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< abernauer[m]> rcurtin: Dumb git question, but I sort of messed up my worflow for that PR for the r bindings example. I wrote the code in a seperate repo I can just merge those commits into a branch on my fork of the examples repo correct?
< rcurtin> if it's a different repository entirely, then you may not be able to merge those commits, but you could always just copy the files over and add them to your fork
< abernauer[m]> Yeah the latter is easy enouth
< abernauer[m]> *enough
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< shrit[m]> Just to share one test I have done. I have one piece of code that include mlpack core (To use armadillo), and another piece of code that use FFN code to create a model, the first one requires 55 seconds to compile, the seconde one require 4:35 minutes to compile
< shrit[m]> The difference is only the inclusion of some layers + FFN headers, there not even ensmallen code nor optimizer
< shrit[m]> I think that boost visitors are taking a considerable amount of time, there is no way that template usage in FFN code to consume such amount of time.