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< sakshamb189[m]> Hey himanshu_pathak I think it looks mostly good.
< sakshamb189[m]> I see a few issues where you have capitalised words that should not be capitalised. This Summer -> This summer
< sakshamb189[m]> Artificial Neural network -> artificial neural network
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< shrit[m]> OK I am here rcurtin
< rcurtin> shrit[m]: ok, maybe we can hop on zoom at 1300 UTC (half an hour from now)?
< shrit[m]> Perfect
< rcurtin> shrit[m]: looks like this one is the same type of error but in a different place
< rcurtin> I followed the backtrace to cover_tree_impl.hpp
< rcurtin> looks like CoverTree also holds a const MatType*; I guess the same workaround will be needed
< shrit[m]> ok, I wil apply the same modification and see what happen
< rcurtin> you may want to do it locally in a docker container so that you don't have to wait for azure
< shrit[m]> I am starting to do this extact right now as you are saying this
< rcurtin> grepping for 'const MatType*' indicates a handful of classes that will probably need the same change:
< rcurtin> ./mlpack/core/tree/rectangle_tree/rectangle_tree.hpp: const MatType* dataset;
< rcurtin> ./mlpack/core/tree/cover_tree/cover_tree.hpp: const MatType* dataset;
< rcurtin> ./mlpack/core/tree/spill_tree/spill_tree.hpp: const MatType* dataset;
< rcurtin> ./mlpack/core/tree/binary_space_tree/vantage_point_split.hpp: const MetricType* metric;
< rcurtin> (I don't know if vantage_point_split has any serialize() function though, if not, that one can be ignored
< rcurtin> ./mlpack/methods/fastmks/fastmks.hpp: const MatType* referenceSet;
< rcurtin> (that one is already handled)
< rcurtin> ./mlpack/methods/rann/ra_search.hpp: const MatType* referenceSet;
< rcurtin> ./mlpack/methods/amf/termination_policies/simple_tolerance_termination.hpp: const MatType* V;
< rcurtin> (not sure if that class is serialized)
< rcurtin> ./mlpack/methods/range_search/range_search.hpp: const MatType* referenceSet;
< rcurtin> ./mlpack/methods/neighbor_search/neighbor_search.hpp: const MatType* referenceSet;
< rcurtin> you'll have to look through the serialize() implementations for each of those classes to see if the const pointer is being serialized, and the workaround might look a little different in each case
< shrit[m]> rcurtin: just a newbie docker question, how to get to install ubuntu 16. I have only ubunut 20 available in the official repo
< zoq> shrit[m]: docker run -it ubuntu:trusty /bin/bash
< zoq> shrit[m]: Should download the image.
< zoq> shrit[m]: Ahh, you said, 16.04
< zoq> shrit[m]: So ubuntu:xenial
< shrit[m]> OK, just have to specify the code name with
< shrit[m]> 👍️
< zoq> yes, here are the tags:
< rcurtin> yeah, exactly; 16.04 has cereal 1.1, and 18.04 has cereal 1.2
< rcurtin> in the best case, the workarounds we implement will work for 1.1, but if they don't, we can try 1.2 as a minimum version and see if we can make that work
< rcurtin> if not, then we'll have to do CMake + an auto-downloader for cereal 1.3
< rcurtin> luckily, cereal is header-only like ensmallen, so auto-downloaders aren't *too* scary
< zoq> rcurtin: Or just include the header?
< zoq> I guess there is no real benefit from downloading, if we download a specific version?
< rcurtin> zoq: cereal is kind of big, I'd prefer not to keep it in our repository (catch, for instance, is much smaller)
< rcurtin> the only benefit I think would be keeping the repository a bit smaller
< zoq> I see, yeah haven't thought about size.
< rcurtin> like the ensmallen auto-downloader, the intention would be to remove the autodownloader when a new enough version is available in major distros to install from the package manager
< zoq> right, makes sense
< jenkins-mlpack2> Yippee, build fixed!
< jenkins-mlpack2> Project mlpack - git commit test build #520: FIXED in 57 min:
< rcurtin> the R bindings are basically ready to merge:
< rcurtin> it's a big PR, so I wanted to ask if anyone wants me to wait so they can review it before merging
< zoq> rcurtin: If, one more day doesn't matter, I'll take general look over the PR today/tomorrow.
< rcurtin> sure, I don't think there is a giant hurry :)
< rcurtin> I was hoping to release 3.4.0 once that is merged, and also once #2566 is merged (by the way I did fix the issue you pointed out there, if you have time to take another look :))
< zoq> rcurtin: Ohh, nice, yeah, will take a look at #2566 first, since it's much less code :)
< rcurtin> hehe :)
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