rcurtin_irc changed the topic of #mlpack to: mlpack: a scalable machine learning library (https://www.mlpack.org/) -- channel logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/mlpack -- NOTE: messages sent here might not be seen by bridged users on matrix, gitter, or slack
krushia has joined #mlpack
<ShubhamAgrawal[4> <zoq[m]> "> <@marcusedel:matrix.org> You..." <- In this, should we try to give dependencies a seperate image as these will not rebuild as frequent as mlpack image?
<ShubhamAgrawal[4> And zoq , I had given a proposal for GSoC project on mailing list but I haven't recieved any reply regarding it.
<Niketkumardheery> Yes, i am also facing same issue..
jjb[m] has quit [Quit: You have been kicked for being idle]
bababb has joined #mlpack
<zoq[m]> <ShubhamAgrawal[4> "In this, should we try to give..." <- Missed it, thanks for the reminder.
<zoq[m]> <Niketkumardheery> "Yes, i am also facing same issue..." <- Not sure I can see the email.
<zoq[m]> You send it to the list?
_slack_mlpack_37 has joined #mlpack
<Niketkumardheery> i mailed at mlpack@lists.mlpack.org
<rcurtin[m]> did you get a response saying that you cannot post to the list unless you are subscribed?
<rcurtin[m]> Shubham Agrawal: I saw your email, I haven't had a chance to reply yet
<Niketkumardheery> i have mailed again and subscribed as well ,but did not get reply email
<rcurtin[m]> check your mail client configuration; I suspect that you are not successfully subscribed to the list
<Niketkumardheery> okay
<Niketkumardheery> Done , have you got it
bababb has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
<rcurtin[m]> no, I did not receive anything. I do not believe that you have successfully subscribed to the mailing list. you can check the mailing list archives that are linked to above to see if your message went through
<rcurtin[m]> > your subscription request may first have to be confirmed by you via email
<rcurtin[m]> you should have received an email to confirm your subscription
<rcurtin[m]> you should have received an email to confirm your subscription
<rcurtin[m]> * > your subscription request may first have to be confirmed by you via email
<rcurtin[m]> I can see in the mailserver logs that you are getting messages from `mlpack-bounces@lists.mlpack.org` to your gmail account, and they are being delivered successfully, so, be sure to check your spam folder and other places where the messages may have ended up