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< sakshamb189[m]> Hey himanshu_pathak I think it might be easier to understand the logs if you try to provide a link to a PasteBin or something.
< zoq> himanshu_pathak[: In modelssRBM.HiddenMean(testData.col(i), output); - testData.col(i) returns a subview type (rma::subview_col<double>â) andoutput is of type arma::Mat<double>, since we use DataType for both this fails.
< zoq> himanshu_pathak[: Either we introduce a type for each or we use .cols, but that will probably be slower.
< himanshu_pathak[> sakshamb189: I added it to pastebin
< himanshu_pathak[> <zoq "himanshu_pathak: Either we intro"> Yeah I will try something like this.
< himanshu_pathak[> Hey sakshamb189 I think we have a meet today :)
< himanshu_pathak[> Are you there??
< zoq> himanshu_pathak[: Shoul dbe simple instead of HiddenMean(DataType&, DataType&) we could do something like: HiddenMean(InputType, DataType) or something similair.
< himanshu_pathak[> <zoq "himanshu_pathak: Shoul dbe simpl"> Hmm It more simpler way to do this because compiler is trying to convert ``` cannot convert arma::Mat<eT>::col(arma::uword) with eT = double; arma::uword = long long unsigned int (type arma::subview_col<double>)```
< himanshu_pathak[> > <> himanshu_pathak: Shoul dbe simple instead of HiddenMean(DataType&, DataType&) we could do something like: HiddenMean(InputType, DataType) or something similair.
< himanshu_pathak[> * Hmm It is more simpler way to do this because compiler is trying to convert ` cannot convert arma::Mat<eT>::col(arma::uword) with eT = double; arma::uword = long long unsigned int (type arma::subview_col<double>)`
< zoq> himanshu_pathak[: Right, because the second argument is of type: arma::Mat<eT> they can't be the same
< sakshamb189[m]> Hey himanshu_pathak I am here. Thought the meet was at 7pm.
< himanshu_pathak[> <zoq "himanshu_pathak: Right, because "> Yup thanks for suggestion
< himanshu_pathak[> <sakshamb189[m] "Hey himanshu_pathak I am here. T"> Yup now it is 7pm mostly I always forgot about sunday meetup today I set a calender task for it
< himanshu_pathak[> I want discuss some things about DBN
< himanshu_pathak[> So, I am thinking of implementing supervised DBN for classification
< himanshu_pathak[> > <> Hey himanshu_pathak I am here. Thought the meet was at 7pm.
< himanshu_pathak[> * Yup now it is 7pm mostly I forgot about sunday meetup today I set a calender task for it
< sakshamb189[m]> yup I think that should be fine.
< sakshamb189[m]> How far are you with the implementation?
< himanshu_pathak[> <sakshamb189[m] "How far are you with the impleme"> First I am working on RBM code So that I can use it as a layer that's I was trying to remove r-value reference.
< himanshu_pathak[> <himanshu_pathak[ "First I am working on RBM code S"> But was facing errors in it but zoq
< himanshu_pathak[> clerified it I will try to use suggestion
< himanshu_pathak[> So, today I will write weekly blog and during this week I will try to complete my DBN pr
< sakshamb189[m]> alright sure sounds good and remember to share your blog here as well.
< himanshu_pathak[> sakshamb189: Yup , I will share it.
< sakshamb189[m]> Is there anything else we need to discuss?
< himanshu_pathak[> No if I got stuck I will ask.
< sakshamb189[m]> alright sure then we can meet next week. have a nice week ahead!
< himanshu_pathak[> Yup have a nice week ahead:)
< walragatver[m]> jeffin143: birm: Currently I don't have anything to discuss. I will keep giving reviews to you.
< jeffin143[m]> walragatver: ok
< birm[m]> Jeffin143: Please let me know as always if there's anything you would like me to look at or help with. :)
< jeffin143[m]> Nothing Brim :)
< jeffin143[m]> I am keeping litle unwell during these days
< jeffin143[m]> So tadd down a bit
< jeffin143[m]> Rest everything is good :)
< jeffin143[m]> coming up with 2 pr , that are so huge
< jeffin143[m]> Excited to see those merged :)
< jeffin143[m]> Yashwant Singh Parihar (Gitter) got so use to bindings that now he can come up with any bindings
ImQ009 has quit [Quit: Leaving]
< rcurtin> jeffin143[m]: hope you feel better!
< rcurtin> Yashwant's PR is really huge but we've been reviewing it piece-by-piece in his mlpack fork, so it should hopefully go quick to get it merged now
< rcurtin> certainly much quicker than the Go bindings :-D
< rcurtin> most of the holdup there was me trying to find time to learn enough Go to review them well... :)
< shrit[m]> rcurtin: Hope you are fine !,
< shrit[m]> Feel free to review my pull requests, I will have a low bandwidth in the next two days. I will keep up on wedensday.
< rcurtin> shrit[m]: definitely, that is what I am doing right now :)
< rcurtin> there is a lot to review :-O
< rcurtin> but I will get through it :)
< rcurtin> I just got the cereal branch to compile both mlpack_test and mlpack_catch_test... it took a little while but it worked with some minor modifications
< rcurtin> now let's see if it passes all the tests :)
< rcurtin> (I'll try to do some debugging if not)