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< AnushKiniGitter[> > `rcurtin on Freenode` Aakash kaushik (Gitter): right, any time something is pushed to, the website will be rebuilt
< AnushKiniGitter[> Woah. That's pretty cool
< AnushKiniGitter[> Also the GSoC dates are released and the program will span 175-hours over 10 weeks
< AnushKiniGitter[> (edited) ... program will span ... => ... program length is shortened. It will now span ...
< rcurtin> AnushKiniGitter[: those will be interesting changes; I guess projects will have to be scoped a bit smaller---but maybe that's a good thing? I suppose we'll see!
< AnushKiniGitter[> Right. This seems like a step towards encouraging a long time commitment with small contributions where you stick around after GSoC rather than treat it like a 3 month internship after which you are done with the organisation.
< AnushKiniGitter[> (edited) ... you are done with the organisation. => ... you stop contributing.
< rcurtin> AnushKiniGitter[: yeah, and in this sense the change would be good---in addition to being enjoyable (hopefully! :-D), there's huge long-term career potential in being a long-term contributor to an open-source project
< rcurtin> so if Google is trying to help shepherd people more towards that outcome, that sounds like it could be a good change
< rcurtin> at the same time, it could be disappointing for students who really would want to throw themselves full-time into a project for a summer
< rcurtin> I guess we'll find out!
< AakashkaushikGit> Hey @rcurtin i agree with @Abilityguy rather than treating it as a 3 month internship getting to know the community and sticking long has all the fun
< AakashkaushikGit> I honestly enjoy everytime one of my PRs get merged. And i get to learn new things so quickly here.
< AakashkaushikGit> I never hesitate to ask questions because everyone is really helpful, really love that part. And i even ask a lot of my friends to contribute to open source for the same reason.
< rcurtin> AakashkaushikGit: great to hear, I also originally got involved in open source because friendly people were helpful to me :)
< abernauer[m]> The mlpack community is very welcoming 🙂
< zoq> Overall I like the changes they did, the main issue I see is that the onboarding process can take some time which often can't be cut down.
< AnushKiniGitter[> > Hey @rcurtin i agree with @Abilityguy rather than treating it as a 3 month internship getting to know the community and sticking long has all the fun
< AnushKiniGitter[> Yup @Aakash-kaushik . I started off with little knowledge of C++ but I feel a lot more confident now in coding with C++ than when I started :)
< AnushKiniGitter[> (edited) ... fun
< AnushKiniGitter[> Yup ... => ... fun
< AnushKiniGitter[> Yup ...
< AnushKiniGitter[> (edited) ... Yup @Aakash-kaushik . I ... => ... Yup @Aakash-kaushik. I ...
kyrre has joined #mlpack
< AakashkaushikGit> Great to be a part of the mlpack community. :D
< rcurtin> zoq: you might find this submission interesting:
ImQ009 has quit [Quit: Leaving]
< zoq> rcurtin: absolutely - currently working on "Learning to learn by gradient descent by gradient descent" so perfect fit :)
< shrit[m]> rcurtin: I am interested in the mlpack release script, is it online somewhere