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<rcurtin[m]> did anyone get a shirt for GSoC 2021? I was going through my shirts to choose which one to wear today, and I noticed that I only have a recent blue one (I think that was 2020), but I don't think I have one from GSoC 2021... did anyone else get one?
<zoq[m]> rcurtin[m]: No, they didn't send out shirts that year.
<rcurtin[m]> 😭
<shrit[m]> I do not think they will send any promotional materials
<shrit[m]> That what I understood from the summit
<rcurtin[m]> man, awful news! :( the shirts are definitely a part of the reason I do GSoC 😄😄
<shrit[m]> Yeah, I know,
<shrit[m]> I think they will have to give shirts they do the summit in person
<shrit[m]> * give shirts if they do
<rcurtin[m]> there will be a revolt if they don't 😄