhamAgrawal[4> <jonpsy[m]> "Mentors usually have a lot of..." <- Sorry if I sounded harsh.
<ShubhamAgrawal[4> Note taken I will put gentle reminder on mail only from now on.
<ShubhamAgrawal[4> I know everyone is busy right now.
<rcurtin[m]> Don't worry Shubham Agrawal I will take a look, the only thing is I'm not sure when 😃 sorry about that!
<zoq[m]> Left a response some minutes ago, to get the discussion started.
<jonpsy[m]> > <@shubhamag:matrix.org> Sorry if I sounded harsh.
<jonpsy[m]> > Note taken I will put gentle reminder on mail only from now on.
<jonpsy[m]> No worries at all! Looks like Marcus has already begun the thread. Hopefully more would chime in, good luck for your proposal!
<jonpsy[m]> > I know everyone is busy right now.