rcurtin_irc changed the topic of #mlpack to: mlpack: a scalable machine learning library (https://www.mlpack.org/) -- channel logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/mlpack -- NOTE: messages sent here might not be seen by bridged users on matrix, gitter, or slack
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<TarekNasser[m]> <zoq[m]> "I can do that, I don't think it..." <- I made an example notebook to get familiar with the codebase. I applied several classification models to a simple dataset.
<zoq[m]> > <@tareknaser:matrix.org> I made an example notebook to get familiar with the codebase. I applied several classification models to a simple dataset.
<zoq[m]> I really like the data exploration part, feel free to open a PR for the examples repo.
<zoq[m]> Read a really nice post about contributing to open-source projects - https://mitchellh.com/writing/contributing-to-complex-projects.
<zoq[m]> Was thinking about adding a reference to our get started guide.
<EshaanAgarwal[m]> <zoq[m]> "Read a really nice post about..." <- Link is not working. 🤔
<EshaanAgarwal[m]> Anyway, I got chance to read this article a couple of days back and it was indeed quite insightful.
<zoq[m]> let me post it again without the stop at the end
<ShubhamAgrawal[4> > <@eshaanagarwal:matrix.org> Link is not working. 🤔
<ShubhamAgrawal[4> >
<ShubhamAgrawal[4> > Anyway, I got chance to read this article a couple of days back and it was indeed quite insightful.
<ShubhamAgrawal[4> Its working on my pc
<EshaanAgarwal[m]> zoq[m]: Thanks it did the trick.
<EshaanAgarwal[m]> ShubhamAgrawal[4: Yeah I know but apparently on mobile, there are some issues.
<shrit[m]> Now we can follow organization in githun
<shrit[m]> s/githun/github/
<zoq[m]> I think, I already get all the updated for mlpack :)
<rcurtin[m]> zoq: very nice article, maybe we should link to it somewhere on our website?
<zoq[m]> s/updated/updates/
<zoq[m]> rcurtin[m]: Yes, I was proposing to reference it in the get involved page.
<rcurtin[m]> ah! yeah I missed that message. I totally agree, it would be a great addition in my opinion 👍️
<shrit[m]> yeah, great article, simple, efficient, and direct to the point