rcurtin_irc changed the topic of #mlpack to: mlpack: a scalable machine learning library (https://www.mlpack.org/) -- channel logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/mlpack -- NOTE: messages sent here might not be seen by bridged users on matrix, gitter, or slack
<ShubhamAgrawal[4> Aakash-kaushik (Aakash kaushik): I want to discuss the better stack layering idea with you before giving a raw idea. Can we talk or should I open an issue about this?
brongulus[m] has quit [Quit: You have been kicked for being idle]
<Aakash-kaushikAa> Hey @shubhamag:matrix.org it would be great if you mail your idea or discussion to the mailing list.
<Aakash-kaushikAa> And we can discuss over it there.
TarekNasser[m] has joined #mlpack
_whitelogger_ has joined #mlpack