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< skrpl[m]> Hi everyone, I want to contribute to mlpack, and I started by building the source code. I want to go through the code to get myself acquainted with it. So, can anyone share how you have configured your development environment (IDE/text editor)? I am bit new to c++ projects. Thank you 😀
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< shrit[m]> No locals.
< shrit[m]> filename=..., linenum=23, tl=boost::testtools::ttdetail::REQUIRE, ct=boost::testtools::ttdetail::CHECKEQUAL, arg0=<error reading variable>, arg0descr=0x55555ac8dd9d "x.n_rows",
< shrit[m]> 3 0x0000555558da9403 in boost::testtools::ttdetail::checkfrwd<boost::testtools::ttdetail::equalimplfrwd, unsigned long long, unsigned long long> (P=..., assertiondescr=...,
< shrit[m]> arg1=<error reading variable>, arg1descr=0x55555ac8dd91 "xmlX.nrows") at /usr/include/boost/test/tools/old/impl.hpp:92
< shrit[m]> I think it is reading an error value when trying to deserialize
< shrit[m]> But still not able to see why
< shrit[m]> The x.n_rows is read without any issue. However xmlx.nrows is not read properly
< shrit[m]> I am not sure if it is the array_wrapper, otherwise the error should be related to all tests that are using this wrapper. However in this case, the error is only in BinarySpaceTreeTest
< zoq> skrpl[m]: Hello there, I think a lot of devs use Visual Studio Code, that should allow you to open a CMake project.
< zoq> skrpl[m]: Some of us the command line tools to build and test mlpack.
< R-Aravind[m]> what does the backward method in the loss function do? what is the expected output
< R-Aravind[m]> skrpl: I use VS Code and a few C++ helper extensions.
< anjishnu[m]> <R-Aravind[m] " what does "> If the loss function is L=f(x), the Backward() will calculate dL/dx and then return either the sum or mean of that across all output units, depending on the chosen reduction parameter.
< R-Aravind[m]> Okay. Thank you
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< rcurtin> shrit[m]: sorry for the slow response, I went for a hike today; you should be able to either use the `bt` command in gdb to find the stack frame that is most useful for debugging and then use, e.g., `frame 5` and then inspect variables
< rcurtin> alternately, you can debug by adding `cout << ...` statements to the serialize() functions, which can also be helpful