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rcurtin has joined #mlpack
< rcurtin>
< rcurtin> hmm, not sure what happened with that last message, but in any case, I have back online now with a new IP
< rcurtin> updating DNS now...
jenkins-mlpack2 has joined #mlpack
< rcurtin> okay... things coming back online little by little
< rcurtin> DNS is updated now, so over the next ~2-3 hours local DNS caches should flush, etc., and should become accessible again
< zoq> nice, what is the situation down there, are they super busy getting everything back up?
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skrpl[m] has joined #mlpack
< jeffin143[m]> zoq : are you awake
< rcurtin> zoq: so, actually there were not too many people down there; I think the majority of activity happened yesterday
< rcurtin> unfortunately, they did not call me with information for quite a long time---I think they prioritized me very low, since I am such a "small" customer, just a 1U for $45/month
< rcurtin> I think most of their customers are renting much more space than that
< rcurtin> it appears that the chain of events is rather complicated
< rcurtin> first, the owner of this hosting company died last October; the company then filed for bankruptcy in February
< rcurtin> (irritatingly, they did not notify their customers---or at least not me---that any of this was happening; they only told me that they were closing a datacenter and needed to move my server, which happened in late February)
< rcurtin> someone invested in the company to keep it afloat, though, so the datacenter remained online
< rcurtin> however, as part of the bankruptcy proceedings, it seems that the ARIN IP block allocation was part of the property of the company, but this block allocation was not properly accounted for (an administrative / lawyer error I guess? I don't have enough information)
< rcurtin> that meant that the hosting company did know that ARIN was going to change their IP block allocation, but, apparently did not act on it or get plans in place---or communicate with ARIN about when it would happen?
< rcurtin> so, ARIN made the changes yesterday afternoon, and it apparently caught the entire company by surprise---even though they knew it was going to happen sooner or later
ImQ009 has quit [Quit: Leaving]
< rcurtin> overall, it's a complex story, but it highlights a very dysfunctional company. I still need to see if my SLA was violated so I can get out of the contract, but at least, if they don't make immediate changes to their monitoring and reporting system, I think I will not renew my contract when it expires in August 2021
< shrit[m]> rcurtin is there a different way to get out of the contract?
< shrit[m]> to be more clear, are not you free to get out of the contract whenever you want?
< rcurtin> shrit[m]: it depends; I actually can't access the contract because their website is down :-D
< rcurtin> if they violated the SLA, which they probably did, I should be able to terminate the contract
< rcurtin> SLAs typically ensure some level like 99.999% uptime or something like this; I'm not sure what exactly my contract is, but 21 hours downtime for any reason during the course of a year is already 99.996%
< rcurtin> it looks like my backup MX is still not resolving right, so it may still be some while longer before the mlpack lists start posting the stuff from the past day
< shrit[m]> rcurtin: While it is very hard for this company to achieve 5 nines.
< shrit[m]> They will lose all their customers is they are not able to achieve it
< shrit[m]> I was just wondering, if mlpack can get our own IP from ARIN, I am not sure if the entire earth are attached to ISP's
< zoq> jeffin143[m]: yes
< zoq> rcurtin: Sounds like sooner or later you have to change to a new colo anyway.
< zoq> $45/month sounds like a good price
< shrit[m]> @zoq agreed, this is my electricity bill
< shrit[m]> A computer will never consume 45$/month in term of KW in any country, even it is running 24 7/7
< zoq> I guess in the US the prive for kW/h is low as compared to other countries, or I guess that depends on the state as well.
< zoq> For example I pay like 30 cents per kW/h.
< shrit[m]> zoq: this is expensive, this is the double price what we have here in France
< zoq> shrit[m]: Agreed, I had a similar discussion last Friday with a Canadian fellow, and he told me he pays 8 cents.
< shrit[m]> For 8 cents (euro) This is the price EDF will buy electricity if I install solar panel on my home and I supply the network with the plus I do not use
< zoq> That's in US $
< shrit[m]> I think one start a cloud server company in Ethiopia, depending on their electricity price.
