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< HimanshuPathakGi> Hey, @saksham189 are you there I want to discuss some problems about the RBFN
< saksham189Gitter> yes I am here
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< HimanshuPathakGi> So the problem with training RBFN with K-means clustering is that
< HimanshuPathakGi> We need to train our weights with least square regression
< HimanshuPathakGi> Weights of linear layer
< saksham189Gitter> I think we could use gradient descent
< saksham189Gitter> (edited) ... gradient descent => ... gradient descent shouldn't make much difference
< saksham189Gitter> (edited) ... much difference => ... much difference or any other optimization method.
< HimanshuPathakGi> Gradient descent is not working I think because
< HimanshuPathakGi> It is not giving better predictions
< saksham189Gitter> Hmm. I don't think I understand what you are trying to say.
< HimanshuPathakGi> So we need to train our rbf layer also with gradient descent
< HimanshuPathakGi> To get better prediction
< saksham189Gitter> In the paper we are referencing they are not using gradient descent only k-means for the rbf layer
< HimanshuPathakGi> Yeah, also they are training their linear weights with least square regression
< saksham189Gitter> Also they report very low classification error on the MNSIT dataset.
< HimanshuPathakGi> That's why I'm thinking we need to change our plan
< saksham189Gitter> No, they mention using least-square for SVM not for the k-means rfb
< saksham189Gitter> (edited) No, they ... => I think they ...
< saksham189Gitter> I think we should check the implementation once
< HimanshuPathakGi> Because @zoq was also saying that is getting classification error of 0.304 is not that good with small dataset of 9 and4s
< saksham189Gitter> If you want to do least squares regression then you can use `mean_squared_error` with gradient descent
< saksham189Gitter> (edited) ... `mean_squared_error` with ... => ... `mean_squared_error` loss function with ...
< HimanshuPathakGi> That I Think might help
< saksham189Gitter> > Because @zoq was also saying that is getting classification error of 0.304 is not that good with small dataset of 9 and4s
< saksham189Gitter> Yes its pretty bad. They report a classification error of 3.3 % only with k-means RBF.
< saksham189Gitter> I will try to take a look on your PR.
< HimanshuPathakGi> Also they are using constant values of t
< HimanshuPathakGi> I also tried that but this was only increasing the classification error
< HimanshuPathakGi> I think my pr is not in that good shape I was just experimenting some things
< saksham189Gitter> alright no worries. I think we should remove the gradient and stick to the k-means approach. I am pretty sure we can make it work.
< HimanshuPathakGi> Yeah I will try mean_squared_error
< HimanshuPathakGi> I think it might work
< HimanshuPathakGi> I will update my pr till 6pm
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< jeffinsamGitter[> @walragatver @birm :
< jeffinsamGitter[> @zoq : there is some issue it isn't rendering things properly between `` !! Under the whole workflow line
< zoq> jeffinsamGitter[: Do you mean: fw = FileWriter(logdir='./logs')?
< zoq> averything after that in that section
< zoq> everything
< zoq> Maybe -> fw = FileWriter(logdir="./logs") works
< jeffin143[m]> Yes I see inverted comman
< jeffin143[m]> I guess you are right
< zoq> jeffinsamGitter[: I really like the post, also glanced over really helpful.
< kartikdutt18[m]> Hey everyone, Just wanted to share the link to my weekly update. Kindly let me know what you think. [Link]( Regards.
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< zoq> kartikdutt18[m]: I really liked the YOLOv4 paper.
< zoq> kartikdutt18[m]: Also have you seen: one of the best intros
< kartikdutt18[m]> Maybe after everything is done, we could add that too.
< zoq> kartikdutt18[m]: The downloader tutorial looks great, we could integrate that into the website.
< kartikdutt18[m]> Ahh great, Just looked at the intro, it's amazing. Have you heard "A moment apart" album by them?
< zoq> Playing it right now :)
< kartikdutt18[m]> :)
< jeffin143[m]> > kartikdutt18: The downloader tutorial looks great, we could integrate that into the website.
< jeffin143[m]> Where is the downloader tutorial ?
< jeffin143[m]> Thanks :)
< RyanBirminghamGi> jeffin143: thanks for the update!
< favre49> Great updates everyone, looking forward to reading more blogs
< favre49> Finally got a second monitor today, now I can't believe I've lived without it this long :)
< nishantkr18[m]> <favre49 "Finally got a second monitor tod"> Nice!
< nishantkr18[m]> Btw, favre49 could u have a look here?
