rcurtin_irc changed the topic of #mlpack to: mlpack: a scalable machine learning library (https://www.mlpack.org/) -- channel logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/mlpack -- NOTE: messages sent here might not be seen by bridged users on matrix, gitter, or slack
krushia has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
PKhurana09Pranav has joined #mlpack
<PKhurana09Pranav> Hey everyone
_slack_mlpack_U0 has joined #mlpack
ShubhamAgrawal[4 has joined #mlpack
<ShubhamAgrawal[4> <zoq[m]> "Quick announcement, mlpack has..." <- Is there any ideas list from which I can try to give proof of concept?
<ShubhamAgrawal[4> Or
<ShubhamAgrawal[4> Do I have give new idea for GSoC?
<AnwaarKhalid[m]> > <@shubhamag:matrix.org> Is there any ideas list from which I can try to give proof of concept?
<AnwaarKhalid[m]> > Or
<AnwaarKhalid[m]> > Do I have give new idea for GSoC?
<ShubhamAgrawal[4> AnwaarKhalid[m]: I have seen this list earlier
<ShubhamAgrawal[4> Is there any new additions now?
<AnwaarKhalid[m]> A few new project ideas have been added.
<AnwaarKhalid[m]> If you like, you can also propose a new idea.
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<jonpsy[m]> zoq: Is the idea list finalized? No further changes?
<zoq[m]> <jonpsy[m]> "zoq: Is the idea list finalized..." <- Nothing is set in stone, it's a living document, so if you have something you like to add please feel free.
<jonpsy[m]> Perfect! When do we receive an invite for mentor? I've been noticing some linkedin posts of people receiving it
<zoq[m]> jonpsy[m]: I can send out the invites later today, there is nothing to see at this point, since the application phase for proposals opens in about a month.
<jonpsy[m]> Agree, well atleast I can hype people up to participate
Aakash-kaushikAa has joined #mlpack
<Aakash-kaushikAa> Hi everyone, i though it would be a good time to get back here and see what i can help with as the load increases
<zoq[m]> <Aakash-kaushikAa> "Hi everyone, i though it would..." <- Hey, getting support on reviews and incoming questions is much appreciated.
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