< zoq> jeffin143[m]: Just restarted #15, looks like it failed because it couldn't download the stb header.
< zoq> Not sure maybe a good idea to try another source to download stb if the first one failed.
< shrit[m]> Most universities, for example have their own IP address, DNS servers and everything, they are only connected to a set of backend routers to connect to the internet and that's it.
< sreenik[m]> Just for comparison I did a quick but highly approximate calculation for the cost of electricity via a diesel generator. Turns out to be around $0.2 / kWh
< zoq> shrit[m]: I guess you still want to have good network connections to the important internet exchanges like AMS-IX, Telia, Google etc.
< zoq> sreenik[m]: What was price for one liter diesel?
< sreenik[m]> I took it as $1/litre
< sreenik[m]> In India the dollar conversion and diesel rate is somewhat the same but it would vary across countries
< zoq> sreenik[m]: Currently I have to pay 1.44 USD for one liter.
< shrit[m]> Same as here
< rcurtin> zoq: shrit[m]: yeah, if I wanted to put it in my house I would pay probably 9-10 cents USD / kWh, or less than $5/month if I am doing my math right for a 700W server
< sreenik[m]> Ohh, I didn't know the cross-market variance of diesel could be so much
< rcurtin> but the networking situation would be much less good. I just tested the connection of, I was able to achieve basically 1 Gbps speeds... I get nothing like that at home
< rcurtin> the bandwidth deal is good too---they track my bandwidth usage hourly, and I only pay any overage if the 95th percentile hourly usage is above 5 Mbps
< rcurtin> this means that basically I can spend 4.9% of the month maxing out the connection if I wanted :)
< sreenik[m]> rcurtin: I was seeing memes on Comcast the other day. Is that the one you have at home? :(
< rcurtin> I've never hit the bandwidth limit though
< rcurtin> yeah, I use comcast, it's garbage but I have no choice :)
< shrit[m]> rcurtin: because you are attached to comcast, If you were your own provider the network speed will be the same as the one in network card
< rcurtin> exactly
< shrit[m]> I have 100Mb in home, I can be a provider for 20 home in the US
< rcurtin> the comcast service isn't the worst in the world; it's mostly reliable, but they just like the raise the prices all the time without making the service any better
< rcurtin> 100Mb... hah... not here, even though I think I supposedly pay for 100Mb
< sreenik[m]> rcurtin: Yeah, I remember your rant on the video chat that day :)
< rcurtin> hehe
< shrit[m]> @rcurtin Do you have 10Mb in the two directions? upload and download?
< rcurtin> I just ran a speedtest, it claims 120Mbps download / 6 Mbps upload
< rcurtin> but... the 120Mbps download never sustains---I think the Comcast sets it so that it starts throttling, but only after the size of whatever is sent by :)
< sreenik[m]> Just like people invest in shares, I wonder if there's some loophole to exploit the difference in bandwidth/price among countries
< rcurtin> ha
< rcurtin> "bandwidth arbitrage"
< sreenik[m]> Haha, that's a cool phrase. I bet some startup is actually racking their brains out thinking about this (either this or someone has miserably failed in this and hence it is not pursued anymore)
< shrit[m]> sreenik[m]: Well I thought about that in Europe. For example, 4G now is extremely cheap in France, So you can go rooming with different countries in europe while having up to 10GB download or even more depending on the operator
< sreenik[m]> shrit[m]: Maybe you can give it a more practical shape in some time. I'm hoping to see shrit[m].inc come up soon :)
< rcurtin> ok, the backup MX for has finally flushed the old DNS entry, so I think now lots of old mlpack-git messages will come through
< rcurtin> also, I'm going to pronounce the build node 'scott' dead... it mysteriously dies every time a job tries to run on it, so I'm just going to turn it off for good
< rcurtin> given how old it was, it wasn't very useful anyway