< favre49> Dropped a comment on the PR, I'm unable to build your branch
< nishantkr18[m]> Hmm.. Let me have a look now.. thanks
< nishantkr18[m]> I'm just not sure how to copy over a FFN properly (which has Concat and sequential layers added to it)
< favre49> Hmm I don't know as much about that, maybe zoq can shed some light on it, or I'll look into it as early as I can tomorrow morning
< nishantkr18[m]> Alright, Thanks :)
< KimSangYeon-DGU[> <kartikdutt18[m] "Hey everyone, Just wanted to sha"> Wow, great blog :)
< kartikdutt18[m]> Thanks a lot :)
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< jenkins-mlpack2> Project mlpack - git commit test build #427: FAILURE in 43 min:
< rcurtin> zoq: I think polar needs 'dot' installed :)
< rcurtin> jeffin143[m]: RyanBirminghamGi: walragatver[m]: let me know if you want me to set up mlpack-bot on the mlboard repo; I figure I will add it to gitdub (so commits/issue comments/PRs go to the mlpack-git mailing list)
< jeffin143[m]> Yes that may be good , I guess for thos people who would be following the project
< zoq> rcurtin: Is there a debian package?
< rcurtin> zoq: yeah, should be graphviz I think?
< zoq> rcurtin: I guess graphviz
< zoq> yes
< zoq> rcurtin: Was that for the doxygen build?
< rcurtin> looks like just the regular build---I think it builds the `doc` target too
< rcurtin> (since doxygen is installed)
< rcurtin> I suppose it would be no issue to disable that option
< zoq> ahh the 'git commit' job
< zoq> thought this only runs on master
< zoq> anyway installed on both nodes
< rcurtin> awesome, thanks :)
< rcurtin> someday we will get our build troubles resolved :)
< rcurtin> ...and it will probably work for two months and then we'll have more... :-D
< zoq> :D
< rcurtin> thinking of builds, I got an update about dealgood (the one hosted by GT, not by Symantec)
< rcurtin> it looks like the external RAID device that mounts /home is borked
< rcurtin> so, I think we'll just remove it (it's not like disk space was that useful anyway)
< rcurtin> however, it might be a few weeks until someone goes back to campus and can work on it
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< shrit[m]> rcurtin Do we need to keep compatibility for version 0 for mlpack?
< rcurtin> shrit[m]: definitely not, that was 2010 and earlier :-D
< shrit[m]> great, did you had a chance to see me email?
< rcurtin> if you find things in the code that exist for such ancient compatibility, I would say it's ok to remove them
< rcurtin> yeah, actually it is next on my list after responding to ensmallen#165, which I just did :-D
< rcurtin> I don't mean to distract you from GSoC with with ensmallen#165, so, there is surely no priority on it
< shrit[m]> Ok, no hurries, I am just checking delivery, since my domain name is not accepted in outlook and yahoo
< rcurtin> I know the feeling, it takes a lot of DNS fighting to get everything right
< shrit[m]> I thought of services like sendgrid and mailjet, they never worked for me.
< rcurtin> shrit[m]: responded, hopefully I didn't write too much :)
< rcurtin> I was compiled with the VERBOSE flag enabled, unfortunately
< rcurtin> :)
< shrit[m]> The issue is that outlook does not respect the rfc's and standards, and everyone using them
< shrit[m]> Thanks
< shrit[m]> For 21 mb knn file and the functions name these are just requirement for the profiler
< shrit[m]> I need to profile with debug symbols, otherwise the profiler does not give much of a data
< shrit[m]> I like verbose mode, this will provides much of ideas
< rcurtin> :)
< rcurtin> yeah, I figured that the debugging symbols were necessary just for the trace
< shrit[m]> Look what they wrote on the uclibc++ at the end of the page These guy are truly suffering
< jeffin143[m]> shrit : which time zone are you in ?
< rcurtin> shrit[m]: ha! :-D
< rcurtin> it looks like maybe development has stopped?
< rcurtin> well, maybe not:
< rcurtin> but certainly I think this was dormant for very many years
< rcurtin> it might be proceeding faster than bandicoot :-O
< rcurtin> :)
< shrit[m]> jeffin143 I am in France, CET
< shrit[m]> I am not sure they are faster than bandicoot
< rcurtin> hehe. I suppose. but I've been talking about bandicoot for easily six years and no MVP yet :)
< shrit[m]> It has been more than 6 months and not even a commit
< shrit[m]> You might be right, the developement has stopped for a library still in a alpha
< rcurtin> yeah, perhaps it is not worth pursuing then
< shrit[m]> Even for number of lines, they modified less than 2K lines in 10 years
< rcurtin> not very promising---sounds like the person leading the effort moved on