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< rcurtin> thanks!
< zoq> rcurtin: I guess you have an answer for the first comment.
< rcurtin> zoq: yeah, let me answer that on github
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< nishantkr18[m]> "Arijit Roy (Gitter)" ( Hello, checkout for a starting point.
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< shrit[m]> (gdb) bt full
< shrit[m]> 0x000055555a35a0e8 in mlpack::tree::RectangleTree<mlpack::metric::LMetric<2, true>, mlpack::tree::EmptyStatistic, arma::Mat<double>, mlpack::tree::RTreeSplit, mlpack::tree::RTreeDescentHeuri
< shrit[m]> stic, mlpack::tree::NoAuxiliaryInformation>::serialize<cereal::JSONOutputArchive> (this=0x7fffffffabc0, ar=...)
< shrit[m]> 1465 node->dataset = dataset;
< shrit[m]> at /meta/mlpack/src/mlpack/core/tree/rectangletree/rectangletree_impl.hpp:1465
< shrit[m]> Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
< shrit[m]> at /meta/mlpack/src/mlpack/core/tree/rectangletree/rectangletree_impl.hpp:1465
< shrit[m]> euristic, mlpack::tree::NoAuxiliaryInformation>::serialize<cereal::JSONOutputArchive> (this=0x7fffffffabc0, ar=...)
< shrit[m]> node = 0x0
< shrit[m]> #0 0x000055555a35a0e8 in mlpack::tree::RectangleTree<mlpack::metric::LMetric<2, true>, mlpack::tree::EmptyStatistic, arma::Mat<double>, mlpack::tree::RTreeSplit, mlpack::tree::RTreeDescentH
< shrit[m]> @rcurtin On of the element in the stack that we have just added is a null pointer, this is the reason for the segmentation fault when I run the test for RectangleTree
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< nishantkr18[m]> Dear community, here is my last blog for GSoC'20. I hope you like it. This summer has been a delight working with you 🙂
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< jeffin> walragatver[m] : Can we have a quick cycle of review on histogram PR, I think it is very close to get merged
< jeffin> If we can get that out of the window, by EOW we can close Callback pr too
< jeffin> Thanks
< rcurtin> shrit[m]: I see, have you figured out why a null pointer is being serialized?
< rcurtin> nishantkr18[m]: cool videos, it looks like QWOP :)
< shrit[m]> I am sure it is the dataset, the error is even produced before the serialization
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< zoq> nishantkr18[m]: I already said this on the mail, but thanks for another fantastic update, well done.
< shrit[m]> @rcurtin the NCAMainTest is still in infinte loop since we had our meeting, I think there is an issue inside this test too
< rcurtin> shrit[m]: you could use gdb to ctrl+c in the middle of the infinite loop and see where it's stuck
< nishantkr18[m]> <rcurtin "nishantkr18: cool videos, it loo"> Thanks Ryan. Yeah it does 😄
< nishantkr18[m]> <zoq "nishantkr18: I already said this"> 😁
< shrit[m]> bool is_loading()
< shrit[m]> template<typename Archive>
< shrit[m]> #if CEREALVERSIONMAJOR > 1 ||
< shrit[m]> {
< shrit[m]> return Archive::is_loading::value;
< shrit[m]> #else
< shrit[m]> // Archive::isloading is not implemented yet, so we can use std::issame<> to check if it is a loading archive.
< shrit[m]> return std::is_same<Archive, cereal::BinaryInputArchive>::value ||
< shrit[m]> sorry worng post
< shrit[m]> 2%] Building CXX object src/mlpack/CMakeFiles/mlpack.dir/methods/quicsvd/quicsvd.cpp.o
< shrit[m]> ude/stb -I/meta/mlpack/build/src/mlpack/.. -Wall -Wextra -ftemplate-depth=1000 -Wno-unused-function -g -O0 -ftemplate-backtrace-limit=0 -rdynamic -pg -fopenmp -fPIC -Winvalid-pch -include
< shrit[m]> cd /meta/mlpack/build/src/mlpack && /usr/bin/c++ -DBOOSTTESTDYNLINK -DDEBUG -DHASBFDDL -DHASOPENMP -DHASSTB -DMLPACKGITVERSION -DmlpackEXPORTS -I/meta/mlpack/src -I/usr/local/incl
< shrit[m]> /meta/mlpack/build/src/mlpack/cotire/mlpackCXXprefix.hxx -std=gnu++11 -o CMakeFiles/mlpack.dir/methods/quicsvd/quicsvd.cpp.o -c /meta/mlpack/src/mlpack/methods/quicsvd/quicsvd.cpp
< shrit[m]> from /meta/mlpack/build/src/mlpack/cotire/mlpackCXXprefix.cxx:4,
< shrit[m]> In file included from /meta/mlpack/src/mlpack/prereqs.hpp:81,
< shrit[m]> from /meta/mlpack/build/src/mlpack/cotire/mlpackCXXprefix.hxx:4:
< shrit[m]> /meta/mlpack/src/mlpack/core/cereal/isloading.hpp: In instantiation of ‘bool cereal::isloading() [with Archive = mlpack::tree::CoverTree<mlpack::metric::IPMetric<mlpack::kernel::LinearKern
< shrit[m]> Interesting weechat having issues sending long lines
< shrit[m]> @rucrtin I will post the problem I am having on github considering the is_loading we have added
< rcurtin> sure, like I said, probably there might be some debugging you need to do
< rcurtin> my implementation was basically just a guess :)
< shrit[m]> I have changed the implementation to access a value directly within inside a struct, such as cereal::is_loading::value in which I replaced the return by the value, but I got an error of accessing non static member value
< rcurtin> I responded with a comment on the PR
< kartikdutt18[m]> Hey sakshamb189 , Great, I'm also pretty much done with the YOLO PR as well. I'll ping you once more with these changes.
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< shrit[m]> @rcurtin The Archive is const arma::Mat<double>
< shrit[m]> I think as you said we nee a SFINAE here.
< shrit[m]> need*
< rcurtin> shrit[m]: right, maybe it is choosing the wrong constructor for some reason; I am not sure why though