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< abernauer[m]> zoq: I answered your question about the CRAN issue on that PR.
< zoq> abernauer[m]: don't see anything on -
< abernauer[m]> oh my comment might be pending lol. My bad.
< abernauer[m]> zoq: You should be able to see it know. My bad.
< zoq[m]> Yep, thanks.
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< CharanpreetSingh> Upon successfully building mlpack (through vcpkg on windows 10 ) , I tried to run sample-ml-app( but it fails to load the dataset (, what could be the possible reason and what can be done to resolve it out !?
< rcurtin> CharanpreetSingh: did it give any output for why it failed to load the dataset?
< rcurtin> oh, sorry, I see that you have given screenshots in the google drive (I assumed that was the dataset itself)
< rcurtin> your program is probably not running with C:\dev\vcpkg\installed\x64-windows\include\ as its working directory
< rcurtin> make sure the path specified for the dataset is accessible from whatever the working directory of the program is, or, specify a complete path to the file, not a relative path
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